Eclipse approach vs. Netbeans for GWT compiler - eclipse

In eclipse we have separated button for compiling GWT project. so we can build our project(Dynamic WEB) without GWT compiling.
But in NetBeans we dont have this approach! If we build web project at first GWT will be compiled. so, How we can change this approach like eclipse ( I want to compile GWT separately in netbeabs)

In Netbeans, you can use .nbm files first. And then you have to change file in line:
in Windows, and
in Linux.
Before doing that, you must download GWT from Google (about GWT for Windows or GWT for Linux).


How can I use this javafx library?

I am trying to design gui on java.
I will use this javafx library
I downloaded this lib but how can I used it?
I added external jar on my javafx project but I can not make any sample code work.
I'm working with eclipse neon and java 8. By the way I set up javafx. It is okay.
Do I need anything else for using this library?
I have gradle and maven plug-in my eclipse IDE.
Don't directly download this file, use something like maven or gradle for this:
If you scroll down on this page: you will find the copy-paste parts.
There even is an example-project using that lib:

Converting existing project to maven and run it in dev. mode in eclipse

I am converting open source project written using GWT 2.5.0 to maven, it is located in It is working fine from command line and IntelliJ idea, which suits me well, but project author uses eclipse since it has special plugin along with UI designer, etc. (main project repo is
So, I can't get it running in eclipse, no success at all. I can import it as maven project, then it is compiled well, putting javascript, png and html cache files under 'target/traccar-web-2.7-SNAPSHOT' folder. However, then it clears these files each time I run web application (issue in GWT Maven - webapp files getting deleted when running in dev mode).
My version of eclipse is 4.3 with latest google plugin for eclipse and m2e for maven integration (installed them on sunday 20th April).
Does anybody have any ideas how to get it working in eclipse? Maybe someone can point me where to look at. Any help is appreciated.
Best regards, Vitaly Litvak.
Within the next few weeks, there will be a new release of the Google Plugin for Eclipse, which supports the import of a Maven App Engine project as a WTP project. Unfortunately, support for GWT is still some time off.

Parsing smv files in eclipse

I download nusmv-tools( which is a model checker.
I installed it and its dependencies(such as xtext)on eclipse successfully and restart eclipse.
Now, I expect eclipse recognize the nusmv files (which extensions are '.smv'), however it cannot.
My question is, what should I do in order to make parse nusmv files in eclipse, so that eclipse will recognize and highlight the nusmv file(.smv).
(Should I create an xtext project or java project or general project?
Which libraries or external jars should I add to the project?)
Any help?
Actually, for nusmv, the problem was: I was using eclipse 64 bit, but it seems the nusmv-tools require to use 32 bits eclipse and xtext 2.5 version...
After downgrading the eclipse and xtext it worked for me...

GWT+Eclipse without GWT_CONTAINER

The situation
I'm using GWT with Eclipse and Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE).
Gradle is the build tool and the Eclipse classpath is generated by Gradle. As I have no "" on my classpath, GPE always shows the error "The project 'Test' does not have any GWT SDKs on its build path" and the Console sometimes prints "GWT SDK not installed.".
Annother effect is that Eclipse doesn't let me GWT-compile the project (but running dev mode works fine). But that one is ok for me, as I compile using Gradle.
Things I'm aware of
I know that I can exclude all GWT depedencies from the Eclipse classpath and add the container through Gradle (I did that for other projects). But as I can't enforce the GWT version provided by Eclipse (I can only specify the SDK's name in the classpath by adding the suffix "/" to the conatiner), I think thats an ugly solution. Another point is that the GPE update site only lists the latest GWT version available. There's no way to automatically install an older version (yes you can provide one externally).
When using GPE together with Maven and m2e it simply works: GPE links no real SDK for Maven projects but there's a link to the "" group in the local Maven repository. But that's magic I can't use because:
Gradle's local repository format is different to Maven's
This logic is implemented in the plugin "" and I can't use that without adding a pom.xml to the project
The questions
Is there a possibility to deactivate this nasty error without loosing other GPE features?
Is it possible to do something similar to what GPE+m2e does without
creating my own Eclipse plugin?
Am I right that excluding the jars and adding the container is the only viable solution by now?
You can adapt this library to launch with custom classpath and other settings:

Is it possible to precompile jsp into eclipse?

The title is pretty straightforward.
I would like to know if there is any possibility of seeing the compiled jsp (the servlet generated) directly into eclipse. Without deploying onto any server.
If you work with JSPs, I suggest to buy MyEclipse since it can compile JSPs and show you problems (compile errors, etc) in the editor. Eclipse 3.6 also works but JSP support is much better in MyEclipse.
If you just want to compile the JSPs, then have a look at Maven. With the help of the JSPC Plugin, you can compile the JSPs into Java code and then add this source folder to your project.
For completeness: There is an ancient Tomcat plugin along with the UQBar Extension. That will configure Tomcat to compile the JSPs into a work folder in your project as you use them (i.e. this is not precompilation but the usual on-the-fly-JSP-compilation).