How to execute eclipse under java VisualVM - eclipse

I developed couple of plugins specific for my project and I think I have some leackage because my eclipse slow down after long using time, so I want to profile it. I can run eclipse from eclipse (in plugins development mode) and connect it to JVVM, but problem (slow eclipse) occurs after long time of "normal" development, so I want to start my "normal" eclipse and connect to VisualVM.
Problem is that eclipse appears in VisualVM as and I can't profile it in any way (I see only number of classes loaded, heap and threads).
My JAVA_HOME is set to JDK, I put the same JDK to eclipse.ini under -vm parameter and from the same JDK I am starting VisualVM.
Does someone know what should I do?

Are you using Windows? It looks like VisualVM is running under 32bit JDK, while Eclipse is running on 64bit JDK (or vice versa). Check 'Overview' tab when you open Eclipse and VisualVM in VisualVM. This will tell you, which JDK is used.


Eclipse hangs while creating a node.js express project

I have Eclipse 3.7 on Windows XP. I have also installed NodeEclipse. I can create a regular node project fine. But when I try to create a new express project, eclipse just hands and I cannot even close the window. Killing the process is the only option. Is this a known issue?
Get the latest version of eclipse, and run it using the latest version of JDK, first off.
You can also configure your eclipse.ini to allow it to use more memory.
Here is an answer to another question that had a similar problem:
Just note that it depends on your system, and whether your eclipse is 32bit or 64bit

Eclipse 4.3 Kepler missing JRE system library

I am extremely new to java (about one week of experience at the moment). I have made a fair amount of simple programs in an older version of eclipse Juno on a PC. I copied all of the files onto a flash drive and put them into the workspace of eclipse kepler on my mac laptop. Now every single line of code is unrecognized and the JRE system library folder is gone from all of the projects. I am not sure how to fix this and I would love if someone will help my noob self at this. Thanks!
You have to configure the jre from your mac in eclipse. You find it under window preferences and search for jre.
After that, in your eclipse project you can use the new configured jre (project properties - Java Build Path)
Hope this helps.

Why doesn't Eclipse need me to configure a JDK?

I recently downloaded Eclipse onto a Windows 7 machine. The machine already had a JRE but I noticed it didn't have a JDK. I was afraid I would have to download the JDK and then hook Eclipse up to it. I was (pleasanly) surprised when I was able to code, compile and run in Eclipse right out of the box. However, now I'm confused. From what I know about Java, Eclipse should need a JDK to compile code and a JRE to execute it.
The best I can think of is...
Eclipse is packaged with a JDK (if this is true, I can't find the JDK on my computer)
I'm way out in left field and don't understand JDKs as well as I thought I did.
Admittedly more of a curiosity question, why am I able to compile java without a JDK?
Eclipse has an internal compiler for some time now. Several years ago it needed a JDK but for now a JRE will suffice.
However if you want to browse or debug in the Java source code, a JDK is better.

32 bit Java on 64 bit Windows 7 for running JBoss JSP Editor in Eclipse Juno

I installed JBoss Tools on my Eclipse Juno. It worked, then when I click the tab design/view/ whatever it is except the source on my JSP window, It said that JBoss tool for JSP editor cannot run on my 64-bit Eclipse, JRE7, and Windows 7.
I've been browsing all over the place, some forums say you have to change your JRE to 32-bit. After that I installed JRE7 32-bit, restart and I tried to see the Java on Control Panel.
When I clicked Java tab on Control Panel, it said
Couldn't open \lib\i386\jvm.cfg.
I tried to checked on CMD, I typed java -version then it displayed
Unable to load native library: Can't load IA 32-bit.dll on AMD 64-bit platform.
I advise you to uninstall all Java instances, then start again.
Install 64-bit JDK first, set up your normal development tools to use it. Then install the 32-bit JDK but don't install the public JRE. Then configure a separate instance of Eclipse to use the 32-bit JDK. (I'd keep a separate, normal 64-bit Eclipse around, because 32-bit means you are limited to about 1.5Gb of heap for Java)

How to specify which JRE to use in Netbeans?

I have two JRE in my system. One is 32-bit and the other one 64-bit. In Eclipse I can configure both and choose which one to use when running my application.
I'm wondering if I can do the same thing in Netbeans. I've tried to go to Project Properties, Libraries and then tried to configure a new JRE there, through Manage Platforms, but it doesn't accept the directory of my JRE. How should I proceed?
Be aware that I'm talking about JRE, and not JDK ;)
EDIT: I managed to make it work by downloading a new 32-bit JDK and selecting its directory. I still couldn't make it accept a JRE directory.
Whether or not you can run Netbeans with just the JRE depends on what bundle you have downloaded. In Netbeans 7 only C/C++ and PHP bundles can be run with the JRE.
Older versions of Netbeans include more languages under this JRE umbrella, but the principle is the same.
The JDK contains the JRE plus tools to debug and compile code, so if you're doing anything Java based apart from just running the IDE, netbeans depends on the JDK.