Too many possible configurations in z3 using scala^z3 - scala

This is mainly a logic problem I guess...
I use this smtlib formula:
(declare-fun a () Bool)
(declare-fun b () Bool)
(declare-fun c () Bool)
(declare-fun d () Bool)
(assert (xor (and a (xor b c)) d))
Which is a term of this structure(in my opinion, at least):
| |
| |
| |
b c
My guess: The resultSet would look like this:
{ab, ac, d}
But its this using scala^z3 ctx.checkAndGetAllModels():
{ab, d, ac, ad, abcd}
Why is ad and abcd in there?
Is it possible to get only the results I would expect?

Using Scala (without Z3) to show that there are, in fact, more solutions to the constraint:
val tf = Seq(true, false)
val allValid =
for(a <- tf; b <- tf; c <- tf; d <- tf;
if((a && (b ^ c)) ^ d)) yield (
(if(a) "a" else "") + (if(b) "b" else "") +
(if(c) "c" else "") + (if(d) "d" else ""))
allValid.mkString("{ ", ", ", " }")
{ abcd, ab, ac, ad, bcd, bd, cd, d }
So unless I'm missing something, the question is, why does it not find all solutions? Now here is the answer to that one. (Spoiler alert: "getAllModels" doesn't really get all models.) First, let's reproduce what you observed:
import z3.scala._
val ctx = new Z3Context("MODEL" -> true)
val a = ctx.mkFreshConst("a", ctx.mkBoolSort)
val b = ctx.mkFreshConst("b", ctx.mkBoolSort)
val c = ctx.mkFreshConst("c", ctx.mkBoolSort)
val d = ctx.mkFreshConst("d", ctx.mkBoolSort)
val cstr0 = ctx.mkXor(b, c)
val cstr1 = ctx.mkAnd(a, cstr0)
val cstr2 = ctx.mkXor(cstr1, d)
Now, if I run: ctx.checkAndGetAllModels.foreach(println(_)), I get:
d!3 -> false
a!0 -> true
c!2 -> false
b!1 -> true
d!3 -> true // this model is problematic
a!0 -> false
d!3 -> false
a!0 -> true
c!2 -> true
b!1 -> false
d!3 -> true
a!0 -> true
c!2 -> false
b!1 -> false
d!3 -> true
a!0 -> true
c!2 -> true
b!1 -> true
Now, the problem is that the second model is an incomplete model. Z3 can return it, because whatever the values for b and c are, the constraint is satisfied (b and c are don't-care variables). The current implementation of checkAndGetAllModels simply negates the model to prevent repetition; in this case, it will ask for another model such that (not (and d (not a))) holds. This will prevent all other models with this two values from being returned. In a sense, the incomplete model actually represents four valid, completed, models.
By the way, what happens if you use the DSL of ScalaZ3 with the findAll function is that all models will be completed with default values when they are incomplete (and before they are used to compute the next one). In the context of the DSL we can do this, because we know the set of variables that appear in the formula. In this case, it's harder to guess how the model should be completed. One option would be for ScalaZ3 to remember which variables were used. A better solution would be for Z3 to have an option to always return values for don't-care variables, or perhaps simply to list all don't-care variables in a model.


Is there a function that transforms/maps both Either's Left and Right cases taking two transformation functions respectively?

I have not found a function in Scala or Haskell that can transform/map both Either's Left and Right cases taking two transformation functions at the same time, namely a function that is of the type
(A => C, B => D) => Either[C, D]
for Either[A, B] in Scala, or the type
(a -> c, b -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c d
in Haskell. In Scala, it would be equivalent to calling fold like this:
def mapLeftOrRight[A, B, C, D](e: Either[A, B], fa: A => C, fb: B => D): Either[C, D] =
e.fold(a => Left(fa(a)), b => Right(fb(b)))
Or in Haskell, it would be equivalent to calling either like this:
mapLeftOrRight :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c d
mapLeftOrRight fa fb = either (Left . fa) (Right . fb)
Does a function like this exist in the library? If not, I think something like this is quite practical, why do the language designers choose not to put it there?
Don't know about Scala, but Haskell has a search engine for type signatures. It doesn't give results for the one you wrote, but that's just because you take a tuple argument while Haskell functions are by convention curried†. -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c d does give matches, the most obvious being:
mapBoth :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> Either a b -> Either c d
...actually, even Google finds that, because the type variables happen to be exactly as you thought. (Hoogle also finds it if you write it (x -> y) -> (p -> q) -> Either x p -> Either y q.)
But actually, as Martijn said, this behaviour for Either is only a special case of a bifunctor, and indeed Hoogle also gives you the more general form, which is defined in the base library:
bimap :: Bifunctor p => (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p a c -> p b d
†TBH I'm a bit disappointed that Hoogle doesn't by itself figure out to curry the signature or to swap arguments. Pretty sure it actually used to do that automatically, but at some point they simplified the algorithm because with the huge number of libraries the time it took and number of results got out of hand.
Cats provides Bifunctor, for example
import cats.implicits._
val e: Either[String, Int] = Right(41)
e.bimap(e => s"boom: $e", v => 1 + v)
// res0: Either[String,Int] = Right(42)
The behaviour you are talking about is a bifunctor behaviour, and would commonly be called bimap. In Haskell, a bifunctor for either is available:
Apart from the fold you show, another implementation in scala would be
There isn't such a method in the scala stdlib, probably because it wasn't found useful or fundamental enough. I can somewhat relate to that: mapping both sides in one operation instead of mapping each side individually doesn't come across as fundamental or useful enough to warrant inclusion in the scala stdlib to me either. The bifunctor is available in Cats though.
In Haskell, the method exists on Either as mapBoth and BiFunctor is in base.
In Haskell, you can use Control.Arrow.(+++), which works on any ArrowChoice:
(+++) :: (ArrowChoice arr) => arr a b -> arr c d -> arr (Either a c) (Either b d)
infixr 2 +++
Specialised to the function arrow arr ~ (->), that is:
(+++) :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Either a c -> Either b d
Hoogle won’t find +++ if you search for the type specialised to functions, but you can find generalised operators like this by replacing -> in the signature you want with a type variable: x a c -> x b d -> x (Either a b) (Either c d).
An example of usage:
:: FilePath
-> Int
-> Int
-> [Either String Int]
-> [Either String String]
renderResults file line column
= fmap ((prefix ++) +++ show)
prefix = concat [file, ":", show line, ":", show column, ": error: "]
renderResults "test" 12 34 [Right 1, Left "beans", Right 2, Left "bears"]
[ Right "1"
, Left "test:12:34: error: beans"
, Right "2"
, Left "test:12:34: error: bears"
There is also the related operator Control.Arrow.(|||) which does not tag the result with Either:
(|||) :: arr a c -> a b c -> arr (Either a b) c
infixr 2 |||
Specialised to (->):
(|||) :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
assertRights :: [Either String a] -> [a]
assertRights = fmap (error ||| id)
sum $ assertRights [Right 1, Right 2]
sum $ assertRights [Right 1, Left "oh no"]
error "oh no"
(|||) is a generalisation of the either function in the Haskell Prelude for matching on Eithers. It’s used in the desugaring of if and case in arrow proc notation.

Coq: How to prove if statements involving strings?

I have a string a and on comparison with string b, if equals has an string c, else has string x. I know in the hypothesis that fun x <= fun c. How do I prove this below statement? fun is some function which takes in string and returns nat.
fun (if a == b then c else x) <= S (fun c)
The logic seems obvious but I am unable to split the if statements in coq. Any help would be appreciated.
Let me complement Yves answer pointing out to a general "view" pattern that works well in many situations were case analysis is needed. I will use the built-in support in math-comp but the technique is not specific to it.
Let's assume your initial goal:
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Variables (T : eqType) (a b : T).
Lemma u : (if a == b then 0 else 1) = 2.
now, you could use case_eq + simpl to arrive to next step; however, you can also match using more specialized "view" lemmas. For example, you could use ifP:
ifP : forall (A : Type) (b : bool) (vT vF : A),
if_spec b vT vF (b = false) b (if b then vT else vF)
where if_spec is:
Inductive if_spec (A : Type) (b : bool) (vT vF : A) (not_b : Prop) : bool -> A -> Set :=
IfSpecTrue : b -> if_spec b vT vF not_b true vT
| IfSpecFalse : not_b -> if_spec b vT vF not_b false vF
That looks a bit confusing, the important bit is the parameters to the type family bool -> A -> Set. The first exercise is "prove the ifP lemma!".
Indeed, if we use ifP in our proof, we get:
case: ifP.
Goal 1: (a == b) = true -> 0 = 2
Goal 2: (a == b) = false -> 1 = 2
Note that we didn't have to specify anything! Indeed, lemmas of the form { A
} + { B } are just special cases of this view pattern. This trick works in many other situations, for example, you can also use eqP, which has a spec relating the boolean equality with the propositional one. If you do:
case: eqP.
you'll get:
Goal 1: a = b -> 0 = 2
Goal 2: a <> b -> 1 = 2
which is very convenient. In fact, eqP is basically a generic version of the type_dec principle.
If you can write an if-then-else statement, it means that the test expression a == b is in a type with two constructors (like bool) or (sumbool). I will first assume the type is bool. In that case, the best approach during a proof is to enter the following command.
case_eq (a == b); intros hyp_ab.
This will generate two goals. In the first one, you will have an hypothesis
hyp_ab : a == b = true
that asserts that the test succeeds and the goal conclusion has the following shape (the if-then-else is replaced by the then branch):
fun c <= S (fun c)
In the second goal, you will have an hypothesis
hyp_ab : a == b = false
and the goal conclusion has the following shape (the if-then-else is replaced by the else branch).
fun x <= S (fun c)
You should be able to carry on from there.
On the other hand, the String library from Coq has a function string_dec with return type {a = b}+{a <> b}. If your notation a == b is a pretty notation for string_dec a b, it is better to use the following tactic:
destruct (a == b) as [hyp_ab | hyp_ab].
The behavior will be quite close to what I described above, only easier to use.
Intuitively, when you reason on an if-then-else statement, you use a command like case_eq, destruct, or case that leads you to studying separately the two executions paths, remember in an hypothesis why you took each of these executions paths.

Why does my CoffeeScript program issue 'number is not a function' error?

In the program below the first two logs work fine. I'm not doing anything new in the third and final log but somehow it crashes at runtime. Where is the error in my script? I have looked it over a large number of times and it seems like a fairly trivial modification of the proven working code above it.
sumSq = (n) -> ([0..n].map (i) -> i * i).reduce (a, b) -> a + b
sq = (n) -> n * n
sqSum = ((n) -> ([0..n].reduce (a, b) -> a + b))
console.log(sqSum 5)
console.log(sq(sqSum 5))
newSqSum = sq ((n) -> ([0..n].reduce (a, b) -> a + b))
This is a function, not a number:
(n) -> ([0..n].reduce (a, b) -> a + b)
so when you say this:
newSqSum = sq ((n) -> ([0..n].reduce (a, b) -> a + b))
you're calling sq with a function as its argument. Then sq will try to multiply that function with itself and the result will be NaN because there is no sensible numeric representation of a function. And finally, your third console.log tries to call that NaN value as function and there's your error message.
Something of the form fn1 fn2, for functions f1 and f2, is not a function composition, it is in fact the same as writing fn1(fn2) and that won't produce a new function unless fn1 is explicitly constructed to return a function. If you want to compose the functions then I think you need to do it by hand:
newSqSum = (n) -> sq ((n) -> ([0..n].reduce (a, b) -> a + b)) n
# Or with less hate for the people maintaining your code:
newSqSum = (n) -> sq sqSum n

Implementing sequences of sequences in F#

I am trying to expose a 2 dimensional array as a sequence of sequences on an object(to be able to do Seq.fold (fun x -> Seq.fold (fun ->..) [] x) [] mytype stuff specifically)
Below is a toy program that exposes the identical functionality.
From what I understand there is a lot going on here, first of IEnumerable has an ambiguous overload and requires a type annotation to explicitly isolate which IEnumerable you are talking about.
But then there can be issues with unit as well requiring additional help:
type blah =
interface int seq seq with
member self.GetEnumerator () : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<(int*int)>> =
seq{ for i = 0 to 10 do
yield seq { for j=0 to 10 do
yield (i,j)} }
Is there some way of getting the above code to work as intended(return a seq<seq<int>>) or am I missing something fundamental?
Well for one thing, GetEnumerator() is supposed to return IEnumerator<T> not IEnumerable<T>...
This will get your sample code to compile.
type blah =
interface seq<seq<(int * int)>> with
member self.GetEnumerator () =
(seq { for i = 0 to 10 do
yield seq { for j=0 to 10 do
yield (i,j)} }).GetEnumerator()
interface System.Collections.IEnumerable with
member self.GetEnumerator () =
(self :> seq<seq<(int * int)>>).GetEnumerator() :> System.Collections.IEnumerator
How about:
let toSeqOfSeq (array:array<array<_>>) = array |> (fun x -> x :> seq<_>)
But this works with an array of arrays, not a two-dimensional array. Which do you want?
What are you really out to do? A seq of seqs is rarely useful. All collections are seqs, so you can just use an array of arrays, a la
let myArrayOfArrays = [|
for i = 0 to 9 do
yield [|
for j = 0 to 9 do
yield (i,j)
let sumAllProds = myArrayOfArrays |> Seq.fold (fun st a ->
st + (a |> Seq.fold (fun st (x,y) -> st + x*y) 0) ) 0
printfn "%d" sumAllProds
if that helps...
module Array2D =
// Converts 2D array 'T[,] into seq<seq<'T>>
let toSeq (arr : 'T [,]) =
let f1,f2 = Array2D.base1 arr , Array2D.base2 arr
let t1,t2 = Array2D.length1 arr - f1 - 1 , Array2D.length2 arr - f2 - 1
seq {
for i in f1 .. t1 do
yield seq {
for j in f2 .. t2 do
yield Array2D.get arr i j }}
let myArray2D : string[,] = array2D [["a1"; "b1"; "c1"]; ["a2"; "b2"; "c2"]]
printf "%A" (Array2D.toSeq myArray2D)

How to access a list in OCaml

I want to write a function that could check every item in a list is true or false. If at least one element is false, it will return true, so that:
assert_eq "checkFalse [true; false; true]" (checkFalse [true; true; true]) false;
assert_eq "checkFalse [false; false]" (checkFalse [false; true]) true;
I am an absolute beginner in OCaml and I don't know how to approach this. I tried using a for loop, something like:
let rec checkFalse (bools: bool list) : bool =
for i = 0 to bools.length do
if bools.length == false then false
else... (I don't know how to continue)
Then it said "Unbound record field...."
I also tried using find like:
if (find false bools != Not_found) then true else false
But my ways did not work. I came from a Java background.
Take a look at the List module: specifically the exists method. For what you want, you can simply do this:
List.exists (fun x -> not x) [true;true;...;false;...]
The exists function will return true if any element in the list satisfies the predicate (the function). In this case, the predicate is fun x -> not x which will return true if x is false.
For general list access, you generally do this using pattern matching and recursion, or using the functions iter, map, fold_left, and fold_right (among others). Here's an implementation of exists using pattern matching:
let rec exists f l = match l with
| [] -> false (* the list is empty, return false *)
| h::t -> if (f h) then true (* the list has a head and a (possibly empty) tail. Check the return value of the predicate 'f' when applied to the head *)
else exists f t (* the predicate is false, recursively call the `exists` function on the tail *)
edit: as Chuck has posted, instead of fun x -> not x you can just simply use not.
Another possibility is to use the mem function:
List.mem false bools
let rec checkFalse xs =
match xs with [] -> false
| false :: _ -> true
| _ :: tl -> checkFalse tl;;
The simplest way would just be let checkFalse = List.exists not.
List.exists takes a function and a list as arguments, and tells if the function you passed returns true for any element in the list. not returns the negation of a bool.
let checkFalse = List.exists (fun elem -> elem = false) your_list in
val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool
exists p [a1; ...; an] checks if at least one element of the list satisfies the predicate p.
That is, it returns (p a1) || (p a2) || ... || (p an).