Calling Lua scripts from iOS app - iphone

How would one call a Lua script from a block of Objective-C in an iOS app? Also, would an app that calls Lua scripts be accepted by Apple's review process?

There's no problem with running Lua code on iOS. The only thing that is banned by Apple is executing scripts that were downloaded from the network. All your executable code should be either bundled along with your app or user-created. For example, there's a great Lua IDE for the iPad called Codea.
For the technical side of your question please see Lua on the iPhone?


How to invoke python scripts in iOS apps?

I want to make a native iOS app. It will be written mostly in Objective-C. But I need to invoke some python scripts. I have been researching on this for hours.
1: I found this post(Running python/ruby script on iPhone? From the iPhone OS 4 Terms --- 3.3.1 — Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs. Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++, and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the Documented APIs (e.g., Applications that link to Documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited)). But it has been 2 year. Is there any changes to this agreement?
2: If it is possible to invoke a python script in an iOS app, can someone explain it to me with some code samples?
You will need to embed an interpreter into your app. I believe this is the thread you are looking for. Embedding Python in an iPhone app

Calling another program

I'm working on monotouch framework, I'm writing an application for iPhone device, I want to call another program running on the iPhone from my own code...
Anyone can help me with this, usually in C# we just create a process for that exe file.
Is there anyway to do that with monotouch?????
You could of course use URL Schemes, but those suck. I have a blog post on super-duper-easy-peasy local cross-application communication using background tasks in iOS.
It's basically the same way that PhoneGap and Appcelerator Titanium work to communicate back to native platform specific APIs:
Blog Post:
In Objective C code you can go with URL Schemes, using that you can launch another application from your application.
The short answer is that this can only be done of a URL scheme catches it. The long answer has, well---already been answered :)

Fortran Editor in iPhone

I want to make a Fortran editor in iPhone. User can code with Fortran in an iOS app and are also able to run that code on iPhone.
Can anyone guide me with correct approach?
I had a look to the gFortran, but its not available for ARM architecture.
Apple doesn't allow for compilers or interpreters on the iPhone, but there technically isn't any reason you can't setup a server based compiler, that also allows users to run their compiled apps. In fact, there are multiple sites that already do just this, but it wouldnt be a good idea to write an app that points to their site or uses their services; you would need to setup your own service.
Not insurmountable, but I would move onto other app ideas.
Given Apple's snarly attitude about language interpreters running under iOS you're better off coding this as service that runs on a remote server, maybe with the editing part on the phone or tablet.
Updating this old thread for the sake of current and future searches:
Apple has changed their attitude over the past year or so. There are currently many interpreters available for iOS, including for Lua ( and several for Python (,
One significant remaining restriction is that these apps may not load scripts from outside the app, for example, from Dropbox or iTunes file sharing. (This is part of Apple's efforts -- along with code signing and 100% app review -- to minimize malware.) Such apps are allowed to have an editor that allows the user to copy and paste code into the editor from outside the app.
As far as I know, there aren't any apps for compiled languages such as FORTRAN.
Meanwhile, FORTRAN compiler is available for iOS only as a jailbroken application.
[Disclaimer: I am the author of Python Math. Apple removed it from the store for a short time until I removed iTunes file sharing and "Open In..." capability. I then added a script editor.]

iPhone Download levels for application

I am developing a 2d game for iPhone/iPad. Game will use lua for npc/location scripting and build-in lua interpreter.
I want to allow users to download new levels from our site. Level bundle will contain images, music and lua script that describe npc/location.
I know that Apple doesn't allow to download scripts from application. Maybe exist some workaround to do this? Script must have some limitations? Another script language? Lua byte-code?
Thank for answers.
Apple changed the developer agreement a while back to allow for limited interpreted code to be downloaded to apps and run:
I've heard from more than one person that there are many games already in the App Store that are using Lua in the capacity you're indicating with no issues.
If you fetch the scripts as a part of a large file then how would Apple know? Also if your script is only used internally in your program then I can't see why that should be a problem. One of my appstore programs uses an internal script interpreter and I've never received any comments or warnings from Apple.
You might run into problems if you start compiling the scripts or try to access the iOS API through scripts but I doubt that is something you are doing.

Can I write native iPhone apps using Python? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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Using PyObjC, you can use Python to write Cocoa applications for OS X. Can I write native iPhone apps using Python and if so, how?
You can use PyObjC on the iPhone as well, due to the excellent work by Jay Freeman (saurik). See iPhone Applications in Python.
Note that this requires a jailbroken iPhone at the moment.
Not currently, currently the only languages available to access the iPhone SDK are C/C++, Objective C and Swift.
There is no technical reason why this could not change in the future but I wouldn't hold your breath for this happening in the short term.
That said, Objective-C and Swift really are not too scary...
2016 edit
Javascript with NativeScript framework is available to use now.
It seems this is now something developers are allowed to do: the iOS Developer Agreement was changed yesterday and appears to have been ammended in a such a way as to make embedding a Python interpretter in your application legal:
3.3.2 An Application may not itself install or launch other executable
code by any means, including without
limitation through the use of a
plug-in architecture, calling other
frameworks, other APIs or otherwise.
Unless otherwise approved by Apple in
writing, no interpreted code may be
downloaded or used in an Application
except for code that is interpreted
and run by Apple’s Documented APIs and
built-in interpreter(s).
Notwithstanding the foregoing, with
Apple’s prior written consent, an
Application may use embedded
interpreted code in a limited way if
such use is solely for providing minor
features or functionality that are
consistent with the intended and
advertised purpose of the Application.
3.3.2 An Application may not download or install executable code.
Interpreted code may only be used in
an Application if all scripts, code
and interpreters are packaged in the
Application and not downloaded. The
only exception to the foregoing is
scripts and code downloaded and run by
Apple’s built-in WebKit framework.
Yes you can. You write your code in tinypy (which is restricted Python), then use tinypy to convert it to C++, and finally compile this with XCode into a native iPhone app. Phil Hassey has published a game called Elephants! using this approach. Here are more details,
Yes, nowadays you can develop apps for iOS in Python.
There are two frameworks that you may want to checkout: Kivy and PyMob.
Please consider the answers to this question too, as they are more up-to-date than this one.
An update to the iOS Developer Agreement means that you can use whatever you like, as long as you meet the developer guidelines. Section 3.3.1, which restricted what developers could use for iOS development, has been entirely removed.
Pythonista has an Export to Xcode feature that allows you to export your Python scripts as Xcode projects that build standalone iOS apps. is also worth looking into.
The iPhone SDK agreement is also rather vague about whether you're even allowed to run scripting languages (outside of a WebView's Javascript). My reading is that it is OK - as long as none of the scripts you execute are downloaded from the network (so pre-installed and user-edited scripts seem to be OK).
IANAL etc etc.
BeeWare is an open source framework for authoring native iOS & Android apps.
2019 Update:
While Python-iOS development is relatively immature and likely will prevent (afaik) your app from having native UI and functionality that could be achieved in an Apple-supported development language, Apple now seems to allow embedding Python interpreters in Native Swift/Obj-C apps.
This supports importing Python libraries and running Python scripts (even with supplied command-line arguments) directly from your Native Swift/Obj-C code.
My company is actually wrapping our infrastructure (originally written in Python) in a native iOS application! It works very well and communication between the parts can be easily achieved via a client-server model.
Here is a nice library by Beeware with a cookiecutter template if you want to try and run Python scripts in your iOS app:
Technically, as long as the interpreted code ISN'T downloaded (excluding JavaScript), the app may be approved. Rhomobiles "Rhodes" framework does just that, bundling mobile Ruby, a lightweight version of Rails, and your app for distribution via the app-store. Because both the interpreter and the interpreted code are packaged into the final application - Apple doesn't find it objectionable.
Even after the latest apple press release - rhodes apps (mobile ruby) are still viable on the app-store. I'd find it hard to believe that tinyPy or pyObjC wouldn't find a place if there is a willing developer community.
You can do this with PyObjC, with a jailbroken phone of course. But if you want to get it into the App Store, they will not allow it because it "interprets code." However, you may be able to use Shed Skin, although I'm not aware of anyone doing this. I can't think of any good reason to do this though, as you lose dynamic typing, and might as well use ObjC.
The only significant "external" language for iPhone development that I'm aware of with semi-significant support in terms of frameworks and compatibility is MonoTouch, a C#/.NET environment for developing on the iPhone.
I think it was not possible earlier but I recently heard about PyMob, which seems interesting because the apps are written in Python and the final outputs are native source codes in various platforms (Obj-C for iOS, Java for Android etc). This is certainly quite unique. This webpage explains it in more detail.
I haven't given it a shot yet, but will take a look soon.