Is there some way to uninstall plugins for Eclipse Juno? - eclipse

Every question dealing with uninstalling/disabling plugins for Eclipse Juno mentions an Uninstall button but I simply can't find it and Eclipse's help for Juno is sadly no help.
Has this ability been eliminated or omitted or is it in some place different for Juno?

The Uninstall... button is available from the About Eclipse dialog. From that dialog click Installation Details and it's under the Installed Software tab. This typically is only available for features, not plugins. If you can find the appropriate feature that contains the plugins you want to eliminate, that should do the trick for you.
If you are unsure of the feature containing the plugin, you can attempt to go the Installation History tab in the Installation Details window and try to Revert to a previous version of Eclipse that didn't have the plugins.
Finally, you can always manually go into your Eclipse installation folder under the plugins directory and remove them manually. This will sometimes require that you run eclipse -clean from your command line/terminal to truly get rid of the plugin. This is probably the most error prone approach as you could cause problems with features/plugins that may depend on the removed plugins.


How to upgrade only two eclipse plugin

Eclipse has its own built-in Java compiler. Because my eclipse is old, there are some bugs in the compiler, which blocks my works currently.
At the beginning, I tried use Help>Check for updates. This fails and upgrade does not continue because of some plugin is installed locally and the failure of checking these local directory results in exit of whole upgrade.
No repository found at file:/c:/J9%20Development%20Tools/j9dt-update-site/.
Therefore, is it possible to update only two or three plugins in Eclipse?
To remove the problematic local plugin:
Goto Help > Install New Software
Click on Available Software Sites
Uncheck the problematic item and click either Disable or Remove. Give OK.
Try updating
In recent versions of Eclipse (like Luna), you can selectively update the desired plugin.
Just go to Help > Installation Details
Select the plugin you want to update, and then click the Update... button.

How to uninstall the sysdeo plugin

Had some strange errors, described here: lost in deployment: session.getAttribute() returns NULL in some Tomcat configurations and been advised to remove the SysDeo plugin.
Googled on how to remove plugins in Eclipse 3.6, found the plugin in Eclipse Installation Details, still looking for some "uninstall/remove" button. Or should I just remove the files from some of the eclipse sub-folders (contrary to what is written in Eclipse tutorials) and it'll work?
Help->About>Installation details->Installed software tab
Click on the software that you want to unistall and the "uninstall" button becames enabled. Click that button to uninstall the software.
EDIT: In your comment you say that you installed the plugin by dropping it in the "dropins" folder. Well, according to this, the way to uninstall it would be to just delete it from the "dropins" folder and restart Eclipse.

Eclipse Plugin Installation

I want to install my pugine in eclipse without opening the eclipse. i have copied my plugin in plugin folder but by using this way i am not able to Uninstall plugin from eclise. When i am trying to uninstall plugin from "Eclipse Installation Detail" the Uninstall button is disable. i dont understand what is the proper way to install plugin without opening the eclipse. if is there any proper way then let me know.
In latest versions of Eclipse (since Eclipse 3.4), a new provisioning mechanism appeared. You should never make any modification yourself in the Eclipse filesystem. You have to use p2 for manipulating your Eclipse installation.
Refer to the following links, for a first step in this install mechanism:
To manipulate things without launching the Eclipse itself:
If you manualy copy the plug-in in your Eclipse folder, then you are responsible for removing it. Since you didn't go through the Eclipse install mechanism, Eclipse is lacking the metadata needed to uninstall it. It basically says: "I see it is there, but I don't know how it got there, so better not remove it."
check this out:

How do I stop the SVN window from opening on Eclipse startup?

As best as I know, I don't need the svn add-on, yet it keeps opening a window on eclipse startup asking for me to choose which svn I want to use. I close the window without cheking any options, and all is well. But this window is very annoying.
I think what has happened is that you have somehow installed the Subversive plugin (maybe it is included in your Eclipse distro by default somehow). The Subversive plugin requires an additional feature to be installed, and that feature is the actual SVN libraries to use. You have a choice of SVN libraries and that is what the dialog is likely asking you to install.
See here for a detailed description:
You have 2 choices:
Install a subversion connector and the dialog will never come up again. This will not harm your system and one day if you choose to use SVN, you will already have the plugin configured.
Uninstall subversive. Go to: Help -> About Eclipse -> Installation Details. Scroll down to the Subversive entries. Select them all and click "Uninstall".
Uninstall the addon.
Help → Install New Software → What is already installed? → [uninstall your SVN plugin here]
Sometimes even though you uninstall subversion, there are still some plugins related to SVN that remaining. You can see them in [Installation details -> Plugins].
Go to your eclipse installation folder (e.g. C:\Eclipse on windows, /Applications/Eclipse on Mac OS X) then plugins folder and remove every file starting with ""
You can see the list of the files that need to be removed from Plugins section of Installation details.
Try giving it a fake one and see if it goes away? :)

How do i remove m2eclipse from my eclipse installation?

I don't need m2eclipse to work properly, I just need to remove m2eclipse for now and let eclipse behave normally. how do i do this?
Two solutions:
Remove the plugin through the list of installed plugins
(the illustrations are from the blog post "Install Eclipse UI Form Editor" written by Albert ATTARD):
The "about eclipse" menu will give you access to the list of installed Software:
You can click on the right application (m2eclipse for you, Jiglo in this example), and click uninstall, and restart eclipse.
A safer solution would be first to install a new fresh copy of Eclipse, and add your existing plugins (except m2eclipse): if that fails, you still have your previous Eclipse installation untouched.
after doing what VonC suggested, goto the directory eclipse\plugins and search anything with m2e and remove it from the directory
also do the same for the eclipse\features directory.
then you won't be seeing any of the m2e things again.
i would have used m2e if it had a command line feature similar to
"mvn eclipse:clean" and "mvn eclipse:eclipse"
sadly their both incompatible with each other..
right now all i needed are those two command lines to get me up and running with eclipse just to browse and edit the code, etc..