How can I remove the blue highlight in a tab bar for iOS? - iphone

I've already been able to customize the gray shape that indicates what tab is selected, but how do I change the blue highlight to a different color or remove it completely? I'm building a tab bar with a very specific custom design, and this blue gloss has to go.

The UITabBar itself, won't allow you to modify it like this. My opinion would be to create your own custom TabBar. Look at this question for further informations: Really cool way to create custom UITabBar for iPhone app?


Add Tab Background Color in VS code for Specific Tabs

I was looking for a way to add a tab background color to a few of the tabs not only the activetab.
I have 2 main requirements:
I will initially choose which all tabs get what colors.
They should remain those colors even if I go to a different tab.
I was taking help from this page.
Can someone please provide a sample if its is possible?
You can also achieve this by using an extension:

How to remove border of a dynamically colored search bar in Swift?

Click to see my current search bar
What I am trying to do is to remove the two lines on top and at the bottom of the search bar (without changing anything else). I have tried using
but that makes the inside of the bar white, which is not what I want. I tried setting the style of the search bar to be minimalist, but am not sure how I can make the bar tint dynamic (previous dynamic-coloring code doesn't work anymore)
I have researched a lot and saw similar questions where people are ok with the search bar being white, or not having dynamic color. For the app I'm working on (kind of like a todo-list), the search bar in the view controllers with items under each category will have a different color, depending on the color of the category. Therefore, the color of the search bar is dynamic.
Is there anyway to just remove the two border lines?
searchBar.backgroundImage = UIImage()
searchBar.backgroundImage is not a function.
Not sure how you did that without xcode giving you an error.

In a iOS app that supports CarPlay, why the CPBarButtons in the map navigation bar show always monochrome with a light blue color?

I am trying to implement CarPlay for my navigation app, and I am experiencing a misbehaviour. Buttons that are instances of CPMapButton have their appearance on the map as expected. Instead, buttons in the CarPlay navigation bar (buttonType image), that are instances of CPBarButton, do not render well. They appear squeezed and always using a light blue color with no detail:
The icon I am using is the following:
Thanks for any help.
The misbehaviour is in fact normal. By better reading this link, it appears that:
A custom icon, sometimes called a template, discards color information and uses a mask to produce the appearance you see onscreen in a navigation bar or tab bar.
Sorry for missing it before...

How to make select button like Apple Pages app

I can select multiple font styles in Apple Pages app, orange colored box on the screen.
How to make it?
I can't find any ui component in the iOS SDK like this, multiple select. UISegmentControl is only for one select like radio button.
use a UISegmentControl in momentary mode to have the bar :)
set custom background images for the cells
there is no stock control but this is quite basic using this approach
No default thing is available you have to do it by yourself. You set tags for each button and only one selector. By checking the selected button tags execute you specific code.
For that, yon need to take UISegment Control and make it's background images custom. Also you can set the width of the each segment.
Then you will achieve your goal.

Tabbar with custom colors

I want to create a Tabbar application.My basic necessity is that i want the color of tab bar icons to be red instead of the default blue color.(i.e the selected tab icon has to be of red color instead of the default blue color provided by apple).I dont want the color of the tab bar to be changed.I want it to be of the default black color.Hope the question makes sense.
I want the tab bar to look something like this
As nicktmro noted, you have to customize everything.
Check this previous answer:
Changing Tint / Background color of UITabBar
(check a couple of answers on this one, a later answer fixes problems with the accepted answer)
And this blog post:
iPhone TabBar Custom Background Image
Here's another one that looks clean and easy:
Custom colors in UITabBar
Be sure to read the comment on the answer.
You will have to create your own "tab bar" controller. Unfortunately the "blue" color you are talking about is actually just an alpha level, not a shade of blue.