Parsing smv files in eclipse - eclipse

I download nusmv-tools( which is a model checker.
I installed it and its dependencies(such as xtext)on eclipse successfully and restart eclipse.
Now, I expect eclipse recognize the nusmv files (which extensions are '.smv'), however it cannot.
My question is, what should I do in order to make parse nusmv files in eclipse, so that eclipse will recognize and highlight the nusmv file(.smv).
(Should I create an xtext project or java project or general project?
Which libraries or external jars should I add to the project?)
Any help?

Actually, for nusmv, the problem was: I was using eclipse 64 bit, but it seems the nusmv-tools require to use 32 bits eclipse and xtext 2.5 version...
After downgrading the eclipse and xtext it worked for me...


Portable eclipse without java editor

I need to work with eclipse Oxygen (or at least neon), and I do not have administrator rights on my pc.
I downloaded a 64bits portable version of eclipe oxygen (photon) :
I'm using OpenJdk8 (JDK1.8) also in 64bits.
Here is my problem:
I start eclipse with the path of the 1.8 JDK, but I don't have Java editor.
Indeed I can't open Java view or create a Java project, even the Syntax highlighting colors for .java..
Does the problem come from the Eclipse editor? From the Jdk? From the Eclipse configuration?
I'm open to any new solution!
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I'm working with the EMF editor and I need the Java one to edit compile the generated java code.

Can't find so many predefined file types in Eclipse Kepler

I have downloaded a new Eclipse Kepler IDE yesterday and I am unable to find the dynamic web project template and all other related files in there like jsp file, servlet etc. This means I am unable to create these files directly by choosing from wizard, like I was doing in Eclipse Helios. Also, it's not possible to run the previous projects that were built using Eclipse Helios? Does Kepler support web projects or not, or am I the only one who is struggling with this problem? I am using java since two weeks now, so I don't have much experience with other Eclipse versions too. Any help?
Sounds like you got the wrong distribution. You probably want the "Eclipse for Java EE developers" distribution, since that includes web development tools etc. by default.

jsuml is working with my eclipse IDE

I downloaded jsuml-eclipse-0.8.4 from
I put all the plugin jars in eclipse plugin folder and start eclipse in clean mode. Still i am unable to see the plugin in plugin installed in eclipse --> preferences --> plugin.
I am using eclipse helios on mac with snowlapord OS.
If any one know some good code to UML diagram in javascript please suggest.
At least you should ensure you use Eclipse 3.7.1 (Indigo). Newer versions wont work so far since some incompatibilites have brought in but the plugin was never adapted to that.
I managed it to get jsuml working, although I'm still not able to parse my .js files in.

Using Eclipse 3.7 for developing Plugin based on Eclipse RCP 3.5

is it possible to use Eclipse 3.7 IDE for developing for the 3.5 platform? Or must I use Eclipse 3.5 IDE?
When I try to switch from Eclipse 3.5 IDE to 3.7 I get errors on projects, which were ok before:
Archive for required library: 'C:/.../.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/.external_libraries/xyz/os/win32/x86' in project 'projectname' cannot be read or is not a valid ZIP file projectname
What do I have to do to exchange the 3.5 IDE with a current one, but still develop for the 3.5 platform?
I hope my explanation did make sense and was understandable :)
Additional Info:
- I never used the RCP before, now I must use it
- It's no option to upgrade the target platform (3.5)
- I searched the net and stackoverflow, but found no answers for using 3.7 and develop for target platform 3.5 (maybe nobody else has these problems or I used the wrong queries)
Use the menu
Window > Preferences:
Plug-in development > target platform
Here you can add your eclipse 3.5 as a target platform, and then set it active.
But I don't think this will solve the errors you mentioned. I think those errors are because you are using the old workspace folder, and there is something not compatible with eclipse3.7. So maybe you can try to switch to a new workspace, and import your projects there.
I just resolved my problem :-)
In my case, there was a plugin jar, that contained the java sources:
It seems like eclipse is putting jars inside of plugin jars in the following directory:
For my plugin, it tried to put the src folder in this directory - which somehow failed.
After deleting the src folder inside the jar, the errors were gone.
RCP == bag of pain :-)

Same IDE for both C and Java projects?

I have a Java project and a C project. I would like to use the Eclipse IDE to work on each project. To accomplish this I ended out downloading a version of ecliplse for C and a version for Java. Seems like I should only need 1 ide and then "switch perspectives" when I switch to work on a different project. However, the "Java" perspective is not available in the dropdown when the C version of eclipse is running, and vica-versa.
Do I really need two ides?
Download one IDE. Go to the Eclipse Marketplace and install the other one. It will have both plugins installed for a single Eclipse IDE installation.
you can easily install the CDT features in a Java version of eclipse, or vice-versa, but I would add C++ to Java.
Once the features are installed the C++ projects can be opened and it is indistinguishable from the prepackaged version.
There is no magic there.
Help --> Install New Software --> Select helios repository (with a version indicator)
wait till the package list appears
Open the Programming Languages folder and select the CDT packages.
Typically eclipse complains so;e dependencies are missing, so select those too and it'll install.