Is it possible to put one UITableView over another UITableView in InterfaceBuilder? - iphone

I know I can use codes to add UITableView one by one.
[self.view addSubview:tableview1];//
[self.view addSubview:tableview2];//
I hope to do the same thing in InterfaceBuilder, when I drag one UITableView onto another one, the new one always pushes the old one to the bottom, rather than just stays over the old one of UITableView.
Welcome any comment

If you have a parent view that will contain your tableviews then you shouldn't have any problem. If you're trying to place them directly in a window then I could see a problem. If things aren't lining up the way you want you can always change their position via the Size Inspector or by nudging them with the arrow keys (shift-arrow key moves in 10 pixel increments).
Why anyone would want a tableview on top of another tableview escapes me.

Your parent view should be a subclass of uiviewcontroller and your xib should have the root view as a uiview and not uitableview.
I used two overlapping table views to show two different contents on the same view, which could be toggles using a segment switch. Apparently my client requirements were vague enough that I couldn't just filter out data like how the phone app displays all calls/missed calls list.


Newbie TableView challenges

I am building an app that requires a tableview control so that users can select multiple rows and act upon them in some way. I find it easy to load my data and display it using the UITableViewController but it seems when I do it this way I am unable to place any other controls on the page, such as a toolbar to give the user some actions to perform on the selected rows. I can place a toolbar control on the form in the storyboard, but it doesn't render in the emulator.
Using a UIViewController and placing a TableView on it seems to come with its own set of confusing challenges (that will make total sense once I conquer them).
Is there any advice for a smooth way of getting a table view with toolbar controls? Thanks!
don't use a TableViewController. Use a Standard ViewController, then add a UITableView to it, and adjust the size. This way you will be able to do whatever else you want on that view without limiting yourself to the tableView only functionality.
When you do this make sure you add the datasource and delegate to the connected table. Then add cellForRowAtIndex, number of sections, number of rows, and whatever other delegate methods you need for your table.
Good luck
Is there any advice for a smooth way of getting a table view with toolbar controls?
Yes there are few ways to accomplish this, one way would be adding a footerview to your tableviewcontroller check these
UIButtons on tableFooterView not responding to events
Easier way to add this is using storyboard.
Just drag and drop a view in to your tableviewcontroller, then you can adjust the views size and put anything from objects menu to inside of the view.
Now the problem with that is view will not be stable position at the bottom of the page like a tabbar. Lets say you have only 1 row in your tableview, footer view will go up just below that 1 row, lets say you have hundreds of items in your tableview toolbar will be at the bottom of the rows.
The other solutions for your problem would be either create a custom view and adding it to current view or window (this is little bit adbance),but if you want this just google it.
Or just as you said, create a viewcontroller and put a uitableview inside. Dont forget to add <UITableViewDelegate,UITableViewDataSource> to your .h file and then you can call UItableview delegate methods.\
Good Luck.

Group views in Interface Builder

Is there any way to move a group of views within another without grouping all in the center?
Here some images with the process.
1.- I have a view with separate subviews (labels, buttons, images...)
2.- I create a new view (that will contain all the subviews)
3.- Select all the subviews and put them in the new super view.
4.- When the subviews are in the new "super"view, all of them are centered and I need to relocate all.
I found a very nifty solution that you are not gonna believe .. !
I had a group of like 30 labels and buttons positioned pixel by pixel, so I HAD to, no matter what, move them while preserving their relative locations to each other.. Here is what I did:
Select all the views (labels, button, ... etc)
Editor -> Embed In -> View. (Now, they are in a view)
Move that view wherever you like. (Heck, you can even cut and paste it to a new NIB!)
Selected the view, Editor -> Unembed ! :D
I haven't read this anywhere, I came up with it yesterday .. Am 100% sure people somewhere have found this way before me, though.
It seems Xcode 4.5 renders this answer obsolete. Copy/Pasting a bunch of views now retains their relative locations to each other. Don't bother with this if you grew a habit on using it!
Actually, I think this answer is still viable!
You can make one view except xib's main view add that view contain all imageview,label in this view like below image. Assign IBoutlet to the the ViewInvoiceNumber and when set frame add subviews will move according that view like group.. But you have to enter all label,button,image view as subview of that view..
Hope, this will help you...

How to put AdWhirl-banner fixed above TabBar?

My app consists of a TabBar and several TableViews. I want to have the AdWhirl-banner fixed just above the TabBar (only in the first TableView), but thus far I have not been succeeding.
Until now, I have implemented the following code into my TableViewController:
AdWhirlView *adWhirlView = [AdWhirlView requestAdWhirlViewWithDelegate:self];
[self.tableView addSubview:adWhirlView]; = CGPointMake(160, 342);
And it indeed shows the Ad i want to see, only it is partly covered by a section header (from the TableView), and when scrolling the Ad scrolls along.
How can I achieve that the Ad is both on top (in terms of top view) and at a fixed spot (above the TabBar)?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You need to add it to the tabBar layer.
Try this:
[self.tabBarController.view addSubview:adWhirlView];
You may need to reposition it do it's not underneath the tabbar.
I also add a footer to the tables so they can be scrolled all the way up without the ad getting in the way.
You will likely need to create your own subclass of UIViewController, adding instances of both the AdWhirlView and UITableView to its view, either programatically, or in the nib file.
Anthoer, hackier way to do this would be to add the AdWhirlView as a header view in the existing table, but I'd opt for the first way. It will give you more control over how you want it to look and behave.
I'd think another alternative here would be to have a container UIView that contains both a UITTabBar which contains a UITableView. If you're on the right tab, you could just request an ad. If the request is successful, just shrink the tabbed view enough to make room for the ad at the top and insert it into the container UIView.

iOS - UITableView Pan Gestures

This may turn out to be 2 questions in one, but I believe solving the first will go most of the way to solving the second.
First, I have created a view in Interface Builder (I know!) and I load the xib file into my view controller in the app delegate. All of this runs smoothly and as expected.
The view consists of 3 table views, two of a similar size and one small one in a corner.
A cell is added to one table view a pan gesture is added to allow movement around the scene.
However, if a cell is moved from it's table view, it appears to go BEHIND the parent view, as per the screenshot below:
The grey line between the two tables is the gray background of the parent view. If the user still has his/her mitts on the cell, they can drag it into view but how can I make it so that all table views are on the same 'layer'?
I.e. so that dragging a cell from one table view to another with show the cell hovering over both views.
This leads me onto my second question, which I will not ask yet as I believe the solution to this will solve my current issue. but I will explain for further clarity.
In my pan gesture, I use a point inside check to see if the cell is within a table view, currently panning a cell from any table makes it print. It is almost like the views take up the whole screen, even though they are sized not to?
All ideas welcome! Thanks!
This was solved by listening for the cell leaving the bounds of the table view, when this happened, I transferred the cell across the table view that it has been dragged to, adding it to the bottom of the list.
Not the most elegant solution and you do lose the touch but it does work,

Moving and existing UI on a UIScrollView

I have some xibs with all sorts of text controls (UITextFields, UITextViews). Since the keyboard obscures some of these text controls when text input starts, I followed Apple's guideline for managing content located under the keyboard.
In short, the solution involves moving all interface elements on a UIScrollView. Doing it from Interface Builder I simply add a UIScrollView on the view, make it the size of the view, send it to back and link it's referencing outlet to the file's owner view property.
In IB this all looks fine, and the UI elements appear above the UIScrollView. However when I run the program, the UI elements are nowhere to be found. Their IBOutlets however seem to get initialized so it looks like they are actually constructed. I've tried to set the UIScrollView alpha to 0 to see if they are placed behind it but I still can't find them. New items that are added to the UIScrollView however, seem to work fine.
This leaves me with the not so great option of rebuilding all my xibs where I need to do this change. It kind of looks like an Interface Builder bug to me. What do you guys think?
Well I've found a solution. It goes like this:
Drag a UISCrollView in IB's main window (where we have the File's Owner and First Responder objects).
Rescale it to the size of the initial view
Drag and drop everything from the original view to the scroll view.
Link the scroll view's referencing outlet to the file's owner view property.
Delete the old view from IB's main window.
use tableview.contentOffset=CGPointMake(x,y);
I don't know if you really need a UIScrollView. See this question on SO it slides the parent view up.