iOS app and LGPL issue [closed] - lgpl

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have an iOS app which use the ffmpeg library, and iOS should compile in static link. According to the LGPLv2, do I release my source code related my UI or other bussiness logic ?

The interaction between the LGPL and Apple's app store is a disputed issue. The only way to get advice you can rely on is to ask a lawyer. I believe that you have two choices -- you can either open source your entire application or you can make available all the object code (.o and .a files) needed to re-link your application.


mach_star and app store [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Would there be any problems with sending an Mac app to App Store if it is using mach_star for code injection? Would apple approve this app and are there any apps in Mac App Store using mach_star? Thanks in advance.
There is an unofficial check list (AppStore Checklist) with item 25 about interpreted code. It is not the exact thing you mentioned but it might be the reason to reject your app.

Including screenshot of iPad/iPhone in my App [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I've been reading through Apples submission guidelines and was wondering if anyone has had experience including screenshots inside their app.
I want to include some screenshots of the Home Screen and maybe some other parts of iOS in my app.
Is this going to lead to instant rejection?
Why should you include parts of iOS in your App screenshots? I'm not thinking of anything (except notifications or showing App workflow) that could be included. I think that if you have a great reason for including those screenshots (like describing the workflow of your App), you have a chance to be accepted.
A common sense is to look screenshots of other apps - if they have it, you could too.
No as of now there is no rejection if you use images from your app into your application.There is no reason in rejecting that.Hope this helps You can go throuch this guidelines on , and .Hope this helps.

How to access the reviews of old version of an app in itunesconnect? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have been pleased to see my application updated to the new version I submitted to the appstore recently. But I was surprised to see that in itunesconnect, I could not access to the information about the first version anymore.
In particular, I would like to see the customer reviews of the previous version of my app. It seems they have been deleted.
Is there any way to retrieve them?
Thanks !
I use App review finder which is pretty ugly, but does the job. It also allows you to find reviews for all countries on the App Store

Is it possible to distribute HTML 5 IPhone application via AppleStore? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is it possible to distribute HTML 5 IPhone application via AppleStore?
Not natively, you can perhaps wrap your app in a container to distribute it on the app store. But not heard about something to do that yet.
BTW, an alternative app store exist for HTML5 apps:
I found a project called PhoneGap. That allows Javascript application to use native API and distributed through App Store.

Does iPhone libffi require jailbreak? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'd like to write an app-store-approvable app for the iPhone OS which uses libffi. Is this allowed? I am capable of rewriting all of the parts that use it with things like NSInvocation without too much trouble, but would prefer libffi. So my question is: would apps that use libffi be rejected from the app store?
Apple approval is not guaranteed or denied by anything. It's entirely up to them.