iOS API difference between 4.x and 5.x [closed] - iphone

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.2 not jailbroken.
I want to upgrade my iOS to 5.x version. If I'll do this, can I write apps for iOS 4.3 then? I mean will they work on iOS 5.x the same as on iOS 4.3? And what main differences between iOS 4.x API and 5.x?

If you don't make any mistakes apps that run on iOS4.3 should run on iOS5 too.
And if you set the deployment target to iOS4.3 you can write apps for that version with the iOS5 SDK and the newest Xcode version too. Make sure that you don't use any iOS5 only features if you want to support iOS4
As usual apple offers plenty of documentation.
iOS 4.3 to iOS 5.0 API Differences
iOS 5 Readiness Checklist
iOS SDK Release Notes for iOS 5.0

Yes, if you upgrade your iOS you will can write apps for iOS4.3, the architecture is the same, but some features will change, but it will not block you. The diferences can be found on apple developer web site.


How do I make my application available on the App Store iPod 2G + iPhone3GS [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
we are making an app which
need to support iPod Touch 2G and more than iPhone 3GS.
Is that possible?
EDIT: I don't want to support 3G.
The 3GS is not difficult to support; it's an armv7 processor, and can be targeted with Xcode 4.5. They'll run iOS 5 or even iOS 6. Aside from having more limited memory, they're not difficult to develop for at all.
The 2nd Generation iPod Touch (and the third generation, for that matter) are both equipped with an armv6 family processor.
Xcode 4.5 can not generate code for the armv6. You'll need to use Xcode 4.4.1 or earlier to develop for them, and the compilers are not in good shape.
They can not run iOS 5 or 6. In fact, they won't even run 4.3; you need to target 4.2.
The 3GS is a pretty reasonable requirement, but you should not target the older iPod touch models.

how to update ios to a specific version [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
During our App test, we need to make sure our App works well on most iOS versions. And is there a way to update iOS version of iPhone to a specific version?
You can upgrade an iPhone to a newer version, but beware, you cannot then change back to a lower version of iOS. i.e. Once a phone is on iOS 5.1, you cannot then change it back to iOS 5.0.
To do the upgrade, you use the Organiser window in XCode. Select the "Devices" tab, and you will see the option to change the iOS version for that device.
Apple recommends (as do I) that you have separate devices for each iOS version you wish to test on. Therefore, one iPhone per version. Then you can easily test your code on all the different versions of iOS.
See the documentation here
Especially this note:
Important The version of iOS you install must be the same as or newer than the version currently installed on the device. Attempting to install an older software image will fail. After a failed installation attempt, you must reinstall the last successfully installed version or a newer version of iOS.
I believe in iTunes you can upload firmware that you've downloaded. I used to use to get the link to the firmware hosted by apple I wanted when I was jailbreaking. When you plug in the device, you should get a screen that allows you to check or install updates, and if you shift-click on it, you can select a file.
Note: I'm doing this from memory from about a year ago, but if I'm not precisely correct, I believe I still have the right idea and path forward.
In my limited knowledge, no there's no way you could do this unless you have iphone/ipad with the iOS version you want to test.
I should stress it there appears no way to do this in a legit way that will leave the phone intact for testing IAP and etc.
Hope someone proves me wrong on this.

App not working on iPhone 3gs [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
So, I delivered a app that I made in xcode 4.0.1 ... and then i had to make it work properly on iOS 5 also (there were some things not shown properly). Anyway, my client mailed me that the app doesn't work on his iPhone 3GS. What should I look for ?
EDIT: It actually crashes only when opening a webview that streams a youtube video.
Thinks you should check:
what deployment target is selected -> at least should match your clients iOS Version
what build architectures are selected in the build settings? Is it only ARM 7 (i am not shure if 3GS already supports ARM7 so you can change it to ARM6+ARM7.
since i understand from your question that you deploy adhoc there is maybe the possibility of a new/changed device and the UDID does not match any more
To find out the reason of "not work", You should read the crash log. There are a lot of possibilities, for example, 3GS has less memory, which can cause system kill you app more frequently.
If the app had been distribute on the appstore, you can get crash log from the iTunes Connect. In the iTunes Connect, select "Manage Your Applications", Select your app, and the "View details", then you can find the "Crash Reports" link.

Can you make an iPhone OS 2.x app compatible with iOS 4.x without access to the source code? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have some apps that where created for iPhone OS 2.x, and I really want to make them compatible with iOS 4.x / iOS 5.0.
The only problem is I don't have the source code. Is there a way to bring these apps up to date and make them compatible with modern iOS versions if I don't have the original code for them?
please forget of porting. porting means upgrading your old source code according to new software version and in your case there is no source code.
fresh development is the only solution left for you i'm afraid!

Possible to develop J2ME applications on IPhone, Android (HTCs..), Samsungs etc? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I know for a fact that most Blackberry Handsets is Java enabled and supports J2ME development but i haven't found any useful information on the same topic regarding IPHone, Androids etc..
any help much appreciated.
iPhone only supports apps written in HTML ('web apps') or Objective-C/C++ ('native apps'). It won't support J2ME applications.
Neither will Android (at least via the marketplace), but because Android apps are written in Java it will be probably be easier for you (if you're coming from a Java background) to get started on that platform.
On Android you can run J2ME applications (not everything will work correctly though). I don't know details of how this is done, but I just downloaded JAR file and it was started fine on my HTC Evo 4G.
Note, however, that J2ME and it's applications were mostly designed for 12-key phone keyboards, and on touch screen they are not too usable.
I've had some success getting Java application running on iOS using XCode and a cross-compiler known as XMLVM... Keep in mind my success was only on an emulator. Not running the app on the actual device. Though, I suppose the difference varies only in some aspects.
P.S. My iPhone was jailbroken at the time and running 5.1.1