How can I slide a tableview left/right to acces another view? - iphone

How can I slide a tableview left/right to acces another view like the UIPageIndicator?
Can it be (Mainly) done in storyboard?

You might want to take a look at UIPageControl. Check out the following sample code from apple.


How to use PageControl to view different UITableViews?

I would like to know if I could add a UIPageControl to a TableViewController in order to flip sideways between different tables?
What is the right way to go about this?
Is there some sample code to implement this? The code on the Apple website looks complicated for a beginner like me, does not use Storyboards and it only deals with some images.
Thanks for your help!
Instead of using TableViewController, I would just use ViewController implementing UITableView data source and delegate.
Place UITableView and UIPageControl in that and then on change in UIPageControl, change the data source of the tableview and use UITableView.reloadSections with appropriate UITableViewRowAnimation (Right or Left).
You can also add gesture recognizers on the tableview to allow swipe left/right.

UITableview with UIPageControl?

I am in the making of a restaurant "step by step" ordering app, where I want to list the menu (appetizers, main course etc) in a tableview with the ability to organize the menu contents with a UIPagecontrol. Something similar to the eat24 app way of doing it or how the weather forecast app is constructed.
I already have the tableview set up, now I just need to implement this, which I hope you will help me with or guide me in the right direction, for me to accomplish this :). Would I need to setup a tableview for each of the categories or would it be possible to just update one tableview with the needed information, by swiping to the left or use arrows in a toolbar in the picture? What would the best way to add a toolbar like the one picture (white ring), using the storyboard -> resize tableview and drag the image in or to set it up programmatically?
Option 1 - Updating your tableView
You may update your dataSource so it reflects the state of the "new" tableView. Than you call reloadSections:withRowAnimation: by using UITableViewRowAnimationRight or UITableViewRowAnimationLeft, depending of whats fitting at the moment. This will feel like scrolling to a new tableView. For swiping you could use a UISwipeGestureRecognizer.
Option 2 - Using a scrollView with multiple tableViews
If you want it a little bit easier just setup three tableViews and throw them in a UIScrollView with paging enabled.
Of course you need to add and setup a UIPageControl, if you want to show those dots.
Regarding the UI:
You can setup everything in your Storyboard. The background, the arrow buttons, the UIPageControl, you can even add the UISwipeGestureRecognizer within the Storyboard.

UIView animation slide similar to this picture

I have been searching for a way to do the following:
I want to have a view but be able to slide through them so they show up one by one..
each view pulls up new data from my plist.
I am not sure what this method is called to properly research it.
could someone please point me in the right direction?
Check out the sample code for Page Control. It shows the basics of a paging scroll view with different subviews on each page.
One of the important concepts is reusing the subviews, which you'll find out about in the sample code.
I think you need a scroll view with paging. User can view its subviews by swiping.
This is not an innovative functionality. It is the default functionality of scrollview.
Hope this helps ...

Special UIScrollView with multiple objects (3) on each page

What I want to accomplish is something like this:
Two different scrollViews, and each one scrolls horizontically. Each showing 3 images, and a half one (or 1/3th) piece of the next image in the datasource of the scrollview.
Does anyone know how to accomplish such a scrollview?
I also want to be able to tap an image to flip it and show some information and a button to the detail. (See lower scrollview).
Tapping it again would just show back the image, much like the coverflow ui inside itunes, but without the coverflow being 3D...
Any help is welcome :)
Thanks in advance,
Scroll view doesn't have a datasource. What you are looking for is standard scrolling and nothing special.. So it is definitely doable... Check the scrolling and photo scroller sample codes from apple developer samples. For more implementations of scroll view check the scroll view suite sample code and read the scroll view programming guide.
The flip animation is also a standard animation for a view and is easily doable. For example, create a utility application for iphone. It has a flip side view. See how that animation is done.

How can i make Twitter's row menu in iOS app?

Anybody can tell me how to make Twitter's row menu in iOS app like img below?
This menu appear when i touch down move finger to left (Touch in UITableCell of UITableView). Can i make row menu like it? Thanks :)
That is indeed just a UIView with a background image and some controls/views on it.
If you want to get a similar behavior in which you swipe over the cell to reveal that view, you could use the new iOS4 UIGestureRecognizer to look for a swipe over the cell. Once it detects a swipe you can use a view animation to slide the new view in.
Link: UIGestureRecognizer Class Reference
I found an example project make a "Swipe to Reveal Menu like Tweetie". Look at it if you want to build a Menu like Tweetie.
Looks like a normal view with a specific background image and some buttons laid out horizontally.