h264 library for iphone - iphone

I am making a project In which I want to use h264 library ,
But anywhere I am not able to find the library or any sample which I can use as a reference .
can anyone please suggest me where i can find this?
p.s. I am using this for Iphone

Probably you mean х264, the opensource library for decoding h.264/MPEG4-AVC content. Check it's homepage.
A useful example would be the source code for the VLC player for iPhone available here.


video playing sample on iPhone using libffmpeg

can someone please provide a reference or an example on usage of libffmpeg library for playing video files not supported by apple.
Let consider mkv file.
I suppose the library decodes and passes the raw media data to AVFoundation objects to play it on device. Am I right ?
Another useful example is ffmpeg4iphone project it does have Player class which does actually playing the video and audio channel
One alternative to look at is kxmovie project on GitHub.

Where to start for making a program to convert MP3 files to iphone audiobook (M4B) format?

I'm new to programming and want to find something that I can work on to help learn more about it. I want to do this is C++ if possible. What i want to do is start working on developing a program that has a user interface and will convert an mp3 into an m4b (the format iphone uses for audiobooks. I have been looking for some source code examples but have had no luck. If anyone can give me some places to start that would be great. Thanks
This is really trivial with the Audio Converter Services that are part of Core Audio.
I know it is not cool to just post a book reference but I really highly recommend Learning Core Audio: A Hands-on Guide to Audio Programming for Mac and iOS if you want to do Core Audio stuff.
Chapter 6 is all about audio conversion from one format to another.
M4B simply is a MP4 file (AAC encoded) with the extension M4B. So it basically is an MP4 file with a renamed file extension.
Perhaps consider using an encoding library such as ffmpeg.

How can I use ffmpeg on the iPhone

I've been searching a lot for ffmpeg on iphone, and how to use it to steam audio(wma ect.)
but cant figure out how this is done.
can someone please try help me on, how to/what to, download and how i get the ffmpeg lib. into my xcode project, so i can use it to steam some links i have ?
another thing is, i read something about the lisence somewhere. is it really true, that if i use the ffmpeg lib, i need to make my project/code, open source?
There is this existing question on SO, but…
You might want to read the Media Player Framework Docs as the functionality you mention already exists in the iOS SDK for many non WMA files. It is probably going to be less of a headache to convert them to mp3 or another format on your server and go from there using the built-in tech that Apple provides.

about upload iPhone video to Youtube

how to set the video format of the iPhone camera captured? I think that can be mov,mp4, h.2x , because iPhone can play it, but can not find API to set the video format to recording .....
also want upload the video to youtube, anyone know where can find a good open source code for this purpose, I think that this feature will be commonly and it must be done by other coder....just want save time for this purpose ..
thanks for your help
use gdata is enough
Using gdata is the way to go as Robin mentioned above. Here is a great article that outlines what you need to do and provides a great set of source code to get you started.
Hope this helps!!

Create video in iPhone

I need to convert image sequences(ie,png) to video file in iPhone. How i can convert the images to video.
Just ignore bad advice like "use ffmpeg". That would work on the desktop, but the license issue makes including ffmpeg source code in your iPhone app legally questionable. Apple provides a class named AVAssetWriter that you would use in your app to encode a series of images as h.264 stored in a .m4v quicktime container file. While the apple provided logic does work, it is not so easy to actually use and you will need to read quite a lot of documentation to get the code working. If you want to skip implementing it yourself (and likely save yourself 3 or 4 days of work), please consider using my AVAnimator library for iOS as the h.264 encoding logic is already implemented in the class AVAssetWriterConvertFromMaxvid. Once encoded as h.264, the video can be played with the standard player and it is small enough to upload to a remote server.
You are likely going to need something like FFMPEG