How to change Loading Workbench message in Splash Screen - eclipse

I have an RCP application for which I've created a product file to deploy and run out of box,in the splash tab of product file I've changed the splash screen using my Plugin name, when i run my application a new splash screen appears that was okay,i still get the loading workbench message, how can i change/replace that message.Do i need to write code for this or a manual setting need to be done.

You should have a .product file. Open that (with the Product Configuration Editor - which should be what happens when you click open) and you will see a Spash tab. Make sure in the bottom section the Template you select is <none> and the Add Progress Bar and Add Progress Message are checked.
And then you will have to implement the splash handler extension point to provide the necessary progress information and text


how to remove flutter's default splash screen?

I'm a developer who is developing a flutter.
I have a question about the default splash screen of the flutter.
I found that the first time I created the flutter project, it basically included a splash screen with a flutter icon.
I looked it up to erase the default splash screen, but I got a reply that it is not possible in the flutter/dart stage.
To solve this problem, first of all, I wanted to customize the defalut splash screen using the flutter_native_splash library.
However, the library did not meet my requirements because it was impossible to insert elements other than images (ex. text).
So, I used the flutter_native_splash library to insert an icon with only pure white color to create a fake splash screen.
And I made a real splash screen, registered it as the initial screen of the GetX library, and set it up to move on to the next page after the schedule delay.
You can check the ones described above in the video below.
In this situation, I have two questions.
First, I wonder if I can insert text into the splash screen using the flutter_native_splash library.
Secondly, I wonder if there is a way to delete the default splash screen that is automatically generated by the flutter.
The default splash screen cannot be overridden with Dart/Flutter alone. They are controls shown by the native Android/iOS context while the Flutter runtime is initializing. As such, any splash screen widget you create inside Flutter will show after the default splash screen. (Even if you completely remove the default splash image, the app would just be a blank while screen until Flutter finished loading, and that's bad design.)
There are instructions on how to change the default splash screen here :
For Android
Step 1: Go to android/app/src/main/res/drawable folder :
Here you will find a file launch_background.xml. This is where you can write some code and make it work.
Step 2: Open launch_background.xml
Step 3: Change Background
Uncomment line 7–11 and this is where you can change your background, maybe a color or image on line 4
<item android:drawable=”#color/ic_launcher_background” />
Step 4: Change Image/Icon
This is where (on line 10) you can change your app icon or to an image which will be in the center if android:gravity is center (Make sure you add your icons for different size devices for better result).
And That’s it!! Woohoo
For iOS
Step 1: Open the project in iOS stuff in XCode
Step 2: Go to ios/Runner Folder
You will see here Assets.xcassets folder and LaunchScreen.storyboard. These are two things which we want.
Step 3: Open Assets.xcassets and click on LaunchImage
Paste your images/icons in 1x 2x 3x Options according to recommended sizes for devices
Step 4: Now Open LaunchScreen.storyboard
Click on the view and on the right panel click the down arrow like symbol change properties like background and content mode according to your need.
Step 5: Now Click the Image on the storyboard
Now on the right panel click the down arrow like symbol gain and change its properties as per need.
And That’s it again!! Voila!!!

Long Tap on application icon and show popup menu

In my flutter application i want to make a feature, when user install my application and long tapped on it,s icon a popup menu appear so that the user can be transferred to specific pages of the application as a shortcut like in Chrome app, like this:
This will help you link
Some of the functionality need platform-specific code and hence you need plugins for that.

Dialog in a Dynamic Content Control

I have a custom control that contains a dynamic content control. The dynamic content displays one of several custom controls. This control is then added to the middle facet (callback1). A Navigator then controls which panel in the dynamic control displays. To this point everything works as it should.
One of the pages that is displayed in the dynamic content has a button that calls a dialog. When the button is clicked it looks like it it is trying to display the dialog but it does not (no errors reported).
If I put the dynamic content control in a simple XPage and load this XPage and have the panel with the control that contains the button to display the dialog open by default it works fine.
So it would appear that the Extension Library Application Layout is blocking the dialog from displaying. I'm at a loss I have the whole application working but not in the ext Library application layout. Wasting an awful lot of time, and not using the ext library app layout is not a good option either.
Found the problem. On the Application Layout custom Control I had some code in the onClientLoad with a try{}catch. If this code failed it 'blocked' the dialog box from displaying properly but the other functions of the window seems to work OK. So I'm not sure what exactly was going wrong in the inner workings of the Application Layout but I moved the code to the BeforePageLoad event and everything now works fine.
This is the code that I moved from onClientLoad to beforePageLoad :
if (!sessionScope.containsKey("ssHelpRepID")){
sessionScope.put("ssError","Error in setting Rep IDs");
Once I did that the original Application Layout started allowing the dialog to be displayed. Very strange, wish I could bill the time to someone :-)

Change Launcher icon while installing the app in IOS?

Is it possible to set the user selected icon as launcher icon while installing the application in IOS?
Our client was asking the requirement as while installing itself user can select their custom launcher icon for Iphone Application. please help me to find out the solution.
Without a jailbreak, no, you can not do it.
The icon and the background image used while loading the app are both static. The first thing you can change is after the app has loaded, then you could have a user chosen splash screen.

Splash screen should check data from database

hi i am creating an map application ,
initially when i click on the application icon on iphone a Splash screen showing application logo and a loading bar should be shown.
Expected Process:
Screen should achieve following objectives of initialization
1.Initialization of Synchronization Web Service
2.Create or Open available database on the device and keep the referece in the memory for quicker calling.
3.Validation of available UserInformation Record in database
4.Build up a Weather Map which should hold all 37 types of weather available for easy future reference
On each processing step progress bar should grow/fill with 25%
How could this be possible.Please anybody help me in achieving this tasks
The splash screen is just an image that should be called default.png. It will display during the launch of you app.
To realize what you want you have to define the first view controller with the same background and a UIProgress and do your sync and other processes.
When initialization is done you have to display your "real" first view controller
When user launch the application you could show a splash screen for 1 or 2 second after that you could show the progress (status) of your application using text msg.
for example "Initialization of Synchronization Service" ,"Storing to data base", "Loading map" .
The above text msg. is just a reference,you could have more descriptive text to show on screen along with progress bar.