Keeping a class running in the background when another has been started - iphone

I will try and explain this as best as possible if I have this code here
ViewTwoController *home = [[ViewTwoController alloc] initWithNibName:#"contentscreen" bundle:nil];
[self presentModalViewController:home animated:YES];
[home release];
I will start a new .m and .h class. What I would like to try and do however is when this is called, have the .m and .h class where it was called from running in the background so I do not lose data.
The best example I can think of is with Android. If you begin a new class, and don't add the finish() statement in the class the call was made from, the previous class runs behind the current class (that was pushed to the front) and maintains all the data it originally had, so if you hit a return button, you will see the information you had moments ago. Is this possible? I can try add more detail if people cannot understand what I am trying to do.

You need to understand a objects life cycle a little better.
An object is brought into existence generally with a 2 part process.
allocation - (grabbing the memory for the object and its members)
initialization - (setting the object up for use)
This can be combined into single step with the +new class method which combines alloc and init.
lets introduce an example class called MyClass and an object of that class called myObject. By convention classes start with uppercase letters and objects start with lowercase letters. So Without further ado, some code:
MyClass * myObject;
this this makes an object pointer, but doesn't allocate any memory for it or direct the pointer to reference anything.
myObject = [[MyClass alloc] init];
this actually creates an instance of MyClass, passes the -init message to it, then assigns the return value of the init message to myObject. At this point the reference count of this object is 1.
myObject can potentially go out of scope but that alone doesn't free the memory that was allocated during the alloc step.
in order to free that memory a release message will need to be passed to the object.
[myObject release];
The effect of release is to decrement the reference count, if the reference count is already 1 then the object will then be passed the -dealloc indicating that it is actually being freed.
back to your question... essentially [self presentModalViewController:home animated:YES]; ends up calling -retain on home, so that it will not be destroyed until you dismiss the modal view controller. In affect when you call release or autorelease you aren't dealloc'ing the object, just telling the object:
"Hey, I don't need you anymore, and if no one else does either then free up all the memory that you grabbed earlier".

Your problem has nothing to do with "class running in the background" but more with how you manage your data.

When you present a modal view controller, its parent (the view controller you presented it from) isn't destroyed (unless you specifically release it, which would probably crash your app later). So if you're wondering whether its still in memory; it is. As for tasks still running, it depends on what those tasks are. For example, you can still send it messages (call methods) and it will gladly receive those messages from your or from a delegate and perform whatever action it has to while it's off-screen.
Hope that helped.

In this case you are presenting new view controller. The main thread will be in the new controller presented. If you want something to run in background in the previous view controller then you can create a background thread. This can be done using [self perfomselectorInThebackground ... ] Or some other methods like GCD. (The main thing is you should not block Main thread)


Releasing after pushing in iOS

So I have the following code where I am releasing an object after pushing it to another view. When I analyse it I get the error - Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller. Would anyone know how to fix this? I've tried so many options each time getting a different memory leak
- (void)showCurrentArticle:(id)sender {
return; //it is already there
animating = YES;
JsonViewController *newsController = [(JsonViewController *)[self.newsNavController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0]retain];
newsNavController.title = #"Parliament";
Item *currentItem = (Item *)[self.fetchedObjectsArray objectAtIndex:currentItemIndex];
NSString * urlString = [CONST_FEED_DISCRIPTION_URL stringByAppendingString:currentItem.guid];
[newsController initWithURLString:urlString];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:newsController animated:YES];
[newsController release];
This code takes a view controller that's already present in the navigation stack, reinitialises it, then pushes it onto the stack again. This doesn't seem right at all. You probably should be creating a new view controller. What's the background on this? What are you trying to achieve?
You are popping, change a title, than you are doing an initialization...
Decide if you will do deep clone of JsonViewController (alloc, init, copy field values) or just reference copy (retain). It will be mess later if you try to mix.
Your retain and release of the newsController object are unnecessary. That is why you are getting the warning. It looks like newsController is owned by the newsNavController object, which will retain it. The only reason you would need to retain newsController in this code is if you needed to use it outside the scope of this method. Since you don't need to retain it, you don't need to release it, hence the error. You may be assuming that the -initWithURLString:date: method is incrementing the retain count, but it is only new, alloc, and retain that do this. You should probably rename that method to not use the term init to avoid confusion.
What are you doing with -initWithURLString:date:??? Are you just adding a url? Then you should call it addURL...... If you really initialize it again, you set the pointer of the newsController variable to a new object. The first object it pointed to gets lost -> leak.
I assume you named the init method wrong and just add a url to a controller, which is already in the stack and add it again with a higher retain count, but still the very same object.
Don't do this. Copy the object or better - create a new instance of the viewController!!!

Accessing an instance variable from a background thread

Say I have an instance variable MyObject that has been allocated and initialized. Then say I do this:
[backgroundThread performBlock:^{
//do something with MyObject that might take some time
[self dismissModalViewController]; //this releases all instance variables, right?
So what happens is I have an NSManagedObjectContext called backgroundThread that does some work on an object in the background. This returns immediately and does the work in the background, and then dismissModalViewController is called, which deallocates all instance variables. So what if the modal view has now been dismissed, but the backgroundThread still needs to use the object? Is this an issue? What is the workaround?
And another thing: This MyObject is inserted into the managed object context backgroundThread. Does this mean that this NSManagedObjectContext will retain the object, even after dismissing the view?
I'm using ARC.
There are several things you need to think about here. First keep in mind that the block will capture whatever it refers to. So you might not need to do anything special and your code will work fine, depending on exactly what you are doing in your block. The rules for block capture are described in Apple's Block Programming Topics documentation and how each variable is treated depends on its type. In particular,
In a manually reference-counted environment, local variables used within the block are retained when the block is copied. Use of instance variables within the block will cause the object itself to be retained. If you wish to override this behavior for a particular object variable, you can mark it with the __block storage type modifier.
If you are using ARC, object variables are retained and released automatically as the block is copied and later released.
Another thing to consider is that access to the instance variables may or may not be thread safe. Accessing the instance variables through properties declared as atomic is a step in the right direction, but you may need to use mutex locks or other techniques to synchronize access depending on the specifics on the situation.
If you want to reference ivars or other properties of your (modal) view controller, you need to insure that the modal view controller still exists.
Here's a potentially useful hint from Apple's documentation on dismissModalViewControllerAnimated::
If you want to retain a reference to the receiver’s presented view
controller, get the value in the modalViewController property before
calling this method.
Another idea that might work would be to create & instantiate a separate object that encapsulates the data / objects you want to access from either the view controller, or any other thread.

how to release a class object which is manually retained

I am working on a Tab Bar based application
I have a class A with its .xib and a class B with its .xib
On class A i am loading multiple instances of class B.
i.e In class A ,i am doing.
in .m file
-(void)renderData:(NSArray *)Data
for(int i=0;i<[Data count];i++)
B *grid=[[B alloc]initWithNibName:#"Beta" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
. //do something with the grid object i.e assign new image etc..)
[self.myGrid addObject:grid]; //i have a NSMutableArray myGrid declared in .h
[grid release];
now in the myGrid Array i have all the objects of the grid saved.
Now i am adding them to the class Aplha view.
for(int i=0;i<[myGrid count];i++)
B *grid1=[[myGrid objectAtIndex:i]retain]; //i have done this retain because when i try to come back to this tab or try to call the same function it crashes by saying message send to deallocated instance.
[self.view addSubview:grid1.view];
now my problem is that how to release the grid1 object that i have retained.
You are approaching this wrong. The problem here isn't how to release the grid1 object, it's why you are retaining them in the first place. You most likely shouldn't be; you need to investigate the original crash more thoroughly.
If your grid1 objects are stored in self.myGrid then they are retained by that array. Are you releasing myGrid anywhere? As long as that is retained, your grid1 objects should be.
In addition, there are some conceptual issues here. Loading a view controller from a nib and adding it's view as a sub-view of another view controller's view is generally not correct. It's hard to recommend the correct approach without knowing exactly what you are trying to achieve though.
You do not need to pass in [NSBundle mainBundle] to initWithNibName:bundle: - you can simply pass in nil as the default behaviour is to use the main bundle.
Your comment says you have "assigned" an NSMutableArray in your header. You don't assign anything in your header, you just declare things. Have you actually initialised the NSMutableArray somewhere in your implementation?
You own any object you create when
You create an object using a method whose name begins with “alloc”,
“new”, “copy”, or “mutableCopy” (for example, alloc, newObject, or
When you no longer need it, you must relinquish ownership of an
object you own
You relinquish ownership of an object by sending it a release message
or an autorelease message. In Cocoa terminology, relinquishing
ownership of an object is therefore typically referred to as
“releasing” an object.
To release grid1 use [grid1 release];
Note: There is no reason to retain/release your grid1 object in cycle. Just
B *grid1 = (B*)[myGrid objectAtIndex:i];
[self.view addSubview:grid1.view];
I don't know what happened with your rest code but it looks like you have some memory leaks in another place.

Iphone App crashes when releasing view controller containing scrolling UITableView

This is a very very... very odd bug. It's hard to describe the exact project I have, but I will try and create a simpler representation of the classes I have. It goes like this:
Assume I have a navigation controller as my top view controller. Inside it, at one moment in time I have a UIViewController, let's say a ContactsScreenController. The view for this contains multiple UITableView that each is controlled by a separate object of type MyTableController (delegate&datasource). I do this by keeping an array of controllers
// This is the interface for my screen controller. An object of this type goes in a top-
// level navigation controller
// MainScreenController.h
#interface ContactsScreenController : UIViewController
NSMutableArray* tableControllers;
// MainScreenController.m
- (UITableViewCell*)cellForRowAtIndexPath..something..
// Here what I do is create a new controller if needed, and add it to tableControllers
// Memory allocations & releases are good because I checked with instruments
#define SAFE_DEL(x) { if (x != nil) { [x release]; x = nil; } }
- (void)dealloc
[super dealloc];
Now, MyTableController is a more complicated object as it handles fetching data from a web service, but basically what I do is I want to make sure that when the object is deleted, I cancel any pending data requests, like this:
// MyTableController.m
- (void)dealloc
[globalDataProvider cancelRequestsForController:self];
// release other objects i might have
[super dealloc];
OK, so this is my objects setup. The crash occurs when I am deleting the object tableControllers. It decrements the retainCount for my MyTableController objects and it reaches 0 (checked using Instruments). But for some UNKNOWN reason, I get calls for cancelRequestsForController, AFTER the retain count has been zero.
Obviously, I get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
Before you start thinking it's a problem with my retain/release pairs, the application runs perfectly if I am releasing the main screen controller while the inner tables are static. As soon as the are scrolling and I hit the Back button in the navigation controller I experience the bug.
I've checked using instruments the entire history of retain count changes for my inner controllers and it is good (no unusual stuff). When the bug occurs, my last entry in the history is from QuartzCore run_animation_callbacks with a retain count of -1.
Any ideas? :)
PS: As a quick solution to get the project going, I've moved the cancelRequestsForController in a separate method and I'm manually calling it for each object in tableControllers before the release. This way I am sure that there will be no calls after the release, no matter the state of the tableview.
- (void)dealloc
for (TableController* c in tableControllers)
[c cancelRequests];
[super dealloc];
But I don't like this solution for several reasons.
Thanks to everybody for the answers/comments.
The problem was generated by a call to [super dealloc] in an object, before I got the chance to release my objects. This caused a lot of crazy stuff to happen. I moved the [super dealloc] at the end of my dealloc method (after my releases) and it works fine now.
The SAFE_DEL macro is unnecessary and makes the code less readable. Simply do:
[someObject release], someObject = nil;
It won't matter if someObject is already nil and it makes the code more directly readable.
As soon as the are scrolling and I hit
the Back button in the navigation
controller I experience the bug.
Any time you have non-memory management logic, you have fragility. Namely, when dealloc is being executed, it is quite likely because there is an entire sub-graph of objects in your application that are being deallocated. Since deallocation order is largely non-deterministic, you can't safely trigger any complex behavior in dealloc without risk that you are going to message an already deallocated object.
The best solution would be to get that cancellation mechanism out of dealloc!
Two things to check:
1. does your globalDataProvider (or any other class for that matter) have a reference to your controller (i.e. to call it back with data?) Your retain counts could be zero but for the wrong reason. How are you allocating the array, as well as each controller in the array? Do you have #properties?
2. In your executables properties Arguements screen, set NSZombieEnabled=YES That will tell you exactly which object is being called when it has a zero retain count.

Tricky memory management in objective-c

After reading:
Memory management of a view controller in Objective-c
Does UIView's addSubview really retain the view?
I wrote the following code to toggle a subview:
#synthesize switchableView, viewSelector, currentSubview;
if(switchableView.subviews.count != 0)
[[switchableView.subviews objectAtIndex:0] removeFromSuperview]]
self.currentSubview = (veiwSelector.selectedSegmentIndex == 0) ?
[ViewA new] : [ViewB new];
[switchableView addSubview:currentSubview.view];
//[currentSubview release]; //<---crashes if I uncomment this line
It seems to run fine if I comment out that release line, but I can't wrap my head around why. Here's the way I understand what happens and maybe someone can tell me where I go wrong:
So lets consider currentView:
A gets alloc-ed by the 'new' message--retain count=A:1
A gets retained by the setter--retain count=A:2
A's view gets (supposedly) retained--retain count=A:2.1
next time through...
A's subview gets released count=A:2
B gets alloc-ed by the 'new' message--retain count=B:1, A:2
A gets autoreleased by the setter-- B:1, A:1
B gets retained by the setter--B:1, A:1
nothing ever gets rid of A?
So should I change my code, or am I wrong about the way memory management works in this language...or both?-
Ok, step one, ignore the retainCount. It's one of those things Apple should rename to something like lsdjiofsudfoiwjeriowhfiuwhrteiuhweifhsdjkfhsiurwoieuriosfho so people won't guess it's name, and not list it in the documentation. For your purposes, it's entirely useless, so ignore it.
Now that I've said that, let's consider something: addSubview: DOES retain its argument, and removeFromSuperview releases the receiver.
Finally, it's hard to tell what currentSubview is. It has a view property which would lean towards a VC, however, the way you're using it by itself, would indicate its a normal view. Perhaps you can clarify so I can continue my answer.
Your understanding of retain and release is correct, as is your code. That suggests that the problem lies outside of the code you've posted. For example, you would have this problem if your currentSubView property was defined as assign instead of retain.
You code is not structured well, however. This would be much clearer:
self.currentSubView = [[ViewA new] autorelease];
Furthermore, view controllers are meant to be cached, not created and released each time the user toggles a display. Typically, you create your view controllers beforehand, and access their .view property when necessary to display the view. UIViewController will automatically deallocate non-visible views in low memory conditions, and re-allocate their view when the .view property is accessed.
Change the release line to
self.currentSubview = nil;
and I think you'll be fine. You're releasing, but not setting the property to nil. So, when it gets re-assigned next time through, release will be called again on it. But you already released it so... boom.