How to implement 360' show case on ios? - iphone

Ah ... where to start ,Before I learn the iphone app develop
I found a very interesting app : The Elements
You can see every object is rotatable like 3D
But it is by take many photos from every angle form objects
How to implement it ??(via Scroll view ???)
And I found Apple's new HTML5 sample
Looks like the HTML version is not smooth as the app version
Maybe it just because of the photos too less ...
So , my question is what if I have a series of pictures , how to change the picture when finger swipe the view ???And the swipe speed also effect the rotate speed.
Thanks for any reply or answers : )

I think you can look into FVImageSequence, However you may need to modify the code to auto-rotate the complete sequence.
A link to original post is here
The Elements app as described in your original question is just a sequence of photos that were taken on each degree by a professional Photographer.
hope that helps.

i think it has nothing to do with photos. Most likely its normal 3D rendering.

Nineveh GL 3D Engine allow you to import 3D objects models(like .obj models that you can create with some application like Google SketchUP) easily in your iPhone app, you can find some tutorials here. And as #GameBit said, i don't think that by changing images when the user scrolls is the best approach.


Create custom AR Quick Look experience without using the device's camera

I'm wondering if there's a way to recreate the "Object" experience when viewing a .usdz file through Apple's AR Quick Look. I want an experience that showcases a 3D object without "augmenting reality".
Some options that I'm thinking of that might be able to recreate this feature:
1) Using ARKit, disabling the camera and setting my own background with a custom image. I would then set the usdz/object in the center of the device's screen while having all the interaction functionalityfor the 3D object.
2) Web AR - recreate this 3D experience elsewhere and showcase this on a webview.
Any guidance or discussion about this is much appreciated - thank you!
You can use Google's model-viewer if you are going with the web solution. Another easy and effective solution would be echoAR (full disclosure, this is where I work). You can simply upload your models there and then get a link to thier model-view. You can upload models in different formats (obj, fbx, glTF, glb, USDZ) and it'll automatically convert it to the format you need to view on any device.

iPhone SDK - Expanding Buttons like in the camera app

I am curious as to whether or not there is an open source solution to replicate the flash button in the iOS camera applicaiton.
I have seem many other apps use this, but there doesn't seem to be a native way, so I assume there is a common source out there.
It is possible to get the flash button by using UIImagePickerController class, but most of the camera apps out there don't seem to be using this (or perhaps they subclass it, which is against apple's terms).
I am looking for a way to replicate the expanding behavior of the button. Any thoughts?
It doesn't sound too hard.
The way I'd do it is to separate the right curve of the button (as images), and make a UIView that has the left part of the button and the right curve as subviews.
When it's tapped, slide the right curve and animate the extra buttons in.
You could use a stretchable UIImage (see UIImage documentation) and then just animate the frame changing.
In the Apple 2010 WWDC Sample code (downloadable via iTunes, otherwise I'd post it here), there are several sample applications which use this control. They call the class ExpandyButton. I realize I'm answering my question, but hopefully someone out there can find this useful.
While looking for a similar solution to this problem I came across this code which was extremely helpful. Similar to ExpandyButton it fit my needs better.

iPhone MKMapKit Image Overlay

How can an image overlay be applied to a MKMapView? Basically, when you zoom in a specific location, I want an image to appear on top of the map that gives a more detailed view of the location.
I've had a look around and found different types of methods to use. I had a working example for an older SDK using the DrawMapRect function but this no longer seems to work on 4.2.
This is a good place to start...
I was looking for polygon sample code though.
#omniscian: If you have solved it you should post something helpful for others. This page has a high google rank.

Is there a View Controller to show thumbnails like the Photos app?

I am looking to replicate the image gallery view that shows thumbnails, like in the photos app on the iPhone.
Is there a view controller or any examples that anyone can provide to replicate this?
There isn't one provided by Apple. I would recommend looking at Three20. It has a few things with look a lot like the Photos app.
Another option is AQGridView.
Take a look at the video of Session 104 from the WWDC 2010. It's basically a 40 minute tutorial on how to do the photo app.
Bear in mind that allowing users to zoom will greatly increase the space required. If you use CATiledLayers, that is, which, depending on your desired zoom level, you should consider doing.
Oh, and there is source code ;)
What they don't tell you is how they did their tiling. I found that you can
a) download ready-made tiles from the server with the app or with a content update (you can use ImageMagick's crop tileWidthXtileHeight - e.g. crop 100x100 - to do the tiling). This has the disadvantage of large downloads.
b) download ready-made tiles from the server as needed (may lead to lags in your app, but then MKMapView does it quite nicely, doesn't it?)
c) tile on the phone as needed (here you can also consider caching the results, although that will likely mean you have to check space left on the device)
I've recently given enormego's PhotoViewer a try. It's easy to use, and it's much more focused than the Three20 project. (Which I also use and like a lot.)

iphone 4 - How do I record the video overlay on top of the video also?

Does anyone know how to do this?
Is anyone able to provide an example? I believe this is out of NDA now as was available in version 4.0 ?
Take a look to AVFoundation framework , specially to avcapture avsession avinputdevice, etc. You can find some listings in the iPhone dev center forums: search "avcapture"
AVFoundation is the framework you want to use to record, modify raw frames, show them, an offcourse add some overlay
If you want to do only overlay then, UIImagePickerController should b enough.
If i understand, what you are trying to do corectly, you have set up video capture someting like suggested by Apple in this Q&A:
From there it shouldn't be much of a Problem to use the method described in this answer:blend two uiimages based on alpha/transparency of top image to blend the preview with your overlay, provided you draw it in a UIImage first. Feed the resulting images to a buffer and save it accordingly.
Though, this method most certainly wouldn't give you a lot of frames per second.