How to edit content more easily? - confluence

i add content to my confluence page like a html
inside {html} tags. This page will be changed in future every week. It very difficult to understand html so quick for people who never don't work with html.
Is there any way in confluence to add a simple user interface form which helps to edit information inside html?
I know that confluence have embedded jQuery can anybody give advice how to do it better?

Use the scaffolding plugin to Show only some special text fields for editing. Then you can hide the HTML code. But scaffolding is not ready for Confluence 4

You could download the page with Atlassian CLI, and parse out the section of html you want to modify, put that in your wysiwyg, and then inject it back into the downloaded html and post it back.
Of course it is as fun as it sounds.

An example of the content would help to answer this question.
One option is to put your content in a word .doc file, save it, upload it to the page. Use the office connector macro to display the content of the .doc on the page. The office connector plugin is free.
Note that Confluence V5 editor now has a basic set of editing features found in Microsoft Word.


Jump to a specific part of a page in a moodle wiki?

I should create a moodle wiki and I have got some sections on my wiki-page. Now I would like to create a table of contents where The user can jump between the sections like on Wikipedia.
What I tried:
<h2 id="section1">Section1</h2>
The problem I got is that when I save the page the id property will be removed from the tags
If you are using one of the latest version of Moodle, it is possible to make the HTML ids stick if you add you HTML markups within the Wiki HTML editor.
This has to be the ultimate change you do to the document. Once you have your HTML correctly tagged, directly hit the Save button without going back to the editor's preview mode. They should be available in the Wiki after that.
If you need to edit the page again, be sure to keep a local copy of your HTML structure, in order to avoid having to add the HTML markups again. They will be removed everytime you edit the page or if you switch from the HTML editor to the WYSIWYG preview mode.

is it possible to view a question with a browser before importing it to Moodle?

I have created a XML file using R-exams out of just a single exercise to be imported to Moodle. I would like to view it before uploading it in the Moodle question bank. I tried to open it with Firefox and I can see some code but not the output and a message appear saying that the XML file does not seem to have a style sheet associated to it. Is there a way to find this style sheet and to see how the question comes out just using a browser like Firefox or Chrome?
To emulate how the R/exams exercises are converted to HTML by exams2moodle() and how Moodle displays mathematical content, it's best to use
exams2html(..., converter = "pandoc-mathjax")
In recent versions of R/exams the resulting HTML file then automatically loads the MathJax Javascript that enables correct rendering of mathematical content in all modern browsers (including Google Chrome). See also for some general advice about math in HTML.
To the best of my knowledge there is no tool that would quickly display Moodle XML files in such a way that you can easily assess them.

Plone: TinyMCE upload files

I'm trying to find a solution for files uploading directly with TinyMCE. Imagine creating a list of pdf files by uploading them using a custom button.
Is there something already done I can use? collective.clipboardupload seems to be a solution only for images.
collective.quickupload serves us well for such purposes and has a very good UI.
You can add that gadget as a portlet and make it only visible in edit-mode via CSS.
In our case we assigned the portlet to a certain content-type ('Gallery') instead to a location.
MoxieManager may be what you're looking for. It's a premium plugin made by the same developers as TinyMCE itself.
Try to use reponsive file manager :

Sanitizing inputs with AEM

We have various people updating our AEM website however when they copy and paste from word or from online it retains the HTML. I'm wondering if AEM has any built-in way of sanitizing the input so I don't need to build one.
If you are using Rich Text Editor field in the dialog then the text will be parsed and some tags will be stripped. Take a look here for more information about how to configure it and how it works.
We had a rich text edit component with same issue wherein authors were able to place HTML styling onto RTE and the placed styles were colliding with application styles and was breaking components. Fix was, we stripped out all HTML styling using jsoup API before rendering back on screen.
The usual approach in AEM is to protect the user on output (i.e. take the input as-is and use the built-in XSS API when rendering that input).

Get HTML Equivalent of Google Doc contents

I am trying to get the HTML for a Google Doc's contents. The methods I have found all seem to use deprecated items. I ultimately want to use the Doc as a template for an email. I have everything working except getting the HTML version of the text. Yes, I want the full HTML version including tables, images, and anything else I can place in the Doc.
Is there any way to get this?
Karl S
I believe the following method works:
Open up the Google Doc you want to work with
Click File-->Publish to the web
Click Link and then Publish
Copy the link into another tab
View the source for the page and copy everything inside and including <div id="contents">
This should be the complete HTML for that document. I just verified that it works with a document of mine. Let me know if it doesn't.