How to make EF log sql queries globally? - entity-framework

How do I "tell" EF to log queries globally? I was reading this blog post: EF logging which tells in general how to log sql queries. But I still have a few questions regarding this logger.
Where would I need to place this line context.Database.Log = s =>
logger.Log("EFApp", s);?
Can it be globally set? Or do I have to place it everywhere I do DB
In the "Failed execution" section, the blogger wrote that, and I
For commands that fail by throwing an exception, the output contains the message from the exception.
Will this be logged too if I don't use the context.Database.Log?

Whenever you want the context to start logging.
It appears to be done on the context object so it should be done every time you create a new context. You could add this line of code in your constructor though to ensure that it is always enabled.
It will not log if you do not enable the logging.

I don't recommend to use that's functionality, because, it hasn't reason to exists in the real case.
Thats it use a lot of to debug code only. But, wether you wanna know more than details ... access link...
In this case you can put code like this
public void Mylog()
//Thats a delegate where you can set this property to log using
//delegate type Action, see the code below
context.Database.Log = k=>Console.Write("Any query SQL")
context.Database.Log = k=>Test("Any query SQL")
public void Test(string x){
I hope thats useufull


neo4j using transactionListener causes read/write error

I'm trying to use TransactionEventListener in neo4j. There don't seem to be any lifecycle hooks for plugins, so I figure the only way to do it is to have a plugin procedure do it. However, trying to do that gives me this error:
Neo4jError: Writing in read access mode not allowed. Attempted write to internal graph 1 (system)
The plugin uses write mode, even if I'm not actually writing anything to the database; I'm just registering that TransactionEventListener, although that could indeed lead to writes later on. Still, I've got Write mode.
Here's my procedure:
#Procedure(name = "setTransactionListener", mode = Mode.WRITE)
public Stream<BuiltInProcedures.NodeResult> setTaxonomy(
#Name("taxonomy") Map<String, Map<String, Object>[]> taxonomy
) {
var managementService = new DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder(Path.of(".")).build();
var listener = new ValidationTransactionListener(taxonomy);
managementService.registerTransactionEventListener(db.databaseName(), listener);
return null;
Best guess is that I'm not supposed to register a transaction listener this way. But if not this way, then how? There don't seem to be any lifecycle hooks that get called when the database starts, so how can I possibly register an transactionEventListener?
Or is there a way I can give myself permission to do this?
What do you actually want to do?
It doesn't work like that, you need to register the listener in the database lifecycle within a KernelExtensionFactory?
See here for an example:

SAPUI5 batch submit returns error

I am using the following code, in an attempt to batch upload the changes made on a table:
onConfirmActionPressed: function() {
var oModel = this.getModel();
I am using setProperty() to set the new values, like this:
onSingleSwitchChange: function(oControlEvent) {
var oModel = this.getView().getModel();
var rowBindingContext = oControlEvent.getSource().getBindingContext();
oModel.setProperty(rowBindingContext.sPath + "/Zlspr", "A");
When onConfirmActionPressed is executed, I get a server error, saying that "Commit work during changeset processing not allowed" on SAP R3.
When I upload the lines of the table one-by-one, it works fine. However, uploading this way is very slow, and in some cases it takes more than 10 minutes for the process to complete.
Am I doing something wrong while batch submitting? Is there a chance the issue is due to server (R3) misconfiguration?
You need to override methods:
Keep track of the errors across all calls to update methods and if everything went OK then in changeset_end perform commit on the database
To clarify:
In your Data Provider Class Extension in SAP Gateway you need to find your YOURENTITY_UPDATE_ENTITY method and get rid off any COMMIT WORK statements.
Then you need to redefine /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~CHANGESET_BEGIN method and, which is a method which is fired before any batch operation. You could define a class attribute such as table mt_batch_errors which would be emptied in this method.
When you post batch changes from UI5 using oModel.submitChanges() all single changes to Entities are directed to appropriate ..._UPDATE_ENTITY methods. You need to keep track of any possible errors and if any occurs then fill your mt_batch_errors table.
After all entities have been updated /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~CHANGESET_END method is fired in which you are able to check mt_batch_errors table if any errors occurred during the batch process. If there were errors then you should probably ROLLBACK WORK, and if not then you are free to COMMIT WORK.
That is just an example of how it could be done, I'm curious of other suggestions.
Good luck!

TYPO3: repository->findAll() not working

I am building an extension with a backend module. When I call the findAll() method it returns a "QueryResult" object.
I tried to retrieve objects with findByUid() and it does work.
I set the storage pid in the typoscript:
plugin.tx_hwforms.persistence.storagePid = 112
I can also see it in the typoscript object browser.
I also added this to my repository class:
public function initializeObject()
$defaultQuerySettings = $this->objectManager->get(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Typo3QuerySettings::class);
so that the storage pid is ignored ...
It's still not working, findAll doesn't return an array of entites as it should
Repository must return a QueryResult from the findAll methods. Only methods which return a single object (findOneByXYZ) will return anything else.
All of the following operations will cause a QueryResult to load the actual results it contains. Until you perform one of these, no results are loaded and debugging the QueryResult will yield no information except for the original Query.
$queryResult->offsetGet($offset); and $queryResult[$offset];
$queryResult->offsetSet($offset, $value); and $queryResult[$offset] = $value; (but be aware that doing this yourself with a QueryResult is illogical).
$queryResult->offsetUnset($offset); and unset($queryResult[$offset]); (again, illogical to use this yourself)
$queryResult->current(), ->key(), ->next(), ->prev(), ->rewind() and ->valid() which can all be called directly or will be called if you begin iterating the QueryResult.
Note that ->getFirst() and ->count() do not cause the original query to fire and will not fill results if they are not already filled. Instead, they will perform an optimised query.
Summa summarum: when you get a QueryResult you must trigger it somehow, which normally happens when you begin to render the result set. It is not a prefilled array; it is a dynamically filled Iterator.
This should work.there must be issue with your storage page in FindAll() extbase check for storage but in findByXXX() it ignore storage.
$objectManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\Extbase\\Object\\ObjectManager');
$querySettings = $objectManager->get('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Persistence\\Generic\\Typo3QuerySettings');
$cities = $this->cityRepository->findAll();
Use additionally typoscript module configuration, like
module.tx_hwforms.persistence.storagePid = 112
Ensure your Typoscript is loaded in root. For BE modules I prefere to use
where you write your module and extbase configuration.
Try to debbug like below and check findAll() method present for this repositry. I think this is useful for you click here
\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\DebuggerUtility::var_dump(get_class_methods($this->yourRepositryName)); exit();
Afetr added all your changes once you need to uninsatll/install extension.
I would inspect the generated query itself. Configure the following option in the install tool:
Note: dont do this in production environemnt!!
Explanation for sqlDebug:
Setting it to "0" will avoid any information being print on screen.
Setting it to "1" will show errors only.
Setting it to "2" will print all queries on screen.
So in Production you want to keep it at "0", in development environments you should set it to "1", if you want to know why some result is empty, configure it to "2".
I would guess that some enablefield configuration causes your problem.
If you retrieve an object by findByUid you will have the return because enablefields are ignored. In every other case enablefields are applied and that may cause your empty result.

Breeze: cannot execute _executeQueryCore until metadataStore is populated

I was using Breeze v1.1.2 that came with the Hot Towel template which has now been extended to form my project. I made the mistake of updating the NuGet package to the current 1.3.3 (I never learn). Anyway, all was well, and now not so much!
I followed the instructions in the release notes and other docs to change my BreezeWebApiConfig file to:
[assembly: WebActivator.PreApplicationStartMethod(
typeof(BreezeWebApiConfig), "RegisterBreezePreStart")]
namespace MyApp.App_Start {
public static class BreezeWebApiConfig {
public static void RegisterBreezePreStart() {
name: "BreezeApi",
routeTemplate: "breeze/{controller}/{action}"
And the config.js file (which provides the serviceName to the EntityManager constructor) to:
var remoteServiceName = 'breeze/breeze'; // NEW version
//var remoteServiceName = 'api/breeze'; // OLD version
And my BreezeController if you're interested:
public class BreezeController : ApiController
readonly EFContextProvider<MyDbContext> _contextProvider =
new EFContextProvider<MyDbContext>();
public string Metadata()
return _contextProvider.Metadata();
public IQueryable<SomeItem> SomeItems()
// Do stuff here...
Now I get the "cannot execute _executeQueryCore until metadataStore is populated" error.
What am I missing here?
I perhaps left out the part you needed... Above in the SomeItems() method, the stuff that actually gets done is a call to the GetMeSomeData() method in the MyDBContext class. This method makes the following call to a stored procedure to get the data.
public virtual ObjectResult<SomeItem> GetMeSomeData(string inParam)
var p = new object[] { new SqlParameter("#inParam", inParam) };
var retVal = ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery<SomeItem>("exec GetData #SN", p);
return retVal;
Now given my limited understanding, the call to Metadata() is not failing, but I don't think it has any idea what the entity model is when coming back, even though somewhere along the line, it should figure that out from the entity model I do have (i.e. SomeItem)? The return string from Metadata() doesn't have any information about the entity. Is there a way to make it aware? Or am I just completely off in left field playing with the daisies?
Hard to say based on this report. Let's see if Breeze is right.
Open the browser debugging tools and look at the network traffic. Do you see an attempt to get metadata from the server before you get that error? If so, did it succeed? Or 404? Or 500? What was the error?
I'm betting it didn't even try. If it didn't, the usual reason is that you tried some Breeze operation before your first query ... and you didn't ask for metadata explicitly either. Did you try to create an entity? That requires metadata.
The point is, you've got to track down the Breeze operation that precipitates the error. Sure everything should just work. The world should be rainbows and unicorns. When it isn't, we heave a sigh, break out the debugger, and start with the information that the error gave us.
And for the rest of you out there ... upgrading to a new Breeze version is a good thing.
Happy coding everyone.
Follow-up to your update
Breeze doesn't know how you get your data on the back-end. If the query result has a recognizable entity in it, Breeze will cache that. It's still up to you in the query callback to ensure that what you deliver to the caller is something meaningful.
You say that you're server-side metadata method doesn't have any idea what SomeItem is? Then it's not much use to the client. If it returns a null string, Breeze may treat that as "no metadata at all" in which case you should be getting the "cannot execute _executeQueryCore until metadataStore is populated" error message. Btw, did you check the network traffic to determine what your server actually returned in response to the metadata request (or if there was such a request)?
There are many ways to create Metadata on the server. The easiest is to use EF ... at least as a modeling tool at design time. What's in that MyDbContext of yours? Why isn't SomeItem in there?
You also can create metadata on the client if you don't want to generate it from the server. You do have to tell the Breeze client that you've made that choice. Much of this is explained in the documentation "Metadata Format".
I get the feeling that you're kind of winging it. You want to stray from the happy path ... and that's cool. But most of us need to learn to walk before we run.

Update a table using JPA in Play Framework

I'm trying to update a table using JPA
EntityManager em=JPA.em();
EntityTransaction entr = em.getTransaction();
Tblrecordtypefields updateTblrecordtypes = em.find(Tblrecordtypefields.class,9);
i'm getting the error
NullPointerException occured : null at
What should i do.
I see some possible issues in there:
First, Play manages the transactions on it's own. A transaction is created at the beginning of the request and committed (rollback if exception) at the end. You are trying to force your way into it, that's not recommended. To manage the entity, just do an to mark it as "to be saved" and don't do tht to ignore any changes.
Second, if you are using the Model class in Play (as you should) you can use the "find" and "findById" methods provided by this class. This is recommened, instead of using the EntityManager directly.
See the documentation for more information.
Basically, redo your code to follow the Play way, to avoid problems :)
EDIT: as a clarification, I'm not really answering your question on why you get the NPE, but I think that as you are forcing your way into the settings of the framework you might (maybe not!) be seeing unexpected artifacts that will dissapear once you fix your code to follow convention.
If after that you still have the error let us know :)
This means that there is no row with ID 9 in the database table mapped by the entity Tblrecordtypefields.
BTW: I find it very questionable to commit a transaction in a method which is not necessary the one that started the transaction.
I have changed my code as below
Tblrecordtypefields updateTblrecordtypeFields = Tblrecordtypefields.findById(9);
in my model class
public void setFieldlabel(String fieldlabel) {
this.fieldlabel = fieldlabel;
Works Fine.....