Application running on iOS4.2 but not on iOS5 - iphone

I have an application of which i have created .ipa file and tried to run the application on iOS5. If i run it on iOS 5, it works but when i try to run it on iOS4.2 it doesn't work. It opens up, shows black window and then back to home screen. I have tried things like deleting app, installing again, restarting phone, reseting it's setting.
I know most people face vice a versa situation. Let me know if any one of you have good solution for it.
Thank you,

Your only hope is the console, see what it says about why it is dying. If that doesn't give any messages, stop it in the debugger in AplicationDidFinishLaunching, and step as far as you can...
The console though SHOULD have a message about why the app is terminating early. Without knowing why, we cannot help further.

Did you change your build target immediately before creating the .ipa? If so, do a clean build and then re-create the .ipa file again—that may fix your problem.


Flutter app launch janky and need optimisations

The app I have created seems to open quite slow (and janky) compared to other apps on my phone. It only seems to happen on android
I have tried copying the dependencies to a new project and running it and it doesn't replicate the same behaviour.
I have also changed the original app to only load a red container in the matierial app but its still really choppy on app launch before it loads.
I would post some code but I am not entirely sure whats wrong.
Sorry this is quite vague but I am running out of ideas. I dont really want to have to recreate everything in a new project.
Please note I have done the android v2 migration so it could potentially be linked to this?
Does anyone have any ideas to what could be causing it?
Forgot to mention this is on profile/release mode.. its not debug mode causing it
Well, it's hard to know why your app is being so "janky" but i'm going to make a few shots in the dark:
Are you running this on an emulator or on a real phone? Emulators will sometimes act weird, and will deliver results that you might not see on an actual android device. If you are running this on an emulator, try launching it on a physical phone. I have had experience with using Android emulators and sometimes trying to open the app at all becomes weird. How old your phone is might also be the cause of this, if it is old.
Do you have too many tabs open? Try exiting out of all of your applications and then open up your flutter app. See if that does anything.
That is all that I have concerning the environment that you are working in. You haven't posted any code, so i'm going to have to ask you about what your app is doing on startup. It would be good if you posted some code or a link to a git repository so that I can see that and be of better help.

Xcode says it cannot launch app when it in fact does run

What do I do about this?
Xcode launches the app on the device and it starts up, but when it has started the image below pops up and when I click "OK" it crashes the app.
The simulator has no issues, but I cannot read the console in regards to debugging because of this. There really is not a reason why this should be happening.
Also I have no idea what code could cause this. I have no errors or warnings and everything has been fine right up until yesterday.
If there is any code or more info you need to help me with this, please ask:-)
I have removed the app, restarted the devices and my mac.
Ok I found the answer here:
Same issue here
Basically you can't do debugging on a Ad-Hoc profile:-)

Apple rejects our latest App

Our latest app was rejected by giving following reason
"when the user launches the app, a blank black screen is produced"
We had tested this many times and did not notice this issue. We tested again now, but it is working properly for us.
Can someone help us to find out the issue?
I don't think anyone can help you find this issue, My suggestion would be to follow up with the Review Team and try to obtain as much information as you can from them. Such as, what device was it tested on, what OS version and so forth.
Ah, the many woes of the app store process.
Make sure that you have tested your app not only on the simulator but also on a physical device.
Secondly the issue might be that you have made some (false) assumptions about the data on the device, that you might have put there manually, but isn't handled when installing anew.
Therefore a plan of attack might be to remove the application complete from both device and simulator and try running them from a fresh install rather than on top of an already installed installation.
Best of luck!
Try to build and install your app from a clean state. You may not be seeing the same as the reviewer, because if you only "build&run" all the time, old files, which are not part of the final build, are still present on your device or in the simulator.
So clean the build folder, remove the app from your device, and try again. Also, check if you app can live without an internet connection.
Your best bet is to discuss this directly with the Apple guys (Resolution Center).

Xcode stopped running/testing my app

The Problem:
Until recently, I could build and test my app like normal. Now, Xcode is driving me crazy, I can't even run my app.
What Happens:
Building my app seems to launch it in the simulator, but it does not run and an EXC_ARITHMETIC error occurs (it stops at a line of code that was working fine before, no code changes since).
Looking at the 'products' folder, I can see that "" is red - i.e. the app file is never generated. A spotlight search and checking in the build folder confirms this.
Cleaning, restarting, etc does nothing to help. Other projects still build fine.
When it happened:
One of the graphic files I altered wouldn't update itself in the app, even after a 'clean'. So I deleted the build folder, as I've done many times before. Now I get the result explained above.
Any ideas or solutions are much appreciated!!! I can't develop as is... and have already wasted a lot of time as is. I'm more than happy to give a bounty if someone finds a good way to fix this, it's driving me crazy!
I had a similar problem too when my app always crashed at launching, sometimes it helps to delete the App from the Simulator. Simply hold the mouse on the app for some seconds, click on the X, close the simulator, rebuild and run.
Solution was to comment out the block of code that the error occurs in. Build, and then it runs fine.
Then, uncomment the same block. Build, and works fine.
Weird... compiler or maybe Xcode bug?? Feel free to try explain...

iPhone app was working, suddenly starts crashing on startup, reinstall fixes, but why?

Here's the situation:
-Had a development build of the app we just submitted on my phone, working fine for days (and previous builds worked fine for weeks).
-Yesterday, I touched the app icon, the app launches then crashes out (I wasn't connected to my computer at the time, but if I had to guess, it was around or before when applicationDidFinishLaunching runs). Basically, I briefly see my Default.png, then the app closes. This happens every time I try to run it.
-I restart my phone. No difference, the app is still failing to launch. All other iphone apps I have appear to be working fine.
-This morning I reinstall the app from my development computer and all is well, it's working fine again. No problems. This is the SAME EXACT CODE with the same build parameters.
This has me really worried, does anyone have any idea at all what might have happened? It's like the app permanently broke itself, before it even hits any of my code no less :(. I had a theory it might have had to do with an expired provisioning profile, but I didn't get any message then or when I reinstalled.
I'd appreciate any advice/pointers/ideas people have!
Connect your iPhone to the computer, launch XCode, go to the Window menu, and select Organizer. Click on your device in the left hand bar, and check your crash logs.
That should tell you when it is crashing, and why.
Actually, the crash logs should still be there from when your app WAS crashing, so even if you have reinstalled, you may be able to figure out what WAS going wrong.
Are you using core data?
Did you change your schema? That would cause a crash on startup and a reinstall would then fix it.
If it was the exact same code it seems to point to a data issue.