CMMotionManager is a global resource? What does this means? - iphone

I am trying to initialize the CMMotionManager so start updates and create a reference attitude matrix, and then when i click a button trough the storyboard, i display a different screen (which is in a viewcontroller) and i want to use the reference attitude matrix and other readings from the motion manager but if I do a simple check to see if its ready it says it isnt (even thought it was ready on the previous screen).
So I was researching a little bit and i came across some standford notes that say it is a global resource so that it is ok to either use delegates or classes, that got me thinking.
If i use a delegate then technically the owner of the resource is doing the action for me right? so it doesnt really mean it is global.
What about classes? i tried implementing a MotionManager Class but i still didnt get any readings on the second screen... and i just didnt initialize it again on the new screen because i dont want to have multiple instances runing at the same time.
To solve my problem i also suppose i could initialize it once in the main one, save the attitude, pass it to the next one in a segue transition and just re initialize the motion manager so i only have 1 instance (or close old one on screen will dissapear).
But i do not want this because the user might click right away on the screen and the motion manager does take a little bit of time to initialize (or thats what i noticed).
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Ok i tried the delegate method and i still cant read from the device manager in the second window. What comes to mind is that MAYBE when I am going to the second window xcode is automaticaly releasing my instance of Motion manager.... (CMMotionManager).
Anyone knows how to check this?

I hope I understood you right. Then I suggest using a singleton design pattern encapsulating motion manager access in a specialised class. Some pseudo code:
#interface MotionHandler {
CMMotionManager* motionManager;
+ (MotionHandler*) getInstance;
#interface MotionHandler {
static MotionHandler* instance;
+ (MotionHandler*) getInstance {
if (instance == nil) {
instance = [[self alloc] init];
return instance;
- (id)init {
if ((self = [super init])) {
motionManager = [[CMMotionManager alloc] init];
// initialise CMMotionManager
So there is one instance of MotionHandler only which manages access to CMMotionManager. You can accesss your CMMotionManager instance from everywhere with MotionHandler.getInstance.motionManager.
If you need access to CoreMotion from several classes, I recommend total encapsulation of CMMotionManager access. That means make it #private and provide methods like getDeviceMotion, setReferenceAttitude, ...
This helps to avoid complications like starting it twice or access to CMDeviceMotion before start and makes it more convenient to debug.


pass int variable to UITableView Through UINavigationController

I'm trying to pass int variable to UITableView through UINavigationController (I'm using xcode 4.3) So I created 2 classes (PartsTableViewController that is "UITableViewController" and PartsNavController that is "UINavigationController"), I want to pass the variable from my current class to PartsTableViewController and then open that table with its Navigation controller that contains the title bar , so I wrote in my current class the following code:
PartsNavController *partsNav = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"partsNav"];
partsNav.groupId = myGroupp.bg_id;
[self presentModalViewController:partsNav animated:YES];
and in the PartsNavController class I wrote in viewDidLoad:
PartsTableViewController *parts = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"Parts"];
parts.groupId = groupId;
[parts.tableView reloadData];
and in PartsTableViewController I wrote in viewDidLoad:
NSLog(#"This is group: %d", groupId);
but when run, it generates the output 2 times,
This is group:1
This is group:0
first time is the value that I sent and the second time it outs 0 , I just want the value that I sent, not 0
how can I prevent this and get just the value that I sent ????
I want to pass from (MaktabatyTableViewController) to (PartsTableViewController) without using segue
The better way to do what you want is to push second TableViewController in existing UINavigationController. The easiest way to do that is to create that NavContr in StoryBoard and than to TableViews and connect it's cell with leading view controller with segue. And than use method below:
-(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
UIViewController *destViewController = segue.destinationViewController;
destViewController.integerValue = value;
I want to pass from (MaktabatyTableViewController) to
(PartsTableViewController) without using segue
There are (at least) two strategies you can choose from:
Direct communication: People often ask how to communicate between two objects, and it almost always boils down one of the objects having a reference to the other (and sometimes vice versa). To send a message to an object, you need a pointer to that object; if you've got the pointer, there's no mystery about how to communicate. Thinking about it in those terms helps you think about the issue a little differently: instead of the immediate "how do I send a message to that object?" you can instead focus on the relationship between the two objects. How was each one created? Is one of the objects the parent of the other? Is there some common parent object that can provide a pointer? How should the objects be related, if at all?
Indirect communication: Sometimes instead of having two objects communicate directly, it's more appropriate to route the communication through some intermediate object. For example, your MaktabatyTableViewController might send a message to its delegate, and the delegate could then pass the information on to PartsTableViewController. A much more general solution is to use notifications: MaktabatyTableViewController could post a notification that PartsTableViewController listens for. The intermediate object in this case is the notification center. Either way, the advantage that you get with indirect communication is that neither object has to know about the other. That reduces coupling between the two classes and makes them both more flexible and more reusable.
From what I can see in your question, I'd suggest using notifications.

Alternative to global variables in app delegate

I am developing an application with a speedometer like animation (a meter and an arrow to indicate something on the meter). I store the arrow's position in a global variable declared in my app delegate. I am doing it this way because the arrow position is updated and used by several classes.
However, I am insecure whether this is a good or a bad design decision. My thoughts are that since it is a non-critical piece of information (just a float), no harm is done when storing it globally. But my OOP heart hurts every time I say the word "global" to myself.
Alternatively I have studiet singletons, but as far as I have read, singletons are used when the developer wishes to create one and only one instance of a certain object.
Am I doing it correct or is there a more proper way of doing what I do?
I am doing it this way because the arrow position is updated and used by several classes.
in many cases, you can reduce the scope. this reduces inter-component dependency.
However, I am insecure whether this is a good or a bad design decision. My thoughts are that since it is a non-critical piece of information (just a float), no harm is done when storing it globally. But my OOP heart hurts every time I say the word "global" to myself.
perhaps you can move the state (the float value) to an ivar in your speedometer? example: you likely display just one speedometer view: does it make more sense to add it to what is the view's model? or perhaps to its controller? (yes, it's a bit tough to provide a more specific example without the source)
Alternatively I have studiet singletons, but as far as I have read, singletons are used when the developer wishes to create one and only one instance of a certain object.
not necessary, and a severe pain to maintain. most of the cocoa singletons i have seen should not have been considered singletons, and caused a lot of headaches. better yet, you can write programs which use zero singletons. this is ideal, and easy to test. as is, the programs/types which depend on the app controller's have been compromised wrt testability and reusability.
Am I doing it correct or is there a more proper way of doing what I do?
in the vast majority of cases, you can simply reduce the scope and localize it, while removing global state. with a little more effort, you can remove that value as a global -- that is best.
although it is not a good thing... let's assume you really really really really really must introduce global state:
don't use a singleton. chances are good that you will rewrite it when you want to reuse it. it sugar coats what is ugly. if your app controller is a mess due to too much global state, at least the fact that you have too much global state will be obvious.
hold your global state in your app controller. your app controller is responsible for its initialization, lifetime, and access.
provide that state to dependencies, so they do not refer back to (or even know about) the global domain (the app controller). then you may minimize the impact.
there's also a distinct difference between global state and application/execution state. global state should be eliminated. execution state is not global state, but localized execution context. execution state can be reintroduced at the right level, altered, and updated, tested, and reused predictably. a good design will introduce execution state when needed, and at the right level while avoiding global state.
Your sample is pretty close to what i had imagined, based on the description in the OP. It provided some additional specifics. So the sample below (you'll need some additions in obvious areas to piece it all together) demonstrates how you could update the controller interfaces, and there are two free 'elsewhere' methods at the end which further illustrate how to use these:
#interface MONArrowPosition : NSObject
float arrowPosition;
#implementation MONArrowPosition
- (id)initWithPosition:(float)position
self = [super init];
if (nil != self) {
arrowPosition = position;
return self;
#interface MyViewController1 : UIViewController
MONArrowPosition * arrowPosition; // << may actually be held by the model
#implementation MyViewController1
- (void)applyRotation
[self rotateLayer:arrow from:self.arrowPosition to:callStatus speed:METER_SPEED];
#interface MyViewController2 : UIViewController
MONArrowPosition * arrowPosition; // << may actually be held by the model
#implementation MyViewController2
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
/* ... */
[self.slider addTarget:self action:#selector(sliderValueDidChange) forControlEvents:controlEvents];
- (void)sliderValueDidChange
self.arrowPosition.arrowPosition = self.slider.value;
[self arrowPositionDidChange];
/* elsewhere: */
- (void)initializeArrowPosition
/* The variable is set to a default of 0.0f */
MONArrowPosition * arrowPosition = [[MONArrowPosition alloc] initWithPosition:0.0f];
/* ... */
- (IBAction)someActionWhichPushesMyViewController1
// depending on the flow of your app, the body of initializeArrowPosition
// *could* be right here
MyViewController1 * viewController = [[MyViewController1 alloc] initWithNibName:nibName bundle:bundle];
viewController.arrowPosition = self.arrowPosition;
/* push it */
and then if MyViewController1 pushes MyViewController2, locating and setting the arrow position will be easy. the view controllers may also be sharing some information in the models. with a global in your sample, you are crossing many implementations, which adds coupling, increases dependency, etc.. so if you can take this approach and localize the execution state, you're off to a good start. then you can use any number of view controllers with any number of MONArrowPositions, and they will not be subject to the effects of global state. again, i can't get too specific using the samples provided, but i think this should illustrate the concepts i originally outlined well enough (i don't think a project-wide review is needed).
Well this is something that is keeping a lot of programmers up at night.
I try not to misuse the app delegate as much, I'll create a singleton for storing more or less global information. There is no real other way to do it then either the singleton or the app delegate.
But if only one viewController need the information than, the information will never leave that viewController. That viewcontroller could pass that information on to other viewcontroller is needed.
In you case it might be an idea to have some kind of directionManager which hold the floats and might even hold the CLLocationManager.
For this type of thing, I like to use NSNotifications. You have all the view controllers who care about the arrow's position listen for the specific notification, and they can all update the UI at once.

Keeping a class running in the background when another has been started

I will try and explain this as best as possible if I have this code here
ViewTwoController *home = [[ViewTwoController alloc] initWithNibName:#"contentscreen" bundle:nil];
[self presentModalViewController:home animated:YES];
[home release];
I will start a new .m and .h class. What I would like to try and do however is when this is called, have the .m and .h class where it was called from running in the background so I do not lose data.
The best example I can think of is with Android. If you begin a new class, and don't add the finish() statement in the class the call was made from, the previous class runs behind the current class (that was pushed to the front) and maintains all the data it originally had, so if you hit a return button, you will see the information you had moments ago. Is this possible? I can try add more detail if people cannot understand what I am trying to do.
You need to understand a objects life cycle a little better.
An object is brought into existence generally with a 2 part process.
allocation - (grabbing the memory for the object and its members)
initialization - (setting the object up for use)
This can be combined into single step with the +new class method which combines alloc and init.
lets introduce an example class called MyClass and an object of that class called myObject. By convention classes start with uppercase letters and objects start with lowercase letters. So Without further ado, some code:
MyClass * myObject;
this this makes an object pointer, but doesn't allocate any memory for it or direct the pointer to reference anything.
myObject = [[MyClass alloc] init];
this actually creates an instance of MyClass, passes the -init message to it, then assigns the return value of the init message to myObject. At this point the reference count of this object is 1.
myObject can potentially go out of scope but that alone doesn't free the memory that was allocated during the alloc step.
in order to free that memory a release message will need to be passed to the object.
[myObject release];
The effect of release is to decrement the reference count, if the reference count is already 1 then the object will then be passed the -dealloc indicating that it is actually being freed.
back to your question... essentially [self presentModalViewController:home animated:YES]; ends up calling -retain on home, so that it will not be destroyed until you dismiss the modal view controller. In affect when you call release or autorelease you aren't dealloc'ing the object, just telling the object:
"Hey, I don't need you anymore, and if no one else does either then free up all the memory that you grabbed earlier".
Your problem has nothing to do with "class running in the background" but more with how you manage your data.
When you present a modal view controller, its parent (the view controller you presented it from) isn't destroyed (unless you specifically release it, which would probably crash your app later). So if you're wondering whether its still in memory; it is. As for tasks still running, it depends on what those tasks are. For example, you can still send it messages (call methods) and it will gladly receive those messages from your or from a delegate and perform whatever action it has to while it's off-screen.
Hope that helped.
In this case you are presenting new view controller. The main thread will be in the new controller presented. If you want something to run in background in the previous view controller then you can create a background thread. This can be done using [self perfomselectorInThebackground ... ] Or some other methods like GCD. (The main thing is you should not block Main thread)

How to initialize custom classes in ViewControllers?

I'm still trying to wrap my head around how to best create and init custom classes in several ViewControllers.
Let's say I create a MyData class.
In FirstViewController, I wish to initialize it.
From one of the iPhone classes at college, a teacher suggested to use the following so that several instances of the same object are not created.
#property and #synthesize myData is done
-(MyData *)myData {
if (!myData) {
myData = [[MyData alloc] init];
return myData;
myData is released
Three things with this. If I put a MyData alloc init in one of the FirstViewController's methods, then I'm told every time that method is called, a new object is created which is consuming memory and is a potential for memory leaks. By creating the above getter, every time the object is used, the getter is called which seems like a waste of CPU cycles. If I don't do an alloc init, then the object is not created at all.
Lastly in subsequent views, I find I can get by just doing #property and #synthesize MyData in SecondViewController and then pass the myData object in the FirstViewController to it.
So why do I need alloc init to create the object in FirstVC and not in the SecondVC? Shouldn't I need to do that to allocate some memory for the object to be created so I can send in the reference?
Is there a better way of alloc init the object myData in the FirstVC that doesn't create multiple instances yet doesn't unnecessarily waste CPU cycles? (For those thinking CPU is cheap, what if you had many objects declared and think mobile)
Hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance,
I'm not sure I can fully resolve your confusion, but here are a few ideas to consider:
First, don't worry about the load on the CPU associated with using property accessors. If that's where your bottleneck is, either you're doing very well or your app isn't doing very much. It's great to be conscious of potential performance issues; it's not so great to fix them before you know that there's really a problem.
Second, why not just initialize your properties in your -initWithNibName:bundle: method? Like this:
-(id)initWithNibName:(NSString*)name bundle:(NSString*)bundle
if (self = [super initWithNibName:name bundle:bundle]) {
myData = [[MyData alloc] init];
return self;
The code you showed looks a bit like what one might use to create a singleton, i.e. a class that can only be instantiated once. Could that be what your teacher was talking about? It's not something you need to do most of the time.
I'm not sure how to address your issue with the second view controller... I think there's some more confusion there, and since we don't have any code to talk about, it's hard to proceed. If you're using the "modern" Objective-C runtime, you can declare properties without providing matching instance variables, and perhaps that's what you're doing, but you still need to initialize your properties before you use them.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS on IPhone Cocos2d

I Have the following code:
-(void) changeAnimation:(NSString*)name forTime:(int) times {
if(currentAnimation != #"attack")
id action = [CCAnimate actionWithAnimation:[self animationByName:name]];
id repeatAction = [CCRepeat actionWithAction:action times:times];
currentAction = [self runAction:repeatAction];
lastANimation = currentAnimation;
currentAnimation = name;
else if(currentAction.isDone)
//Here is where I would change the animation
//but I commented the code for now
So when I run this and click on the button that changes the animation to "attack" (by calling [mysprite changeAnimation:#"attack" forTime:1];), I get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error from the "currentAction.isDone" line, the next time the function is called (the joystick will call changeAnimation to try and change the animation to "run" or "idle", but I want the attack animation to finish first). Any thoughts on whyI get this? currentAction is declared in my class.
Edit: there is nothing in the rest of the class that interacts with currentAction, beside a getter. Its declaration is in the .h (CCAction* surrentAction). Do I need to initialize it? I thought the returned value from runAction would be sufficient? ANyways, when I run the debugger, it is not nil, and assigned to the correct action.
I ended up creating a sequence when "attacking" that calls a function that changes the currentAnimation, so i avoided the issue. Still no idea what was happening.
Here's the answer if your interested:
Other Post
More of the class is probably needed to really answer this properly, but the EXC_BAD_ACCESS typically happens because you're accessing something that has been released and is no longer available in memory.
I'm guessing that somewhere in your class you're releasing, either explicitly, or implicitly, the "currentAction" object asynchronously - and when you're checking later, it's done & gone and you're hitting this crasher.
In general, keeping a state variable or two that you always have known values on is a good way to go, and for the "actions" that you're going through, if they're asynchronous and doing their own memory management, leave them as such and work through some state variables that you maintain and control all the memory management around. It's a pretty reasonable pattern for asynchronous callbacks, either with the classic stuff or as you move into using blocks with iOS 4.0