Can i make Jboss Tools plugin to run on JDK 32 while run Eclipse on JDK 64? - eclipse

Can i make Jboss Tools plugin to run on JDK 32 while run Eclipse on JDK 64?
I wanted to do this because i need to assign more memory to eclipse while making Jboss tools (visual editor) use the 32 jdk hence it doesn't on 64.
noting i am running a Windows 7 64, if yes how can i achieve this?

Can i make Jboss Tools plugin to run on JDK 32 while run Eclipse on JDK 64?
Assuming you are talking about a plugin for Eclipse, the answer is - No.
A plugin for Eclipse runs in the same JVM as Eclipse itself. That has to be either 32 bit or 64 bit. It can't be both!
Why do you need to "making Jboss tools use the 32 jdk"? Do you mean that you want it to launch a 32bit JVM to run JBoss? If so, then you should be able to do this either via preferences in the JBoss plugin or via the relevant application launcher configuration. (Maybe someone with experience with this particular plugin could chime in with specific details.)
But lets be clear, this is NOT making the "Jboss Tools plugin to run on JDK 32" ...


Is Eclipse 2018-12 availabe for 32 bit Windows or Linux?

I need to install Eclipse 2018-12 modelling tools on my 32 bit machine.
In the official site it is available only for 64bit machines.
I tried to download Eclipse 2018-09 and then upgrade it to Eclipse 2018-12 but the upgrade process creates p2bu file and deletes the application files.
No, in Eclipse 2018-12 (4.10) the support of 32-bit platforms has been dropped.
See Eclipse 4.10 - New and Noteworthy - Dropped support for 32-bit platforms:
Eclipse and eclipse based applications no longer run on 32 bit
platforms or 32 bit JVM. Only 64-bit platforms/JVM are supported.
See also Eclipse bug 536766.

Unable to install Scala IDE for Windows 7 32 bit machine

I have tried to find Scala IDE for Windows 7 32-bit machine from various sources but unable to find and install it.
When I launch it, the following error is shown:
I also tried to add plugins and packages but I am not able to access marketplace.
I referred to the following links but nothing works for me:
Can't we install scala IDE for windows 7 32 bit machine?
Can't access Eclipse marketplace
Can't access Eclipse marketplace
How can I install Scala IDE?
The Scala IDE bundle is only offered for 64 bit, but the plug-in seems not require a 64 bit Java JRE:
Install Java 32 bit
Install an Eclipse 32 bit package (see What Eclipse package should I use?)
In Help > Install New Software... work with

How to execute eclipse under java VisualVM

I developed couple of plugins specific for my project and I think I have some leackage because my eclipse slow down after long using time, so I want to profile it. I can run eclipse from eclipse (in plugins development mode) and connect it to JVVM, but problem (slow eclipse) occurs after long time of "normal" development, so I want to start my "normal" eclipse and connect to VisualVM.
Problem is that eclipse appears in VisualVM as and I can't profile it in any way (I see only number of classes loaded, heap and threads).
My JAVA_HOME is set to JDK, I put the same JDK to eclipse.ini under -vm parameter and from the same JDK I am starting VisualVM.
Does someone know what should I do?
Are you using Windows? It looks like VisualVM is running under 32bit JDK, while Eclipse is running on 64bit JDK (or vice versa). Check 'Overview' tab when you open Eclipse and VisualVM in VisualVM. This will tell you, which JDK is used.

32 bit Java on 64 bit Windows 7 for running JBoss JSP Editor in Eclipse Juno

I installed JBoss Tools on my Eclipse Juno. It worked, then when I click the tab design/view/ whatever it is except the source on my JSP window, It said that JBoss tool for JSP editor cannot run on my 64-bit Eclipse, JRE7, and Windows 7.
I've been browsing all over the place, some forums say you have to change your JRE to 32-bit. After that I installed JRE7 32-bit, restart and I tried to see the Java on Control Panel.
When I clicked Java tab on Control Panel, it said
Couldn't open \lib\i386\jvm.cfg.
I tried to checked on CMD, I typed java -version then it displayed
Unable to load native library: Can't load IA 32-bit.dll on AMD 64-bit platform.
I advise you to uninstall all Java instances, then start again.
Install 64-bit JDK first, set up your normal development tools to use it. Then install the 32-bit JDK but don't install the public JRE. Then configure a separate instance of Eclipse to use the 32-bit JDK. (I'd keep a separate, normal 64-bit Eclipse around, because 32-bit means you are limited to about 1.5Gb of heap for Java)

Java and Eclipse - 32 vs. 64bit

I'm a little bit confused about the two different versions of Eclipse - 32/64bit.
As far as I know, Java bytecode (= build of your code) is platform independend. If a user runs your bytecode in a 32bit JRE, the code is executed in as a 32bit process, if a user runs your bytecode in a 64bit JRE, the code is exectued as a 64bit process.
Eclipse needs the JRE to run, cause it's written in Java. But why are there 32 and 64bit versions of Eclipse on the Eclipse download page if only the user's JRE version does matter?
Does a 64bit Eclipse version need a 64bit JRE or JDK? If yes ,why?
Second confusion: I understand the need for a 32 and 64 bit version of the JRE. But why are there 32 and 64 bit versions of the JDK if the resulting bytecode is platform independet?
Thank you
Eclipse relies on SWT, which is essentially native code. There will be quite a few DLLs etc. exists (in the plugins or features directories) that will be used by the 64-bit version, that are drastically different from the 32-bit version.
It is not because of the running environment, it is because Eclipse uses some native stuff and must be run on corresponding JDK. The applications you are developing inside Eclipse can then be run on whatever JRE you have installed, just specify it in the settings.
JDK is a compiler and also a lot of other stuff. Many of them are native applications that need to be run corresponding platform.