How can i make Twitter's row menu in iOS app? - iphone

Anybody can tell me how to make Twitter's row menu in iOS app like img below?
This menu appear when i touch down move finger to left (Touch in UITableCell of UITableView). Can i make row menu like it? Thanks :)

That is indeed just a UIView with a background image and some controls/views on it.
If you want to get a similar behavior in which you swipe over the cell to reveal that view, you could use the new iOS4 UIGestureRecognizer to look for a swipe over the cell. Once it detects a swipe you can use a view animation to slide the new view in.
Link: UIGestureRecognizer Class Reference

I found an example project make a "Swipe to Reveal Menu like Tweetie". Look at it if you want to build a Menu like Tweetie.

Looks like a normal view with a specific background image and some buttons laid out horizontally.


How to Create Slide Up From Bottom Menu With Overlay Swift

I'm building an iPhone app in Swift. I would like my users to have a menu slide up from the bottom when they tap a button on the table view. Instagram has a very good example of what I am trying to do:
You see how when the user taps the button, the menu slides up from the bottom, and the rest of the table view has a black overlay with a low alpha (it's see through)? This is what I would like to implement, but I have no idea how to do it. Do I add two views to my table view, one for the overlay, and one for the menu, and animate them to appear on the button tap? How would I get the views to "Float" above the table view? Or, do I need to add another View Controller and have it partially transition with some sort of custom segue? I'm fairly new to programming so I'm not sure how to go about this. What do I do?
Do you mean just a UIAlertController? If so, refer to
Here's a tutorial on using a UIAlertController:

How does Facebook iPhone app implement the pop-over window for notifications?

How does Facebook iPhone app (4.1) implement the pop-over window for notifications (see below for screenshot)? I thought this was only capable on the iPad. Is this a lookalike that they have custom built?
Check out this library which can implement pop over menus like facebook app:
I think it is far more complicated (and cleaner) than either of answers (guesses) so far. It is likely a completely separate view controller with it's own content view that is being added as a subview of the container view.
There are some libraries that so a similar thing, here is one for example:
My first guess would be that the "popover" is just a subview within the mainview.
First you create the subview, then hide it mySubView.hidden = TRUE; . When the user taps on the Globe button just "unhide" mySubView.hidden = FALSE; the subview with a nice 1 second animation (which will make it fade in).
I imagine that the edges with the rounded corners, subtle inner glow, and outer shadow are part of a resizable 9 part image. From there, it just about placing it on screen stretching it out and drawing the arrow at the appropriate location to line up with the bar button item.

Notification Center like view in iPad

I want to show/hide a custom view on top of an iPad application like similar to how the Notification Center appears.
Initially a small drop down arrow appear on top So when the user swipe down it from the top and it will reveal the whole view and finally when user swipe to top position it will hide that view.
How to do this?
I havenĀ“t tried myself, but the following UIView subclass seems to do what you want:
I ended up trying it and works great.

How to change UIActionSheet view?

As I observed that UIActionSheet is always appearing from down side in iPhone,
but in some app, as I saw in AlarmClock, then two button became visible, one from upside and second from downside of iPhone,
What is that exactly, I can't understand, as far as I feel, it looks UIActionSheet,
I want such appearance for one of my app....
Yes just like Ole said, you can't customize UIActionSheet . But since it is just a simple subview you can create your personal "action sheet" by subviewing and animating. So if you want a button to appear on the top and one on the button, then create two UIViews resize them to the right size for your button, add your action sheet style background or any other background, add your button, connect your IBActions to the buttons and your IBOutlets to the views. Then when you want the buttons to appear animate them onto the screen (using sone CGRect, animation time and finally [UIView commitAnimations])
Probably just one or two custom views with a custom animation. UIActionSheet is not customizable so if you want something else than the default behavior you have to write it yourself. It's not that difficult.

iPhone how to create scrollable filter like Mashable App?

I'd like to create a scrollable filter just below the navigation bar like in the Mashable iPhone app.
Here's what it looks like:
Does anyone know how to do this ?
That's certainly a custom UIView added as subView to their UITableView...
Yes this can be done by adding a number of buttons in a UIScrollView by a loop and then add two custom buttons (one for left arrow and one for right arrow) over your scrollView.
you can follow the tutorial