Facebook API infinite refresh - facebook

I am using the standard commenting link and facebook api from github. For some reason today it decided that any page with comments will go into an infinite refresh. I added the line for Oauth 2 and it didn't solve the problem.
It has worked fine for several months, but the problem started today for no reason. Only happens when the person is logged into facebook.

Most commonly I find this occurs because something in the session borked up.
So you have a partial connection and it loops to complete the connection but its expired and doesn't clean down properly.
Clearing your session cookies and restarting the session, and it not looping will indicate this is the problem and additional code will need to be added to detect a bad/partial session.
Possibly just a bug in the code, or a temporary problem with the Facebook API.


LinkedIn Share API stopped working for my domain about a week ago

I started to receive problems with sharing from LinkedIN last week. Prior to last week shares were working fine. When I try to share an article, their share program appears to go into a loop. The linkedIN share page comes up but it just spins and spins and spins.
This is the url – encoded url and encoded title.
When I look in the developer tools on chrome it appears that the page is in some kind of loop. As it keeps loading the following share page over and over…
So I do the exact same call, just change the url to google
And it works.
I also have an app that is behaving the same way – when I post using the app – with rw permissions, I get an internal service error if I use my domain but I can post successfully using google.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This problem was resolved. The domain was listed in SPAMHAUS DBL (incorrectly, but that's a subject for another day). De-listed it and things are back to normal. LINKEDIN It would be great to return the real error versus an internal server error. For anyone that runs into this problem, check SMAPHAUS DBL listing.

Can't Access Profile Page

Good afternoon, I am having trouble accessing any of the left-menu items in the Sandbox. I am able to login.
I see the same issue in every browser I have (Chrome, FFX, Safari, IE9) and I have attempted to login using an incognito session. As best I can tell, the error is that the browser never receives a response to an AJAX request to https://www.beta-sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_profile-display-handler&tab_id=ACCOUNT_SETTINGS&&view_requested=MiniPage&_=1367858742397.
I notice this thread, can't see sandbox test account 'Profile' on some computers, indicates a fix on 3/19 and it's 5/6.
I have seen a few workarounds for direct URLs, however, I am unable to figure out what the direct URL to edit the IPN settings would be.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is a known issue that we are working to resolve. I will be sure to follow-up as soon as this issue is fully resolved. In the meantime, you should be able to access your IPN settings using the following link:

Twitter page no longer exists, Token used error

I am working on implementing sharing an image via Twitter in my application and I have come across this page.
When I run my app in my simulator I can no longer log into Twitter. I get a page stating that "This page is no longer valid. It looks like someone already used the token information you provided."
I have gone to Twitter and to the Applications page and removed this application to try again. I still get this warning page though.
When I try to run the app on my device it crashes when I tap the Twitter Button.
Has anyone found a solution to this?
Or if someone could point me to a solid Twitter/TwitPic reference tutorial that actually works that would be great as well.
Check these sample twitter apps source codes, will lead you for smooth implementation,
I got this problem.
Woah there!
This page is no longer valid. It looks like someone already used the
token information you provided. Please return to the site that sent
you to this page and try again. It was probably an honest mistake.
Turns out the fix for this was simple although it took some hunting down!
The date/time on the server running the app had somehow become a day behind.
Twitter checks the time sync when using the API, and if the client doesn’t have the correct time, it’ll report the above error.
Maybe you've got some loop or a method that is being called twice?

Blank popup with FB connect

I've implemented the facebook connect using Javascript SDK. The authentication works fine when the user I'm trying to authenticate is not logged into facebook. But when he's already logged into facebook the login popup never closes. The url of the popup starts with "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect/xd_proxy.php#cb=....."
This happens both on Firefox 3.5 and on Chrome.
Any suggestions? Do I need to set any extra parameters while connecting to Facebook?
I've encountered the same error today, with my year old implementation. I've added the channelUrl tag to FB.Init(), without any luck; so I started the login procedure from scratch with the js sdk, oauth2 enabled: with some minor changes, everything started to work misteriously again. I've run my pages through the Facebook debug tool as well, it suggested some changes as well.
To sum up: basically, if Facebook Connect stops working, upgrade your code according to the latest documentation avaliable.
No special parameters are needed. This is probably a browser problem. Maybe you have a setting/plugin somewhere that does not allow Javascript to close a window for you.
The easiest way to test this is to post a link to your implementation so that other people (with other browser setups) can give it a try.

Facebook Connect <fb:login-button> No Longer Firing Callback (As of today)

Came into the office today to do some more work on my nearly completed Facebook Connect website application.
And i have discovered for some reason, the "onlogin" event of the fb:login button FBML control is no longer getting fired!!?!
To anyone else that has a Facebook Connect FBML app (and using the JavaScript API for authentication), i would advise you test your application to make sure it's still working.
A friend of mine's app (which is live) has also stopped working as of today.
What's happening is you click on the "Connect to Facebook" button, it shows the FB login dialog, you log in.
Yes, they are being logged in to Facebook correctly (thankfully), but the "onlogin" callback event is not getting fired anymore, so the page just sits there (where before the "onlogin" event would redirect to the homepage, for example).
Of course if you refresh, you are logged into Facebook.
Seriously, WTF - what have those developers at Facebook done now?!?!.
Any ideas? Has anyone read any updates/threads on this issue?
8 hours and still no fix in place. I've tried to do some workarounds (there is also an onclick event of the FBML Login Button), but it's all too early in the authentication cycle.
We need to be able to hook into a post-login callback to do things like redirects, permission popups, authentication logic, etc.
Nothing we can do without Facebook fixing this.
I just hope when i come in the office tomorrow this will be 'magically' fixed, much like this issue 'magically' appeared.
Well judging by the comments here i'm not alone. It's obvious at this point that Facebook have made a change somewhere, without telling us.
I just hope they rectify this issue ASAP as there is no workaround i can see for this.
Yep - (drum roll), its yet ANOTHER bug from that team of world-class developers at Facebook: (thanks Anon for finding link) http://bugs.developers.facebook.com/show_bug.cgi?id=11733
I love it how the comment from the FB guy Marc says "Only seems to be happening on old Facebook Javascript SDK", well, enable us to do server-side authentication with your Graph API (instead of just for retrieving user details/posting), and we wont have to use the old JavaScript API!
Fun and games.
Facebook have (seemingly) fixed this.
Let's hope it stays fixed.
Given the 'correct' answer to Anon (as he found the link).
Please confirm and vote on this bug... this should be fixed asap!!
if in FB.getLoginStatus you are passing second parameter as true, pls make it to false.
I resolved callback issue using this trick.
This is a bug and they are about to fix it