Gtk, check if GtkTreeView is empty - gtk

I have following code to find if row is selected, which is selected and which text is in row of GtkTreeView. Code is in key-release event handler.
char *ntext;
if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(treeselen, &modelen ,&iteren))
gtk_tree_model_get(modelen, &iteren, cEng, &ntext, -1);
... etc...
This works ok when my view is not empty. But when list is empty I get "segmentation fault".
I think that before this is needed to check if GtkTreeView is empty.
How to do that?
Actually, later I find if list is partially filled with clicking on unfilled area segfault happens too. So I need solution for that too.

From your description, it appears when you say GtkTreeView is empty you mean in model (GtkTreeModel which is implemented by GtkListStore or GtkTreeStore associated with your GtkTreeView) the data rows are added but are empty i.e. data is not set. In that case you need to check the value returned by gtk_tree_model_get (assuming cEng is valid otherwise you will get a warning message while running the program). Problem mostly is in ...etc.... Just add a NULL check to ntext before operating on it.
char *ntext;
if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(treeselen, &modelen ,&iteren))
gtk_tree_model_get(modelen, &iteren, cEng, &ntext, -1);
if( ntext == NULL )
printf("Data is NULL!\n");
/* Handle this case */
.... etc ....
This could also be the case in you button-press or release callback as well.
Hope this helps!


Birt Conditional Page Break

I'm designing a BIRT report that should print on a form. In this report it is printing in both sides so the client is asking to do a Page Break if the details of a WorkOrder ends in a odd number so both WorkOrders wouldnt be in the same sheet.
Is it possible to add a pagecount() and do a page break if it is the end of the work order an its an odd number?
Thanks in advance.
I only have part of the answer. It would be possible on the adding pagination in the beforeFactory on the ReportDesign section. Out of the box Maximo reports have a pagination statement for PDF's. You can extend the if statement - see example of OOTB code below.
You would need to be able to bring back the WO number as a global parameter. That part is what you would need to do some additional research on.
if ( (reportContext.getParameterValue("usepagebreaks") == "false")|| reportContext.getOutputFormat() == "pdf" ) {
// Give each table in the report a name, and add the names to the list below, e.g. ["mainTable", "childTable1"]
var tableListing = ["dataSet_inventory_id13#"];
for each(var tableName in tableListing) {
var table = reportContext.getReportRunnable().designHandle.getDesignHandle().findElement(tableName)
if (table != null) {
table.setProperty("pageBreakInterval", 0);

Check if text binded to a control is null

I'm trying to check if I'm binding a null data on a controller. If the data is null, I need to not show the label as well as the binded data.
Below is my code right now.
var oMatNrRow1 = new sap.ui.commons.layout.MatrixLayoutRow();
control1 = new sap.ui.commons.Label({
text : Appcc.getText("MATERIAL_NO") + ":"
matrixCell1 = new sap.ui.commons.layout.MatrixLayoutCell();
control = new sap.ui.commons.Label();
control.bindProperty("text", "matnr");
I have tried control.getProperty("text") but it only returns null when it should have return a number if matnr is not null.
I also tried formatter. I will have no problem with formatter if matnr is not null. But if it is null, the point is to destroy/delete contents of both matrixCell1 instances. In my code below, addition of matrixCell1 content will still push through.
formatter: function(matnr){
if (matnr !== ''){
return contract
} else{
Not sure if you can move the ff code inside if statement
Any ideas are appreciated.
I would also suggest to user the visible property.
Are you aware of conditional binding of UI5? Using them you do not need the formatter at all in that case. see
Found a workaround on my issue. It was a simple if else condition. For the if statement, I just added data[j].matnr and it worked! I also noticed that this was how SAP implemented the behavior also e.g. oSearchViewData.description.

I want to get my NEW Gridcontrol Records highlighted. (devexpress winforms)

Here is what i am doing right now.
private void gvOrderList_RowStyle(object sender, RowStyleEventArgs e)
GridView View = sender as GridView;
if (e.RowHandle >= 0)
string sGridRecordOrderNumber = View.GetRowCellDisplayText(e.RowHandle, View.Columns["orderNo"]);
foreach (string sNewRecordOrderNo in oNewRecordOrderNoList)
if (sGridRecordOrderNumber == sNewRecordOrderNo)
e.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Salmon;
e.Appearance.BackColor2 = Color.SeaShell;
I fire sql queries every 30 seconds using thread and give datasource as a list.
oNewRecordOrderNoList contains my new record list. I am matching it's OrderNo column with the handle's same column to get highlighted rows.
I am getting my rows highlighted as expected but also getting A BIG CROSS over my gridcontrol for 1 second. And if i open other forms after the current one, it also shows cross in other forms. LOOKS QUITE UGLY.
I want a solution to remove this cross or another solution by which i can change appearance of my new rows by matching column values WITHOUT A CROSS DISPLAY.
A help would be appreciated.
Red cross means that an exception occurred while painting the grid. Since you're changing the datasource, it would be a good idea to deffer highlighting until the data is loaded.
Something like this:
private void LoadData() {
myGridControl.DataSource = GetNewDataSource();

GTK - How to update gtktextview/gtkentry? #C

i am creating a basic GROUND CONTROL STATION for a CubeSat, dividing it in two parts: COMMANDS (with no problems) and TELEMETRY. I am using C code and GTK; in the telemetry windowt I need to show some info everytime a telemetry packet is received so I've tried to use a gtkview/gtkentry for each info, but I don't know, how to update the message shown in them.
In particular, an example is:
view = gtk_text_view_new();
frame = gtk_frame_new("Packet number");
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frame), view);
buff = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(view));
gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_offset(buff, &iter, 0);
gtk_text_buffer_insert(buff, &iter,"waiting", -1);
so, first there is the text "WAITING", then when a packet is received I want to update that text: how can I do this?
I've tried repeating this code but changing "waiting" with a variable referring to "packet number", but I obtain core dump
I've also tried with this code, but I have always same problem.
viewprova = gtk_entry_new();
frameprova = gtk_frame_new("Packet number");
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frameprova), viewprova);
frameprova = gtk_frame_new("Packet number");
viewprova = gtk_label_new ("waiting");
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frameprova), viewprova);
Thanks for the help!
A function such as gtk_label_new() that accepts a C string can't take an integer instead, C functions are not polymorphic. You need to build a string representation and pass that, for instance using snprintf() to format the number into a string buffer.
Ok, so if I understood you correctly, you know how to setup your text displaying widgets, but not, how to fill them with new contents, correct? Look at your code, and at what you're doing. First, you're creating a text widget. Then you fill it with initial text. This second part is the one you repeat:
In case of GtkEntry, gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(viewprova), "My new text");
In case of GtkTextView (actually you're using the underlying TextBuffer), gtk_text_buffer_set_text(buff, "My new text", -1);

Wordpress TinyMCE: Switch Views

In order to complete my Wordpress Plugin I want to make tinyMCE to switch between a custom Tag (Some|data|here) and a corresponding Image Display in the WYSIWYG-View.
The event should be triggered on load, safe, autosave, switch view etc. Threre are 4 different events defined, but none of them works as expected.
ed.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
if (o.set){
o.content = t._htmlToWysiwyg(o.content, url);
if (o.get){
o.content = t._wysiwygToHtml(o.content, t);
Anyon know the right way?
I do not know what you expect the 4 different events will do (?), but i can see some problems in your code.
1. The object o does not contain fields get and set - so o.get and o.set will never be true! Thus your code will never be called.
2. You are using the variable url, but this one is not defined here.
Working example: You may try to paste a string containing "a" into the editor. Use the following:
ed.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
//console.log('o:', o);
o.content = o.content.replace(/a/g, "A");
You should see that all lower 'a's get replaced by 'A's.