Eclipse without update sites? - eclipse

I just downloaded the "Java" and the "Classic" version of Eclipse 3.7 Indigo and in both cases there are no default update sites like the one from Indigo itself. What could have gone wrong here?

The Classic Eclipse SDK (that includes PDE and JDT) comes with the update sites pre-populated. But if you can't see them, you can add them:

try to start eclipse as administrator, this works for me. Then all update sites were available.
without administrator start, no sites or only the two i added manually.
Also fixes the problem: ‘Missing requirement: Shared profile

Maybe you are re-using an existing workspace. Try to switch workspace, and set a non-existing folder. In that case, default settings should kick in.


how to add tomcat in eclipse luna

I tried answers in this thread, but it doesn't work.
I checked that I do have JST Server Adapters and the extensions installed, but when I go to Window/Preferences/Server/Runtime Enviroments and click "add", the selections are still not there. Could there be a conflict or I should somehow configure Eclipse? Or is it possible to add manually, what folder should I look for? I installed tomcat8 and also downloaded the .zip, but neither folder is correct.
Eclipse Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1), and I'm using windows 7.
It seems that now nothing is correct about Eclipse, I installed plugin like AWS toolkit, but it's also nowhere to be found. Now often install new plugin or even update will likely to fail because either of lack of a dependency or can no be found in repository.
Thanks a lot.
There is a link on that preferences page called "Download additional server adapters". Have you tried that, too?

Is there some way to uninstall plugins for Eclipse Juno?

Every question dealing with uninstalling/disabling plugins for Eclipse Juno mentions an Uninstall button but I simply can't find it and Eclipse's help for Juno is sadly no help.
Has this ability been eliminated or omitted or is it in some place different for Juno?
The Uninstall... button is available from the About Eclipse dialog. From that dialog click Installation Details and it's under the Installed Software tab. This typically is only available for features, not plugins. If you can find the appropriate feature that contains the plugins you want to eliminate, that should do the trick for you.
If you are unsure of the feature containing the plugin, you can attempt to go the Installation History tab in the Installation Details window and try to Revert to a previous version of Eclipse that didn't have the plugins.
Finally, you can always manually go into your Eclipse installation folder under the plugins directory and remove them manually. This will sometimes require that you run eclipse -clean from your command line/terminal to truly get rid of the plugin. This is probably the most error prone approach as you could cause problems with features/plugins that may depend on the removed plugins.

Eclipse sharing plugins between workspaces

I usually have a different workspace for each project that I work on (perl, java, PHP, etc.). Sometimes, I find a common new plugin (say EGIT) and install it , but it doesn't show up automatically in the other workspaces. Is there some setting in eclipse where I can enable this? I am using Indigo SR2.
P.S.: I know we have working sets within workspaces to help re-use the same workspace, but sometimes it is easier to manage projects when in separate workspaces.
If you are using the same Eclipse installation, each plug-in that you install will be available in all workspaces. You can see the list of installed plug-ins by selecting Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details
From Eclipse Indigo onwards, there is a way to import installations which makes it available across workspaces.
To go with rgerganov's answer:
For certain plugins, although they're installed and available to all workspaces for a given Eclipse installation, they may need to be individually configured within each workspace.
An example of this is the Checkstyle plugin where you need to specify the configuration to use, and enable it for each project within the workspace. This may also be the case for EGit.
For now, I had to use the trick mentioned in here of copying the relevant prefs files from one of the workspace directory to the new workspace directory followed by an eclipse restart to get the plugins enabled. Others feel free to edit if you see a better way.

Cannot find installed plugin on my Eclipse IDE after update

I have updated my ubuntu desktop and the eclipse which i was running on the system got updated automatically. After the update all the options inside the eclipse are the same as they used to be by default.. all my customization has been lost and the perspectives, project templates are no more. Now when i tried to installed the plugins, eclipse returns me that the selected plugins has already been installed..
I want to know is it common with eclipse to show this behavior after each update? How to can i get back my old customization without deleting the installed plugin folder and install them from scratch again..
I didn't met the issue you mentioned before. but I suggest you can check whether your workspace location is changed after your plugin is installed/updated.
Actually, all your eclipse plugins configuration/preferences settings are stored into your {workspace_home}.metadata folder. it's not relevant about what plugin eclipse has installed, That's the reason why each time switch workspace, you need to re-customized preferences settings.
So, if you want to protect customized settings, pls consider backup .metadata folder properly.

How to update Eclipse from 3.4 (Ganymede) to 3.5 (Galileo)?

I've got my Eclipse 3.4 envirnoment set up nice and cozy the way I like it. Took me some time too, to find all the plugins (Mylin, PDT, Subclipse), set all the settings, etc. Now I see that some of the plugins (like PDT) only support 3.5 in their latest versions.
Is it possible to update from 3.4 to 3.5? I'd hate to do it all again.
I read in some mailing list where they noted that it's possible, but the conversation trailed off in another direction. Google wasn't much help, and Eclipse's documentation either.
All of your settings are actually stored as part of your workspace. So you could do a fresh install of the latest version of Eclipse, add the extra plugins that you want (many of which will have newer versions for Eclipse 3.5) and when you launch, just make sure you point to your old workspace.
Help -> Software Updates... -> Available Software tab -> Add Site...
Enter the update site for the Galileo (3.5) release train:
Now go back to the Installed Software tab and click the Update... button.
After some computation you should be presented with a list of available updates (or some cryptic errors about how your current environment cannot be updated due to compatibility issues).
This is what I did.
1.- My workspace was in c:\Users\me\workspace.
I copied this folder to c:\users\me\eclipse\workspace-3.4 and to c:\users\me\eclipse\workspace-3.5
So now I have twice the same, just with different names.
2.- Extracted to C:\program files\eclipse-SDK-3.5-win32
3.- Run Eclipse 3.4 and changed the workspace from c:\Users\me\workspace to c:\users\me\eclipse\workspace-3.4. Then I closed Eclipse.
4.- Run Eclipse 3.5 and selected c:\users\me\eclipse\workspace-3.5 as the workspace location (you can also use the -data argument I think).
5.- Downloaded and installed the PDT plugin (I develop in PHP).
And "Voila", now I'm able to run Eclipse 3.4 and 3.5.
BTW, even if I had to install the PDT plug in, I didn't had to touch the configuration. It took the former one from the workspace folder.
There is some information at, look in Workbench User Guide\Tasks\Upgrading Eclipse.