Facebook Open Graph Aggregation with Layout Style Map - facebook

I didn't find any documentation on how to create an aggregation with Layout Style Map. There are some input fields in the og app settings I don't understand what they are for.
For single actions these are:
Numbers: Header, {number selector} (count, expires_in), units
Highlighted Points
Route: {Geo Point [] selector}
And for multiple actions there is only one field which is
Contributing Point: {Geo Point selector}
What is the meaning of all these fields and how do I use them? Any explanation, documentation or tutorial would be great! Thanks!!!

Ok, finally found the documentation I've been searching for so long: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/define-units/
Update (new url): https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/creating-custom-stories/#maplayout


Custom Hyperlinks on Ctrl+Mouseover for custom pattern

I'm trying to write an extension for vs-code that does the following:
I want to have each of the "XY-#" expressions in the comments of gtests to be highlighted and clickable when holding down ctrl. Each link should open the default browser with an url
e.g. for the first expression in the example https://website/1912603
/// #requirement XY-#1912603, XY-#1884770, XY-#1885273
TEST_P(SomeFixture, Foo)
So what I will probably need is
some kind of regex pattern matching
code highlighting based on the matched pattern
reaction to ctrl-key
Link creation with the parsed and stripped <number>
I've been looking around for a while but couldn't find any example extension with a similar usecase. Any one of you came across some good examples to look into?
Thanks in advance,
You have to use a registerDocumentLinkProvider

Only filter, no input text or number

In the demo a function is shown that can not be found in the documentation.
How to make?
[x] support request
Only filter, no input text or number
That's the set filter with floating filters turned on.
It's in the documentation, but maybe it's a bit hard to find:
The set filter is an enterprise feature.
The code for that demo grid is here, CTRL+F for "countryCellRenderer" to see the relevant parts:

What does the value of data-p means in JSSOR demos and examples?

I've looked through all the examples and demos and browsed the documentation, but I can't find the meaning of the numerical values of data-p attribute inside of some DIV tags. I see the numbers such as 816.0, 170.0 and 112.50, but can't figure it out. What does it mean?
Please advice.
It means css style perspective.
170 means
style="perspective: 170px;"

Salesforce: Auto-complete for Lookup field

I have a custom object known as "Companies".I have created a lookup field in a Visual Force page which gives me the list of companies name from the custom object " Companies".I have written a code which makes this lookup field auto-complete like what you have seen in the image attached.(First pic)
The problem: I don't know how to make the lookup field (which takes the list of companies name from custom object" Companies" in "Opportunities" standard object) auto-complete as done in the visual force page. Basically want the field highlighted in yellow in the second picture to auto-complete or give relevant suggestion when I type the first few characters.
Any help on this matter would be appreciated. Thank you
Have you tied enabling Auto Complete for your custom object the search page?
Click Your Name | Setup | Customize | Search | Search Settings.
Check the Lookup Auto-completion check box for your object.
This will give you auto-complete options for recently used items.
You will not be able to embed this customization into a standard page layout like you're using for the Opportunity object in your second screenshot. If that auto-complete is a must-have, then you really only have two options:
Replace the entire Opportunity page layout with a custom VF page
Write a VF component with just the Company lookup field in it and embed it into your Opportunity page layout (this will have to be in its own section, which probably won't look as nice)
This is what you want - http://tapp.ly/autocomplete/
Autocomplete Lookups for Salesforce enables any Salesforce Lookup field to support autocomplete suggestions. Autocomplete Lookups helps your users enter lookup fields reducing data entry tasks and error rates.
Salesforce records suggested as you start typing
Search All fields (Standard Salesforce Lookups only let you search by the Name field)
Results can show any field (E.g. Case Subject rather than Case Number)

Customizing single entry templates in ExpressionEngine (1.6.x)

This is either very annoying or very embarrassing. I've set up most of my blog, but I can't figure out where or how the heck I set up single entry templates as opposed to the section/weblog containing them. I just can't find information on how to do it for the life of me.
This is especially important, because I want to define the canonical link for all entries, since ExpressionEngine links to entries in all kinds of ways.
So, the case is that I have a Blog section/weblog with an index working as the front page for mydomain.com. This lists all my entries as you would imagine a regular blog to do. The problem arises when I need to customize the code for the single entries' links.
If you have a template set up already which is showing a multitude of entries and you want a single entry page for each entry then what you need to do is this :
Then in the template shown above by template_group/template_name (please change those to whatever your template group and template names actually are ;-) ) you will place this code :
This will then show you just the one entry as you will have used the {url_title_path="template_group/template_name"} in the first channel entries tag above which would basically create a URI something like this :
On the second (template_group/template_name) single entry template page it will see the URL title and use this to filter down the channel entries tag to just that one entry.
Hope that helps a bit.
Best wishes,