Application vs. page - facebook

I have registered an application for a website of mine. This is used for placing a like button, adding posts to visitors' streams, etc.
But this application does not show up anywhere and it does not seem that people can find and 'like' it.
So I created a page for this website/community.
Can I somehow connect these two, so that the existing 'likes', 'fans', etc. are moved to this new page? Or am I supposed to have and maintain both?

Your Website and a Facebook Page about your Website are two separate entities. Their Likes counts will be separated and there is no way to merge them.
A lot of people make the choice to only promote the Facebook Page about your Website as that allows them to share things with fans on facebook and to be visible to facebook visitors.
When making this choice, it's better to display on your website a like button targeting your facebook page instead of a like button targeting your website's url.

I don't think so and I searched it for I while cause I too wanted to connect these but did't find A way for this.
So its better to maintain them both simultaneously.


How to get number of facebook likes from an individual app?

I've done some searching and can't seem to find an answer to this. I'd like to find out how many Facebook likes came from a specific app and not the overall fan page itself.
Set up:
I have a "fan page" for a company that I manage. This company runs promotions from time to time and usually do so through a FB app that is attached to the fan page. These apps vary in type, but usually are just a page tab app hosted on heroku with a like gate.
Obviously, a like on the like gate results in a like for the fan page. Is there any way to find out how many likes came from that specific like gate / page tab app? FB Insights shows "where likes came from" but nothing I've found lists individual apps.
Thanks in advance.
Even though from page_fans_by_like_source_unique you can get a lot of metrics, there isn't currently one to differentiate between tabs.
The approach I'm currently using, is tracking on my app side, saving the information into a database, because both like and unlike events refresh the app iframe, with a new signed_request. The logic is the one described by #dleavitt here

Easiest way to create a Facebook application

I need to create a simple tab page with custom content inside. How on earth I can get there the shortest and easiest way? Maybe I want to track the users who liked the page, but that's not compulsory. I just want to create a tab-page, which can integrate into a page and shows some custom content.
I have created an application at Facebook, the thing is, I don't know where to head from here, to include some content in the innards of that page...
I guess you want a static FBML tab. It is hard to find on Facebook, however it is possible to find a link like this. If you are logged in to Facebook then it should take you to a page where you can add a static FBML tab to one of the pages you administer. After that you can customize the tab content from page settings.
A page tab or any application on facebook can be and usualy is considered a normal website. You'll need the same things that you would if you wanted to create a website. You'll need a server, some storage space, possible a database (if you want to store date about/for your users).
There are ways to get started for free - lots of free hosting companies out there. You can start your search here
Facebook also has links to [develop applications in a cloud system].
There are different types of facebook apps, but one of them is just a canevas app.
So you ca include an external web page in a facebook page. It's pretty similar to a frame i think.
You can find inforations here:

Fan page vs Application page

I'm writing a mobile app where I intend to allow facebook posts. Now, I'm a bit confused with what I want to do.
For authentication I need an actual app page.
Fan page has analytics and in general seems more friendly for users
So I'm debating what to do:
Just use an application page. That's what Zynga seems to be doing
Have both application page and fan page. This seems to be what some other apps (Doodle Jump) do, but I worry that it may confuse users / dilute presence by fragmenting user likes, as if you click on the link of a post ('posted by app'), you go to the application page.
The main goal of our page is communicating with users / create a sense of community.
Since choosing a custom name is a permanent decision, I would like to hear your thoughts on pro/cons of each approach.
I've gone down the route of using the appplication page as the 'fan' page, and not end up with 2 versions - because you are correct in saying you'll end up dilluting your presence. You don't want you app to produce great newsfeed stories only for them to link to a dead quiet page where as you might have a busy fan page else where.
Use an app page if you are prepared to accept its current limitations, such as:
You can't 'use' it as a page like fan pages. So you can't write comments etc using the pages identity.
Although intermitant, some autocomplete drop downs only show fan pages and not app pages. For example, if you had a app page for Acme Corp; and you wanted to update your personal profile to say you work there. When it asks 'where you work' the autocomplete searches only regular fan pages, and not the app pages.
That said, I believe these limitations will be solved eventually as Facebook align their pages. (They made it possible to merge place and fan pages for example).

How would I go about creating a Facebook Fan Page tab that contains a Poll?

I'm not sure why but creating any kind of integration beyond the use of social widgets and buttons on external sites always confuses me.
What I need to do is create a tab on a particular Fan Page. This tab needs to:
Contain an interface for casting a vote in a Poll.
Handle multiple Polls. Only one will be featured in the tab at a time, but there should be an interface for navigating to previous polls.
All polling data needs to be stored on my servers - 3rd party Polling solutions (facebook apps, or embedable services) are not an option unless the data storage location is configurable.
All those requirements are pretty easy to address. Im just confused about how to integrate with FB.
Do i need full FB App for this, or is there another way? This will only be accessible via the Fan Page tab, so I don't necessarily need an App at
If it is an app... is there a way to hide the app page, and the standalone app canvas from everyone except Fan Page admins?
FBML will be discountinue very soon. You might need to find an alternative way to do it. :-)
Check out the Static FBML app that Facebook provides. You can implement it on any Facebook fan page, change the tab title, and specify the content in HTML/FBML (with some limitations, I believe IFRAMES, password inputs, and some other random things are not allowed, but don't take my word on these until you test them). Hopefully this at least gives you a little head start.
Even Tradablebits platform is an option. They give a good functionality and make it simpler to work with Facebook. I analyzed this platform for one of my apps.

Become a fan of a Facebook page through the API?

I'm writing an iPhone application. I've seen widgets you can place on your website that users can click on to become a fan of your page. However, looking through the API or documentation, I can't find a way that you can facilitate "becoming a fan" through an application. I've spent about a day and a half pouring through the Facebook API docs and the cloud.
Has anyone else had success with this?
For example, say I was writing an app that listed cars, and I wanted to become a fan of the Delorean from within my app -- is there a way to do this?
If there is no solution, the alternative way I can think of is using a webview and linking to a page with a fan widget.
Fan'ing via the API is currently not possible.
Most probably, the reason for this is it would be to hard to avoid developers tricking users into become fans.
The only way is the Fan Box plugin. It's possible to remove all elements via CSS to leave just the button.
Most Apps either use the button or simply link to the page.