Get Facebook friends who liked an external page - facebook

How can we display the friends who liked an external page like those displayed in like box.
Like box can be only used for facebook pages. Can anyone please help.
Can I do this without using FQL?

That's not possible anymore since Graph API v2.0. All friends permissions have been removed, see:


graph api user news feed

by calling /me/feed in graph api i can get feed like my posts or posts that i am tagged in.
How can i get a feed with my friends posts or news that i see in my wall in fb?
i mean feed like the one that i see when i login to facebook
i tryed me/feed with several parameters but no luck
same here no info :(
i didnt manage to find something useful in facebook graph api explorer
How can i get a feed with my friends posts or news that i see in my wall in fb?
You can’t.
That used to be available in the very beginning via the /home edge, but that has since been removed.
There is no replacement. Friend’s posts are only available to your app, if the friend would join your app and grant it permission to read their posts.
(Plus, platform policy says apps should not replicate Facebook “core functionality”. If a user wants their news feed, they can go to Facebook ...)

How can I get the details of all fans of a Facebook page?

Suppose that I am the administrator of a Facebook page, I want to get all of the profile details of a the people who "liked" my page. Is this possible? How?
So far, I have only been able to get aggregated data through the Graph API. For example, "number of like in the past week".
There are posts that claim that I can do this with the FQL API, but the documentation for the FQL seems to have been hidden on FB developer site.
FQL reference is not "hidden", it's here: But there's no current official way to get the profile details of your Page's liker, because you'd need the permission to query the user data from the users.
There are some "hacks" as denoted at Facebook API: Get fans of / people who like a page for example, but it's strongly advised that you don't use these. Facebook forbids scraping for example, and once Facebook changes its website, those methods are likely to stop working.

Get all Facebook friends that like a specific page

is there an easy way to get all Facebook friends that like a specific Facebook page?
I know that there is this site here
Where you can type in the page_id and get all friends that like this. But is this also possible with the Graph API? Or would I need to go every friend of a user, using the correct permission and THEN check if the user likes a specific page? I couldn't find an API Endpoint in the API Reference of Facebook

Graph API | Get facebook page members/likes

I've got a question about the facebook graph api.
I have a example facebook page:
And i want to get the images from all the people that liked that page.
I've found on this site that it is not possible to find the people that liked a external page. but thats not the case?
I hope to hear from you people:)
No, you can't do that!
Have a look at the facebook api: graph api pages. You can get the count of likes for a page, but there is no connection to the people who like it. Furthermore, if you would know the facebook ids of these users, you would need the user_photos permission.
Like button reference lists the options.
I don't know if 'show faces' is what you are looking for.

Can I Use Facebook Graph API to Read My Facebook Page Fans' Walls?

I am wondering if there is a way to programmatically read the wall posts of my Facebook Page's fans (I mean those who "like" my Facebook Page) by either using Graph API or FQL.
I would like to develop an application that aggregates my fans' wall posts so that I can get to know what kind of people "like" my Facebook Page by reading what they are saying in their walls.
No, you don't get this level of access just for having had someone like your page. You would need to specifically request access using a Facebook application.