Error on Zend_Session::namespaceUnset('Default'); - zend-framework

I'm fairly new to Zend and I think this question won't be so hard to answer.
I'd like to unset my entire session namespace (called 'Default'), and I've found a possible answer here, but when I use the following line of code Zend_Session::namespaceUnset('Default'); I get this error: Zend_Session is currently marked as read-only.
Hopefully someone can help me out.

If it is set to read-only, then you can remove the read-only, by called
Also, "Default" is the default namespace name. I always change this to something else. You can also check if the $namespace you are trying to use is locked by using:
$namespace->isLocked(). This will return a boolean true/false of the status of the namespace.
So... what you might have is this (from docs):
$userProfileNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('userProfileNamespace');
// marking session as read only locked
// unlocking read-only lock
if ($userProfileNamespace->isLocked()) {


Custom moodle completion rule does not work

I am developing a mod_plugin for Moodle and want to support the automatic activity completion with a custom rule. I followed the official documentation and implemented all necessary functions. In the lib.php [pluginname]_supports method I have registered, FEATURE_GRADE_HAS_GRADE, FEATURE_COMPLETION_TRACKS_VIEWS, FEATURE_COMPLETION_HAS_RULES.
The \mod_[pluginname]\completion\custom_completion class defines a custom rule named "completiontest" in get_defined_custom_rules(). During my tests I found out that the methods get_state(), get_sort_order() and get_custom_rule_descriptions() are never executed. Also I don't see any output via activity_information().
I have cleared all caches, created new instances of my activity module, with no result. My development environment uses Moodle 3.11.7 (Build: 20220509).
My custom_completion.php script:
namespace mod_cwr\completion;
use core_completion\activity_custom_completion;
class custom_completion extends activity_custom_completion {
public function get_state(string $rule): int {
public static function get_defined_custom_rules(): array {
return [
public function get_custom_rule_descriptions(): array {
return [
'completiontest' => 'testout'
public function get_sort_order(): array {
return [
Test at the view.php:
$completion = new completion_info($course);
if($completion->is_enabled($coursemodule) == COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC){
$completion->update_state($coursemodule, COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE, $USER->id);
$completiondetails = \core_completion\cm_completion_details::get_instance($coursemodule, $USER->id);
$activitydates = \core\activity_dates::get_dates_for_module($coursemodule, $USER->id);
echo $OUTPUT->activity_information($coursemodule, $completiondetails, $activitydates);
At the mod_form.php I check with completion_rule_enabled() if a custom rule is activated by the settings.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
Looking at the mod_forum plugin code showed me, that the get_state($rule) method does not observe all custom rules, only those selected in the settings. How do I tell Moodle to use a specific custom rule?
You appear to be calling update_state() and passing in the possible state change as COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE.
This is a way of telling Moodle "if the state is already incomplete, don't bother doing any expensive completion calculations to check if it should change state".
If you want Moodle to check and then (potentially) change the state to "complete", then pass COMPLETION_COMPLETE. If you really don't know which way it could be switching, then leave the param at the default COMPLETION_UNKNOWN (a good example would be forum completion - if you have just created a forum post, then you might cause the forum to be marked as "complete", but you certainly can't cause the forum to be marked as "incomplete", so you can pass the COMPLETION_COMPLETE parameter, so Moodle knows it only needs to check for changes if the forum is not already "complete").
Also, don't bother passing $USER->id as the third parameter - that's the default which is used of you don't pass anything.
As for telling Moodle which rules to use - it is up to you, when your function is called, to check your plugins settings to determine which rules are in use (and any other relevant configuration - e.g. with mod_forum, it needs to check how many posts are required for completion).
Thank you for the support. Got it running.
I now use $completion->update_state($coursemodule, COMPLETION_COMPLETE); and also had to fix [pluginname]_get_coursemodule_info() with $result->customdata['customcompletionrules']['completiontest'] = $cwr->completiontest; and totally forgot the return $result;.

How to make EF log sql queries globally?

How do I "tell" EF to log queries globally? I was reading this blog post: EF logging which tells in general how to log sql queries. But I still have a few questions regarding this logger.
Where would I need to place this line context.Database.Log = s =>
logger.Log("EFApp", s);?
Can it be globally set? Or do I have to place it everywhere I do DB
In the "Failed execution" section, the blogger wrote that, and I
For commands that fail by throwing an exception, the output contains the message from the exception.
Will this be logged too if I don't use the context.Database.Log?
Whenever you want the context to start logging.
It appears to be done on the context object so it should be done every time you create a new context. You could add this line of code in your constructor though to ensure that it is always enabled.
It will not log if you do not enable the logging.
I don't recommend to use that's functionality, because, it hasn't reason to exists in the real case.
Thats it use a lot of to debug code only. But, wether you wanna know more than details ... access link...
In this case you can put code like this
public void Mylog()
//Thats a delegate where you can set this property to log using
//delegate type Action, see the code below
context.Database.Log = k=>Console.Write("Any query SQL")
context.Database.Log = k=>Test("Any query SQL")
public void Test(string x){
I hope thats useufull

Rails 4 with CanCan: unknown attribute error after including load_and_authorize_resource

I'm working in Rails 4 and have gotten CanCan to work well with instructions from this issue, except for one use case that I think might be relatively common.
I have a Comment model, which has_many :comments, through: :replies for nested comments. All of this is working well, until I add load_and_authorize_resource to my comments controller. The problem seems to stem from a hidden field sending an optional :parent_comment_id attribute to my create action.
I've permitted this attribute via strong parameters:
def comment_params
params.require(:comment).permit(:content, :parent_comment_id, :post_id, :comment_id, :user_id)
So that I can create the association if a :parent_comment_id is included:
if comment_params[:parent_comment_id] != nil
Reply.create({:parent_comment_id => comment_params[:parent_comment_id], :comment_id =>})
But once I add load_and_authorize_resource, I get an unknown attribute error for :parent_comment_id. What am I missing?
Solution came to me in my sleep. Here's what I did to solve the problem:
The only reason comment_params wasn't normally having a problem on create, was because I was excluding the extra :parent_comment_id parameter, like this:
#comment = post.comment.create(comment_params.except(:parent_comment_id))
When CanCan used the comment_params method however, it did no such sanitation. Hence, the problem. It would have been messy to add that sanitation to CanCan on a per-controller basis, so I did what I should have done all along and instead of passing the :parent_comment_id inside :comment, I used hidden_field_tag to pass it outside of :comment and accessed it through plain, old params.
I hope this helps someone else who makes a similar mistake!

Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Interface and a session_id mysterie

I'm trying to setup my own Zend_Session_SaveHandler based on this code
This works great, except that my session_id behave mysteriously.
I'm using the Zend_Session_SaveHandler_Cache class as you can find it in the blog above (except that I parked it in my own library, so it's name now starts with My_).
In my bootstrap I have:
protected function _initSession()
$session = $this->getPluginResource('session');
Zend_Session::getSaveHandler()->setCache( $this->_manager->getCache( 'memcached' ) );
To get my session going based on this code in my .ini file = Core
resources.cachemanager.memcached.frontend.options.automatic_serialization = On = Libmemcached = localhost = 11213
So far so good. Until somebody tries to login and Zend_Session::rememberMe() is called. In the comments of Zend_Session one can read
normally "rememberMe()" represents a security context change, so
should use new session id
This of course is very true, and a new session id is generated. The users Zend_Auth data, after a successful log in, is written into this new session. I can see this because I added some logging functionality to the original class from the blog.
And here is where things go wrong. This new id isn't passed on the Zend_Session apparently, because Zend_Session keeps on reading the old id's session data. In other words, the one without the Zend_Auth instance. Hence, the user can no longer log in.
So the question is, how to make my saveHandler work with the new id after the regeneration?
Cheers for any help.
Ok, I'm blushing here....
I was looking at the wrong place to find this error. My session saveHandler was working just fine (so I can recommend Mike Willbanks his work if you want libmemcached session management).
What did go wrong then? Well, besides switching from file to libmemcached, I also switched from setting up my session in bootstrap to setting it up in my application.ini. So, instead of putting lines like
session.cookie_domain =
in my application.ini (which were then used in bootstrap as options to setup my session), I now, properly, wrote
resources.session.cookie_domain =
And this is were things went wrong, because.... I only changed those lines for production, I forgot to change them further down the ini file. In other words, my development env. got the cookie_domain of my production env., which is wrong as I use an other domain name during devolepment. So, on every page load, my cookie was invalidaded and a new session started. Mysterie solved...

Setting EObject's resource with a command

I'm using a TransactionalEditingDomain to manage changes on my model. However, I have some problems in creating an empty model. I think that the problem is when I add the model to the model Resource (modelResource.getContents().add(model);), because it should be put within a transaction. Accordingly, I was trying to use the AddCommand to perform such operation, but I am not able to find a EStructuralFeature for the Resource's contents.
In other words, I would like to write something like:
Command cmd = AddCommand.create(editingDomain, modelResource, FEAT_CONTENTS, model);
The problem is that I cannot find the FEAT_CONTENTS... does anybody have a suggestion?
I have found the "official" solution with using AddCommand on the Eclipse Forum of EMF:
Command cmd = new AddCommand(editingDomain, modelResource.getContents(), model);
Since removing a root object is also non-trivial, the same approach can be used with RemoveCommand:
Command cmd = new RemoveCommand(editingDomain, modelResource.getContents(), model);
Finally, for completeness, you should also know that DeleteCommand (that also removes all references to the removed object) does not work on root objects at all.
I found a solution, but sincerely I do not like it:
commandStack.execute(new RecordingCommand(editingDomain) {
protected void doExecute() {