Can't create a team within Organization in Liferay 6.1 CE - liferay-6

It seams that we are not able to create a team within Organization but within sites.
Any suggestion ?

Yes. Liferay 6.1 has undergone a lot of changes. Check out this link
To just give you highlight.
Communities have been renamed to sites
Only Sites can have pages
You have to associate Site with an organization to have organization pages
Organization is just a way to group of users(Heirarchical grouping) by default. Only if it is required to have pages, one can associate site with that
Now based on above change, it only makes sense to have teams within organization.


Disallow identity search Azure DevOps

We have an Azure DevOps environment(online Here we have multiple projects. Each project has multiple users.
I would like to avoid users from project A being able to mention users from project B due to privacy.
Is this possible?
There is the concept of "project scoped users".
To limit the identity selection to just those users and groups added to a project, perform the following procedure for your organization and projects.
Enable the Limit user visibility and collaboration to specific projects preview feature for the organization.
Add the users to your project(s) as described in Add users to a project or team. Users added to a team are automatically added to the project and team group.
Open Organizations Settings>Security>Permissions and choose Project-Scoped Users. Choose the Members tab. Add all users and groups that you want to scope to the project(s) you've added them to.

Option to limit visibilty of users in Azure DevOps

Our main Azure DevOps Organization is linked to our Azure AD. We need to invite customers to specific projects as stakeholder only, and with this, they are added as external users in our AD. We found that within a customer project also, all other external users are visible, e.g. via mention with # anywhere in the text or assignment drop-down, although these do not have access to that project. Our only workaround so far is to create new non AD linked customer specific organizations, but this is really not the right way to go (licencing, management etc.)
Is there any option to prevent this and to restrict visibility to only those users, which are part of a project (or planned)?
I tested and found the same issue as you said. It is by design, you can raise a problem in the Developer Community
Besides, since there is a workaround that works now, continue on this basis. You can create different AAD for the customer specific organizations, then add the customers to these AAD. Thus, these users will be invisible because they are in different AAD organizations.

Github organization invite v.s. request membership

I am making a small Git / Github demo for first-time users and want to use Github Pages, for which I needed to create a new Github organization. During the 30 min I'll have to do the demo, users will need to create new Github accounts and join the organization. Since I'll have so little time, is it possible for users to request organization membership, rather than me having to invite each person manually by email lookup?
I've seen this before but only through third-party apps. Is there no way to do this directly within Github?
Directly with GitHub, I have seen no evidence of that feature.
Through third-party apps indeed, yes.
As an example: benbalter/add-to-org would automatically add users to an organization.
For smaller teams, this may not be possible. The feature that you have mentioned seems similar to user provisioning and is available for Enterprises through Okta /Azure Active Directory. This link has more details on the User Provisioning.

Exporting Users From Azure DevOps

Is it possible to customize columns in Azure DevOps --> Organization Settings --> Users page. Currently we have Name, Extensions, Access Level, Last Access. I need to add another column to show whether the user have code read-only access or contributor access.
This page can't be customized as fas as i know. What you want can't be displayed on that site if you have more then one project anyway. If you want to see this organizationwide a better way would be to organize the users in "Organization settings -> Permissions" in groups for readers and contributors

How to set default permissions for every new Github repository within an organization?

We have quite a few repositories in our organization, and we are constantly adding more. We also have a few different teams - Superusers, Developers, Contractors, etc. I want every newly created repository to automatically assume default permissions, like Superusers get automatic admin access to the repo, Contractors group gets just read access, etc. Is it possible to set that up? Is there a setting somewhere that I missed? And if there's not a way to do that, is there a way to batch apply a permission for one group to all repos within an account?
Update June 2017: with nested teams, you now can associate permissions to sub-teams, which could help group of users to have the correct right regarding a repo part of the organization.
Original answer (Apr. 2016)
Is it possible to set that up?
I did not see a way through the native GitHub web GUI administration pages.
And "permission" is deprecated when creating a team.
What you could consider though is a webhook listening for a an event, like a repository event.
That script listening to the event could then use the Team API to update the permission of the teams (according to their names) for the newly created repo.