Coq: How to prove if statements involving strings? - coq

I have a string a and on comparison with string b, if equals has an string c, else has string x. I know in the hypothesis that fun x <= fun c. How do I prove this below statement? fun is some function which takes in string and returns nat.
fun (if a == b then c else x) <= S (fun c)
The logic seems obvious but I am unable to split the if statements in coq. Any help would be appreciated.

Let me complement Yves answer pointing out to a general "view" pattern that works well in many situations were case analysis is needed. I will use the built-in support in math-comp but the technique is not specific to it.
Let's assume your initial goal:
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Variables (T : eqType) (a b : T).
Lemma u : (if a == b then 0 else 1) = 2.
now, you could use case_eq + simpl to arrive to next step; however, you can also match using more specialized "view" lemmas. For example, you could use ifP:
ifP : forall (A : Type) (b : bool) (vT vF : A),
if_spec b vT vF (b = false) b (if b then vT else vF)
where if_spec is:
Inductive if_spec (A : Type) (b : bool) (vT vF : A) (not_b : Prop) : bool -> A -> Set :=
IfSpecTrue : b -> if_spec b vT vF not_b true vT
| IfSpecFalse : not_b -> if_spec b vT vF not_b false vF
That looks a bit confusing, the important bit is the parameters to the type family bool -> A -> Set. The first exercise is "prove the ifP lemma!".
Indeed, if we use ifP in our proof, we get:
case: ifP.
Goal 1: (a == b) = true -> 0 = 2
Goal 2: (a == b) = false -> 1 = 2
Note that we didn't have to specify anything! Indeed, lemmas of the form { A
} + { B } are just special cases of this view pattern. This trick works in many other situations, for example, you can also use eqP, which has a spec relating the boolean equality with the propositional one. If you do:
case: eqP.
you'll get:
Goal 1: a = b -> 0 = 2
Goal 2: a <> b -> 1 = 2
which is very convenient. In fact, eqP is basically a generic version of the type_dec principle.

If you can write an if-then-else statement, it means that the test expression a == b is in a type with two constructors (like bool) or (sumbool). I will first assume the type is bool. In that case, the best approach during a proof is to enter the following command.
case_eq (a == b); intros hyp_ab.
This will generate two goals. In the first one, you will have an hypothesis
hyp_ab : a == b = true
that asserts that the test succeeds and the goal conclusion has the following shape (the if-then-else is replaced by the then branch):
fun c <= S (fun c)
In the second goal, you will have an hypothesis
hyp_ab : a == b = false
and the goal conclusion has the following shape (the if-then-else is replaced by the else branch).
fun x <= S (fun c)
You should be able to carry on from there.
On the other hand, the String library from Coq has a function string_dec with return type {a = b}+{a <> b}. If your notation a == b is a pretty notation for string_dec a b, it is better to use the following tactic:
destruct (a == b) as [hyp_ab | hyp_ab].
The behavior will be quite close to what I described above, only easier to use.
Intuitively, when you reason on an if-then-else statement, you use a command like case_eq, destruct, or case that leads you to studying separately the two executions paths, remember in an hypothesis why you took each of these executions paths.


Characteristic function of a union

In a constructive setting such as Coq's, I expect the proof of a disjunction A \/ B to be either a proof of A, or a proof of B. If I reformulate this on subsets of a type X, it says that if I have a proof that x is in A union B, then I either have a proof that x is in A, or a proof that x is in B. So I want to define the characteristic function of a union by case analysis,
Definition characteristicUnion (X : Type) (A B : X -> Prop)
(x : X) (un : A x \/ B x) : nat.
It will be equal to 1 when x is in A, and to 0 when x is in B. However Coq does not let me destruct un, because "Case analysis on sort Set is not allowed for inductive definition or".
Is there another way in Coq to model subsets of type X, that would allow me to construct those characteristic functions on unions ? I do not need to extract programs, so I guess simply disabling the previous error on case analysis would work for me.
Mind that I do not want to model subsets as A : X -> bool. That would be unecessarily stronger : I do not need laws of excluded middle such as "either x is in A or x is not in A".
As pointed out by #András Kovács, Coq prevents you from "extracting" computationally relevant information from types in Prop in order to allow some more advanced features to be used. There has been a lot of research on this topic, including recently Univalent Foundations / HoTT, but that would go beyond the scope of this question.
In your case you want indeed to use the type { A } + { B } which will allow you to do what you want.
I think the union of subsets should be a subset as well. We can do this by defining union as pointwise disjunction:
Definition subset (X : Type) : Type := X -> Prop.
Definition union {X : Type}(A B : subset X) : subset X := fun x => A x \/ B x.

Proving equality between instances of dependent types

When attempting to formalize the class which corresponds to an algebraic structure (for example the class of all monoids), a natural design is to create a type monoid (a:Type) as a product type which models all the required fields (an element e:a, an operator app : a -> a -> a, proofs that the monoid laws are satisfied etc.). In doing so, we are creating a map monoid: Type -> Type. A possible drawback of this approach is that given a monoid m:monoid a (a monoid with support type a) and m':monoid b (a monoid wih support type b), we cannot even write the equality m = m' (let alone prove it) because it is ill-typed. An alternative design would be to create a type monoid where the support type is just another field a:Type, so that given m m':monoid, it is always meaningful to ask whether m = m'. Somehow, one would like to argue that if m and m' have the same supports (a m = a m) and the operators are equals (app m = app m', which may be achieved thanks to some extensional equality axiom), and that the proof fields do not matter (because we have some proof irrelevance axiom) etc. , then m = m'. Unfortunately, we can't event express the equality app m = app m' because it is ill-typed...
To simplify the problem, suppose we have:
Inductive myType : Type :=
| make : forall (a:Type), a -> myType.
I would like to have results of the form:
forall (a b:Type) (x:a) (y:b), a = b -> x = y -> make a x = make b y.
This statement is ill-typed so we can't have it.
I may have axioms allowing me to prove that two types a and b are same, and I may be able to show that x and y are indeed the same too, but I want to have a tool allowing me to conclude that make a x = make b y. Any suggestion is welcome.
A low-tech way to prove this is to insert a manual type-cast, using the provided equality. That is, instead of having an assumption x = y, you have an assumption (CAST q x) = y. Below I explicitly write the cast as a match, but you could also make it look nicer by defining a function to do it.
Inductive myType : Type :=
| make : forall (a:Type), a -> myType.
Lemma ex : forall (a b:Type) (x:a) (y:b) (q: a = b), (match q in _ = T return T with eq_refl => x end) = y -> make a x = make b y.
destruct q.
intros q.
There is a nicer way to hide most of this machinery by using "heterogenous equality", also known as JMeq. I recommend the Equality chapter of CPDT for a detailed introduction. Your example becomes
Require Import Coq.Logic.JMeq.
Infix "==" := JMeq (at level 70, no associativity).
Inductive myType : Type :=
| make : forall (a:Type), a -> myType.
Lemma ex : forall (a b:Type) (x:a) (y:b), a = b -> x == y -> make a x = make b y.
rewrite H0.
In general, although this particular theorem can be proved without axioms, if you do the formalization in this style you are likely to encounter goals that can not be proven in Coq without axioms about equality. In particular, injectivity for this kind of dependent records is not provable. The JMEq library will automatically use an axiom JMeq_eq about heterogeneous equality, which makes it quite convenient.

What is difference between `destruct` and `case_eq` tactics in Coq?

I understood destruct as it breaks an inductive definition into its constructors. I recently saw case_eq and I couldn't understand what it does differently?
1 subgoals
n : nat
k : nat
m : M.t nat
H : match M.find (elt:=nat) n m with
| Some _ => true
| None => false
end = true
cc n (M.add k k m) = true
In the above context, if I do destruct M.find n m it breaks H into true and false whereas case_eq (M.find n m) leaves H intact and adds separate proposition M.find (elt:=nat) n m = Some v, which I can rewrite to get same effect as destruct.
Can someone please explain me the difference between the two tactics and when which one should be used?
The first basic tactic in the family of destruct and case_eq is called case. This tactic modifies only the conclusion. When you type case A and A has a type T which is inductive, the system replaces A in the goal's conclusion by instances of all the constructors of type T, adding universal quantifications for the arguments of these constructors, if needed. This creates as many goals as there are constructors in type T. The formula A disappears from the goal and if there is any information about A in an hypothesis, the link between this information and all the new constructors that replace it in the conclusion gets lost. In spite of this, case is an important primitive tactic.
Loosing the link between information in the hypotheses and instances of A in the conclusion is a big problem in practice, so developers came up with two solutions: case_eq and destruct.
Personnally, when writing the Coq'Art book, I proposed that we write a simple tactic on top of case that keeps a link between A and the various constructor instances in the form of an equality. This is the tactic now called case_eq. It does the same thing as case but adds an extra implication in the goal, where the premise of the implication is an equality of the form A = ... and where ... is an instance of each constructor.
At about the same time, the tactic destruct was proposed. Instead of limiting the effect of replacement in the goal's conclusion, destruct replaces all instances of A appearing in the hypotheses with instances of constructors of type T. In a sense, this is cleaner because it avoids relying on the extra concept of equality, but it is still incomplete because the expression A may be a compound expression f B, and if B appears in the hypothesis but not f B the link between A and B will still be lost.
Definition my_pred (n : nat) := match n with 0 => 0 | S p => p end.
Lemma example n : n <= 1 -> my_pred n <= 0.
case_eq (my_pred n).
Gives the two goals
n <= 1 -> my_pred n = 0 -> 0 <= 0
forall p, my_pred n = S p -> n <= 1 -> S p <= 0
the extra equality is very useful here.
In this question I suggested that the developer use case_eq (a == b) when (a == b) has type bool because this type is inductive and not very informative (constructors have no argument). But when (a == b) has type {a = b}+{a <> b} (which is the case for the string_dec function) the constructors have arguments that are proofs of interesting properties and the extra universal quantification for the arguments of the constructors are enough to give the relevant information, in this case a = b in a first goal and a <> b in a second goal.

How does elim work in Coq on /\ and \/?

In Coq Tutorial, section 1.3.1 and 1.3.2, there are two elim applications:
The first one:
1 subgoal
A : Prop
B : Prop
C : Prop
H : A /\ B
B /\ A
after applying elim H,
Coq < elim H.
1 subgoal
A : Prop
B : Prop
C : Prop
H : A /\ B
A -> B -> B /\ A
The second one:
1 subgoal
H : A \/ B
B \/ A
After applying elim H,
Coq < elim H.
2 subgoals
H : A \/ B
A -> B \/ A
subgoal 2 is:
B -> B \/ A
There are three questions. First, in the second example, I don't understand what inference rule (or, logical identity) is applied to the goal to generate the two subgoals. It is clear to me for the first example, though.
The second question, according to the manual of Coq, elim is related to inductive types. Therefore, it appears that elim cannot be applied here at all, because I feel that there are no inductive types in the two examples (forgive me for not knowing the definition of inductive types). Why can elim be applied here?
Third, what does elim do in general? The two examples here don't show a common pattern for elim. The official manual seems to be designed for very advanced users, since they define a term upon several other terms that are defined by even more terms, and their language is ambiguous.
Thank you so much for answering!
Jian, first let me note that the manual is open source and available at ; if you feel that the wording / definition order could be improved please open an issue there or feel free to submit a pull request.
Regarding your questions, I think you would benefit from reading some more comprehensive introduction to Coq such as "Coq'art", "Software Foundations" or "Programs and Proofs" among others.
In particular, the elim tactic tries to apply the so called "elimination principle" for a particular type. It is called elimination because in a sense, the rule allows you to "get rid" of that particular object, allowing you to continue on the proof [I recommend reading Dummett for a more throughout discussion of the origins of logical connectives]
In particular, the elimination rule for the ∨ connective is usually written by logicians as follows:
⋮ ⋮
A ∨ B C C
that is to say, if we can derive C independently from A and B, then we can derive it from A ∨ B. This looks obvious, doesn't it?
Going back to Coq, it turns out that this rule has a computational interpretation thanks to the "Curry-Howard-Kolmogorov" equivalence. In fact, Coq doesn't provide most of the standard logical connectives as a built in, but it allow us to define them by means of "Inductive" datatypes, similar to those in Haskell or OCaml.
In particular, the definition of ∨ is:
Inductive or (A B : Prop) : Prop :=
| or_introl : A -> A \/ B
| or_intror : B -> A \/ B
that is to say, or A B is the piece of data that either contains an A or a B, together with a "tag", that allows us to "match" to know which one do we really have.
Now, the "elimination principle for or" has type:
or_ind : forall A B P : Prop, (A -> P) -> (B -> P) -> A \/ B -> P
The great thing of Coq is that such principle is not a "built-in", just a regular program! Think, could you write the code of the or_ind function? I'll give you a hint:
Definition or_ind A B P (hA : A -> P) (hB : B -> P) (orW : A ‌\/ B) :=
match orW with
| or_introl aW => ?
| or_intror bW => ?
Once this function is defined, all that elim does, is to apply it, properly instantiating the variable P.
Exercise: solve your second example using apply and ord_ind instead of elim. Good luck!

How does the discriminate tactic work?

I was curious about how the discriminate tactic works behind the curtain. Therefore I did some experiments.
First a simple Inductive definition:
Inductive AB:=A|B.
Then a simple lemma which can be proved by the discriminate tactic:
Lemma l1: A=B -> False.
Let's see what the proof looks like:
Print l1.
l1 =
fun H : A = B =>
(fun H0 : False => False_ind False H0)
(eq_ind A
(fun e : AB => match e with
| A => True
| B => False
end) I B H)
: A = B -> False
This looks rather complicated and I do not understand what is happening here. Therefore I tried to prove the same lemma more explicitly:
Lemma l2: A=B -> False.
apply (fun e:(A=B) => match e with end).
Let's again see what Coq has made with this:
Print l2.
l2 =
fun e : A = B =>
e as e0 in (_ = a)
(match a as x return (A = x -> Type) with
| A => fun _ : A = A => IDProp
| B => fun _ : A = B => False
end e0)
| eq_refl => idProp
: A = B -> False
Now I am totally confused. This is still more complicated.
Can anyone explain what is going on here?
Let's go over this l1 term and describe every part of it.
l1 : A = B -> False
l1 is an implication, hence by Curry-Howard correspondence it's an abstraction (function):
fun H : A = B =>
Now we need to construct the body of our abstraction, which must have type False. The discriminate tactic chooses to implement the body as an application f x, where f = fun H0 : False => False_ind False H0 and it's just a wrapper around the induction principle for False, which says that if you have a proof of False, you can get a proof of any proposition you want (False_ind : forall P : Prop, False -> P):
(fun H0 : False => False_ind False H0)
(eq_ind A
(fun e : AB => match e with
| A => True
| B => False
end) I B H)
If we perform one step of beta-reduction, we'll simplify the above into
False_ind False
(eq_ind A
(fun e : AB => match e with
| A => True
| B => False
end) I B H)
The first argument to False_ind is the type of the term we are building. If you were to prove A = B -> True, it would have been False_ind True (eq_ind A ...).
By the way, it's easy to see that we can simplify our body further - for False_ind to work it needs to be provided with a proof of False, but that's exactly what we are trying to construct here! Thus, we can get rid of False_ind completely, getting the following:
eq_ind A
(fun e : AB => match e with
| A => True
| B => False
end) I B H
eq_ind is the induction principle for equality, saying that equals can be substituted for equals:
eq_ind : forall (A : Type) (x : A) (P : A -> Prop),
P x -> forall y : A, x = y -> P y
In other words, if one has a proof of P x, then for all y equal to x, P y holds.
Now, let's create step-by-step a proof of False using eq_ind (in the end we should obtain the eq_ind A (fun e : AB ...) term).
We start, of course, with eq_ind, then we apply it to some x - let's use A for that purpose. Next, we need the predicate P. One important thing to keep in mind while writing P down is that we must be able to prove P x. This goal is easy to achieve - we are going to use the True proposition, which has a trivial proof. Another thing to remember is the proposition we are trying to prove (False) - we should be returning it if the input parameter is not A.
With all the above the predicate almost writes itself:
fun x : AB => match x with
| A => True
| B => False
We have the first two arguments for eq_ind and we need three more: the proof for the branch where x is A, which is the proof of True, i.e. I. Some y, which will lead us to the proposition we want to get proof of, i.e. B, and a proof that A = B, which is called H at the very beginning of this answer. Stacking these upon each other we get
eq_ind A
(fun x : AB => match x with
| A => True
| B => False
And this is exactly what discriminate gave us (modulo some wrapping).
Another answer focuses on the discriminate part, I will focus on the manual proof. You tried:
Lemma l2: A=B -> False.
apply (fun e:(A=B) => match e with end).
What should be noted and makes me often uncomfortable using Coq is that Coq accepts ill-defined definitions that it internally rewrites into well-typed terms. This allows to be less verbose, since Coq adds itself some parts. But on the other hand, Coq manipulates a different term than the one we entered.
This is the case for your proof. Naturally, the pattern-matching on e should involve the constructor eq_refl which is the single constructor of the eq type. Here, Coq detects that the equality is not inhabited and thus understands how to modify your code, but what you entered is not a proper pattern-matching.
Two ingredients can help understand what is going on here:
the definition of eq
the full pattern-matching syntax, with as, in and return terms
First, we can look at the definition of eq.
Inductive eq {A : Type} (x : A) : A -> Prop := eq_refl : x = x.
Note that this definition is different from the one that seems more natural (in any case, more symmetric).
Inductive eq {A : Type} : A -> A -> Prop := eq_refl : forall (x:A), x = x.
This is really important that eq is defined with the first definition and not the second. In particular, for our problem, what is important is that, in x = y, x is a parameter while y is an index. That is to say, x is constant across all the constructors while y can be different in each constructor. You have the same difference with the type Vector.t. The type of the elements of a vector will not change if you add an element, that's why it is implemented as a parameter. Its size, however, can change, that's why it is implemented as an index.
Now, let us look at the extended pattern-matching syntax. I give here a very brief explanation of what I have understood. Do not hesitate to look at the reference manual for safer information. The return clause can help specify a return type that will be different for each branch. That clause can use the variables defined in the as and in clauses of the pattern-matching, which binds respectively the matched term and the type indices. The return clause will both be interpreted in the context of each branch, substituting the variables of as and in using this context, to type-check the branches one by one, and be used to type the match from an external point of view.
Here is a contrived example with an as clause:
Definition test n :=
match n as n0 return (match n0 with | 0 => nat | S _ => bool end) with
| 0 => 17
| _ => true
Depending on the value of n, we are not returning the same type. The type of test is forall n : nat, match n with | 0 => nat | S _ => bool end. But when Coq can decide in which case of the match we are, it can simplify the type. For example:
Definition test2 n : bool := test (S n).
Here, Coq knows that, whatever is n, S n given to test will result as something of type bool.
For equality, we can do something similar, this time using the in clause.
Definition test3 (e:A=B) : False :=
match e in (_ = c) return (match c with | B => False | _ => True end) with
| eq_refl => I
What's going on here ? Essentially, Coq type-checks separately the branches of the match and the match itself. In the only branch eq_refl, c is equal to A (because of the definition of eq_refl which instantiates the index with the same value as the parameter), therefore we claimed we returned some value of type True, here I. But when seen from an external point of view, c is equal to B (because e is of type A=B), and this time the return clause claims that the match returns some value of type False. We use here the capability of Coq to simplify pattern-matching in types that we have just seen with test2. Note that we used True in the other cases than B, but we don't need True in particular. We only need some inhabited type, such that we can return something in the eq_refl branch.
Going back to the strange term produced by Coq, the method used by Coq does something similar, but on this example, certainly more complicated. In particular, Coq often uses types IDProp inhabited by idProp when it needs useless types and terms. They correspond to True and I used just above.
Finally, I give the link of a discussion on coq-club that really helped me understand how extended pattern-matching is typed in Coq.