Graph API | Get facebook page members/likes - facebook

I've got a question about the facebook graph api.
I have a example facebook page:
And i want to get the images from all the people that liked that page.
I've found on this site that it is not possible to find the people that liked a external page. but thats not the case?
I hope to hear from you people:)

No, you can't do that!
Have a look at the facebook api: graph api pages. You can get the count of likes for a page, but there is no connection to the people who like it. Furthermore, if you would know the facebook ids of these users, you would need the user_photos permission.

Like button reference lists the options.
I don't know if 'show faces' is what you are looking for.


Retrieve /feed or /tagged on facebook community pages

I am using FB graph API to fetch people's posts on community pages, such as this
I used the graph API explorer with url
However, if I try the /tagged url with a non community page such as this, I can retrieve people's posts on the page.
Do anyone know why /tagged only work in non community page?
Thank you!
Not really sure what do you mean with "Community pages" but this is a problem of permissions. Quoting the docs:
/{page-id}/tagged shows the posts to this page. It will also show some
posts in which the page has been tagged. It will only show tagged
posts where the person who made the post have installed the same app.
Link to the docs:
So probably you do not have permissions to see post for that particular page.
I hope it helps.

Facebook Like Box - Posts by others not appearing

I am trying to implement the Facebook like box onto my website to show posts by others onto my Facebook page, however it is only showing a feed of the posts the page has made to its timeline and not the posts of other Facebook users.
I'm not sure how I can get this to happen? I'm not bothered about having the page's posts appear but I definitely want other's posts to appear in the feed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Afaik the Plugin only shows posts "by the Page", so that is intentional. Think of it this way: If you get many User postings and only write a few Page postings, your Page postings would just not be very visible in the plugin.
You can only use the "force_checkin" parameter of the plugin to show checkins of friends, see Facebook docs:
If you want to get the posts of Users on a Page, you would have to use the Graph API:
The docs include some example code for most relevant languages and you will get User posts too. Of course you have to design it on your own, you just get data from the API.

How can I get the details of all fans of a Facebook page?

Suppose that I am the administrator of a Facebook page, I want to get all of the profile details of a the people who "liked" my page. Is this possible? How?
So far, I have only been able to get aggregated data through the Graph API. For example, "number of like in the past week".
There are posts that claim that I can do this with the FQL API, but the documentation for the FQL seems to have been hidden on FB developer site.
FQL reference is not "hidden", it's here: But there's no current official way to get the profile details of your Page's liker, because you'd need the permission to query the user data from the users.
There are some "hacks" as denoted at Facebook API: Get fans of / people who like a page for example, but it's strongly advised that you don't use these. Facebook forbids scraping for example, and once Facebook changes its website, those methods are likely to stop working.

Get Facebook friends who liked an external page

How can we display the friends who liked an external page like those displayed in like box.
Like box can be only used for facebook pages. Can anyone please help.
Can I do this without using FQL?
That's not possible anymore since Graph API v2.0. All friends permissions have been removed, see:

How to like facebook post from my webpage

I have a webpage, and facebook page. I would like to have a "like" button that wouldn´t like the facebook page but the last post I made on the facebook page. Is this possible?
sorry but having an external like button pointing to a single facebook content is not possible at the moment. Although there are codes in the Graph API: Publishing documentation that relate to this.
Using the said code can make users (who authorized you app) like a content, just like what you are asking for, but I've tried this before and it says that the application needs to be white-listed. I've researched more into this matter and a few more people experienced this as well.
More references: