Mobile Public Google Calendar in WebView - iphone

Is is possible to display the mobile version of a Google public calendar in an iPhone app without having to sign into the account? I'm looking to display the mobile site in an UIWebView on iOS 5.
Thanks in advance.


Will Facebook Audience Ads work on Amazon Devices?

I developed a android app with facebook audience network ads sdk. Now app run fine on my android phone and display facebook ads. I want to know if i submit my app to Amazon Store will facebook audience network ads display without any issues on Amazon devices like Kindle, Fire TV ect...

Paypal redirect to mobile native apps

I am using Paypal checkout as payment gateway for my mobile web application and it works fine.
Now I am trying to create Mobile native app (android, ios, windows) using Phonegap and facing issue while redirecting Paypal back to my mobile app.
What URL should I give as RETURURL in case of mobile native app?
Is there any way I can return user back to the mobile native app?
Thanks for your help in advance. Have a great day.
Regards... Mehul Patel
You should probably use paypal native libraries ( ios / android ) for your native application.

Are iOS 5 Apps Supported on Facebook App Store?

Please can can anyone help me find out if the Facebook App Store supports iOS 5 Apps?
For an application to be eligible for the Facebook App Center, it has to be (source):
An app on in a canvas page
A mobile app built for iOS or Android that uses Single Sign-On for iOS or Single Sign-On for Android
A mobile web app that uses Facebook Login and has an immediately logged-in, personalized experience
A website that uses Facebook Login and has an immediately logged-in, personalized
In this instance, Facebook Single Sign On doesn't mean the Facebook integration within iOS 6 (source, tutorial), and as such iOS 5 Apps are eligible if they use Single Sign On.

My web app not showing on facebook native app

My app is showing on facebook desktop,, but not on the native app?
I meant not showing on bookmark or favorite. When I search for it within the native app I can find it.
According to the documentation it should also appear on the native Facebook app bookmark?
Can anyone please advise what did I do wrong? I have set the mobile web setting already.
If your app has a native app, the it will show up in the Facebook app bookmark list. If you app is a desktop or canvas app, it shows up on desktop. If your app is a mobile site, then it shows up on You need to specify the type of app or apps you support/have/exist in the developer dashboard for the app.

integrate app with native facebook iOS without using an iOS app

Im wondering if its possible to link my app with the native facebook iphone-app without using iOS at all.
It was pretty easy to create a mobile version and connect it with the (so it appears in the broswer) through the Developer > Mobile Web URL but it doesnt work/recognize with the native app of facebook.
Is there a way to connect the native iOS FB to my app without creating an app? So it redirects automatically to the browser?
Im trying to avoid to create an iOS app.
Thanks a lot!
If the Application is linked to in news story or post then the App will open in in a browser.
For full integration you'll need a App.
(I don't have a iOS app to test, only pure web app and after posting the link to a wall, that link in App opened in the in built web browser).