What are the "base URLs" for status, photos, etc? - facebook

I developed an app that looks for specific terms using the facebook api (search).
Every result comes with an ID for the item that can be of many types like "status","photos",etc.
I remember that some time ago I could surf facebook and get this URLs from the browser address bar, but now with some updates that facebook has made it seems to be all AJAX based calls and it seems like you do not have a "specific page" for each item.
I looked over the web and could not find anything regarding this.
Is there any way I can get a "photo id" from the API and open it like "http://facebook.com/photos/0293820293842"?
Thanks for any clue.

https://graph.facebook.com/40796308305/picture (by page id)
https://graph.facebook.com/cocacola/picture (by page's name)
https://graph.facebook.com/4/picture (by user id)
https://graph.facebook.com/4/zuck (by user name)

after some time I just gave up trying to get the picture from the data provided by the search API.
From the api I get entries of type "photo" but they do not match with the API documentation found at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/photo/ since I do not receive the fields "picture", "source" or "images" (they just does not exist in the results from a search)
Looking to find a way to use the approach of "setting up the URL from the fields received from the API" I could not get any sucess either.
That's one case... I set up a search for "pepsi"... and within the results I got a "photo" object.
In this object I have the following fields:
id: 100002307882828_188072634633218
author\id: 100002307882828
link : "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=320417371337648&set=a.133681116677942.17717.131381520241235&type=1" (this link really points to the photo's page, but is not the photo itself)
object_id: 320417371337648
I used the URL you provided as a "base" and tried to setup some combination that returns me a photo but I always get "Content not found" as result.
The only way I could find the final photo URL is to make another call to the API using the Photo Id as parameter (but I would need to do a lot of calls to the API and this just do not fit my scenario)
If I call https://graph.facebook.com/320417371337648 I get everything I need from the photo, but this is the "another call" I would need to perform for each result I get.
Thanks a lot for your help,
Victor Reboucas


where is the “Recently Used”,“In Active Adverts”, "Action Needed", "Shared" filtering based from facebook custom audience data?

If you go to business manager of facebook, then go to the "All Audiences", then under the "Audiences" tab, you will see a "Filters" button right beside the "Create Audience" button. Now my question is, which part the json data being provided by the facebook apis should I based the data that I should pull out based from these filters ?
- Recently Used
- In Active Adverts
- Action Needed
- Shared
Because unlike the "ready" and "not ready" status, those four filters that I mentioned are not straight forward where I can just look for the numbers from the returned json data. so how ?
Most likely, not all of this information is available through the API.
However, if you take a look at the following doc, you can see some reelvant fields that may help:
Most likely you can use the field operation_status to look at whether an audience needs action.
For whether it's shared, take a look ad the edge adaccounts which will let you see the ad accounts this audience has been shared with.
For recently used, you'll probably have to look at the edge ads and review the status of the ads.
To save having to make multiple requests, you can take a look at field expansion in the Graph API, which will let you query for fields of objects in results using a single request:

Facebook Ads API: How can I create ads preview without create campaign first?

I check a lot of documents, and flow like that:
Submit data to create Campaign, target, and AdCreative
Use ID of AdCreative to generate preview code
Display preview code to my site (to show to my user)
But I don't want to create Campaign, Targeting, and AdCreative before preview, just submit raw data of AdCreative to get preview code.
I found that doc https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/generatepreviews/, and look like they can solve my problem... But it didn't work.
My test data is: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/generatepreviews?ad_format=RIGHT_COLUMN_STANDARD&creative={"object_story_spec":{"link_data":{"message":"msg","link":"http://kimkha.com?1","caption":"ccccc"}},"name":"NAME 1","body":"dddddd","title":"titititit","call_to_action_type":"OPEN_LINK","object_url":"http://kimkha.com"}&access_token=<token>
And the error:
"error": {
"message": "(#275) Cannot determine the target object for this request. Currently supported objects include ad account, business account and associated objects.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 275,
"fbtrace_id": "GeckbxpU9gr"
I ran into the same problem and got past it, despite not being able to get a fully-functioning dynamic preview working. Here are some more pointers to help save others the pain.
The url needs to include an "ad account, business account or associated objects" like the error message states. For my case I used my ad account id (https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1492627900875762). The url changed to be the following base format: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.10/act_<your-app-id>/generatepreviews
When you get the response, you need to decode the body and you can use the url directly to test. I replaced \/ with /, & with & and removed the trailing slash. After this you get a url that should give you more specific error messages
I had to also specify a "page_id" parameter that the ad will be associated with. This is a sibling of "link_data" in the sample JSON listed above.
You may get error messages telling you to change the format of certain fields.
Eventually I got the error "Preview Not Available: Unable to display a preview of this ad. (fbtrace_id: Dsfql/z/qVI)" and finally lost the will to continue. The documentation is far from easy to follow and does not have clear examples.
I'm sorry I can't give a working solution, but for my case I was evaluating this API for a non-critical piece of work and timeboxing prevented me from proceeding. Hopefully I help save some time for someone else.
I ran into this problem. The solution for me was to use my app token instead of the Graph API Explorer's token. Hope this helps!
My two cents after struggling on this issue. My request had to be formatted as follows (this is using video data, but should extend to link data):
video_data: {
image_url: <IMAGE_URL>,
link: <URL>
In this case, the call_to_action has to be placed inside the video_data (or link_data) parameter and has to be formatted as an object. I did also have to change & with &, as Matt mentions.

OpenGraph: how can i specify a filter in FB.api?

I have built a Facebook app using OpenGraph that permits the users to write reviews on concerts, so that I've defined a concert_id attribute on which the user can insert a review.
Now I would like to show all the reviews inserted for a certain concert_id but cannot find a way. If I do (in JS)
FB.api('/me/MY_APP:action', { limit: 0}, function(response) {
I get all items. This app has to be consumed by mobile, I think it is bad to get all items and, then, filtering only the concert_id i need. What do I have to do to apply a where condition in OpenGraph to a custom action?
As far as I can tell from the API and the Facebook developer pages, it's not possible to filter a call by custom action property using the public Open Graph API.
Two options I can think of:
Option 1:
Implement the category filter by creating custom category objects:
if "review" is a custom action and
GET https://graph.facebook.com/me/[name_space]:review
returns all review actions then
GET https://graph.facebook.com/me/[name_space]:review/scifi_movie
GET https://graph.facebook.com/me/[name_space]:review/action_movie
return actions specific to movie type, where scifi_movie and action_movie are custom objects. You would need to create one object type for each category.
Option 2:
Implement a custom action for each category, e.g.
These are not particularly elegant solutions but perhaps useful as a hack if nothing else works and you really don't want to do filtering on client side.
The Facebook API will not return individual published objects for a particular action, but that's not your only problem. By the look of it, you're trying to bring in ALL the reviews given for a concert, right? (Meaning those by other users too).
The "/me/" part of the Facebook API call will only return those published actions made by the user that is currently logged in. That won't work for you, as you want those of all your users
The only suggestion I can give is to create a simple web service, where you store all the reviews given for the various concerts. Use this service to pull in reviews given for a particular concert. (I use a similar methodology for reviews in an app of my own).
I dont understand javascript or opengraph..
But when I required in JAVA to fetch reviews made by any user I have used FQL for that and It retrived me all the reviews and FQL also used to fetch all the tables related to Facebook.
I don't think that you can pull that off with the JS SDK.
You can do that in your server though, and since this is a mobile app (or has a mobile version) then that's another good reason to remove this from the client responsibility.
In the server side you can ask facebook for the published actions as you posted, filter them and then return the response.
Another thing that you can do is to save each published action in your db (on each action post you should get an id back from facebook, just persist that) and then you can easily filter the published actions according to what ever criteria you want/need (since you are no longer restricted by the facebook api).
The open graph thing is still pretty new and not tat mature, for example you can't use FQL with it, something that could have been handy for your case.
Regardless though I think that a server solution is best for calculations when mobile is concerned.
i don't know exactly but try this
if (session.authResponse) {
FB.api('/me', {
fields: 'name, picture' // here mention your fields
function(response) {
if (!response.error) {
//here response value

How can I find an URL of a Facebook page from its ID?

I know a Facebook page ID and I’d like to get a full URL to the page. The full URL looks like this:
I don’t know the page-title. If I drop it from the URL and just use the numeric ID, I get a 404. I can call the Graph API to get the full URL from the ID, but that’s too heavy (one extra HTTP request, JSON parsing). Is there a better way?
I'm not fimiliar with Facebook Application but I know a bit about it. If you're talking about the page title, then there is a "name" object in your response code. Get that, and replace the white space with - and place your ID. May be, It will work
'http://www.facebook.com/pages/'.str_replace(' ','-',$name).'/numeric-id
// $name is your page name fetched from object.

Convert any facebook URL into a graph ID

Is there a simple, reliable and potentially future-proof way to extract a graph ID from the API given any facebook URL? By "any facebook URL" I mean the URL for a personal profile, page, group, etc. All these things have various formats so I imagine there must be something in the graph API to definitively convert a facebook URL into an ID, right?
No, there isn't a way to do this simply within the API. You will need a set of pattern matching to match the various types of urls to extract either the id (album,note,photo,status) or username.
For example
etc ...
Then it gets further complicated that even if you were able to get a silver bullet function that handles all these links your app would need to grant access to numerous permissions in order to access certain objects.
You may be able to get away with most links that have the id at the end but not all. So you can maybe use a regular expression catching links that end in numeric characters.
There is! You are looking for the object_url table, which you can query using FQL or directly with a request. See here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/object_url/
You can also do this, but obviously less optimal:
function getObjectByUrl(url, cb) {
FB.api("/" + url.replace(/^.*?www.facebook.com/, ""), cb);