I'm looking to prevent MDI child WindowState changes occurring when creating a second MDI child...
I have an application that I'm developing, written in Delphi. Through a little Delphi/Windows magic, the application has multiple MDI Parents and multiple MDI Children.
I can create a form (Child A1), and maximize it within an MDI parent (Parent A). I can create a second form (Child B1) and maximize it within a second MDI parent (Parent B). Both forms will be mazimized in seperate MDI parents. So far so good. I've got this working.
However, when I create a second MDI child (Child A2) in the first MDI parent (Parent A) the WindowState (wsMaximized) of the first child (Child A1) changes when the second child (Child A2) is created. I want the first child (Child A1) to remain maximized, and the second child (Child A2) to be created and placed on top of the first child...
How can I prevent the state of the first MDI Child changing but also create a second MDI child? Any hints?
OK - Now I've had some lunch maybe I can explain it better... here's a second go at it...
The behaviour described can be reproduced in a simple MDI application (the magic I have used to create multiple MDI parents doesn't impact my problem)
Create a new forms application changing formstyle to fsMdiForm
Create a second form change its style to fsMDIChild
Create a third form change its style to fsMDIChild
Run the app. Instantiate the second form, then maximize (works as expected - maximizes in MDI Parent)
Instantiate the third form, the third form opens with window state wsNormal. But when the third form is created, the window state of the second form changes - it ceases to be maximized, and becomes wsNormal, as if you had clicked restore!
I want to avoid the restoring of the second form when I open the third form... (All forms have an initial WindowState of wsNormal...
Any hints greatly appreciated!
In my application, I also use multiple MDI Parents. Below is my magic code, where the different Childs have different states, in each Parent.
This code is adopted from: ID: 23574, Multiple MDI Parent Forms in a single Application
//Add multiple MDIForm support
TFormMDIEnhance = class(TForm)
_mdiClientHandle: HWND;
function GetMDIClientHandle: HWND;
procedure CreateWindowHandle(const Params: TCreateParams); override;
procedure DestroyWindowHandle; override;
procedure TFormMDIEnhance.CreateWindowHandle(const Params: TCreateParams);
_mdiClientHandle := GetMDIClientHandle;
if (FormStyle = fsMDIChild) then
mdiStruct.szClass := Params.WinClassName;
mdiStruct.szTitle := Params.Caption;
mdiStruct.hOwner := HInstance;
mdiStruct.x := Params.X;
mdiStruct.y := Params.Y;
mdiStruct.cx := Params.Width;
mdiStruct.cy := Params.Height;
mdiStruct.style := Params.Style;
mdiStruct.lParam := LPARAM(Params.Param);
WindowHandle := SendStructMessage(_mdiClientHandle, WM_MDICREATE, 0, mdiStruct);
Include(FFormState, fsCreatedMDIChild);
inherited CreateWindowHandle(Params);
procedure TFormMDIEnhance.DestroyWindowHandle;
if fsCreatedMDIChild in FFormState then
SendMessage(_mdiClientHandle, WM_MDIDESTROY, Handle, 0)
inherited DestroyWindowHandle;
_mdiClientHandle := 0;
function TFormMDIEnhance.GetMDIClientHandle: HWND;
fm: TForm;
result := 0;
if Owner is TForm then
fm := Owner as TForm;
if Assigned(fm) then
Result := fm.ClientHandle;
if (Result = 0) and Assigned(Application.MainForm) then
Result := Application.MainForm.ClientHandle;
if Result = 0 then
raise EInvalidOperation.Create(SNoMDIForm);
Inherit your forms from that Base form, then you can create multiple MDI Parents.
Maybe that helps.
It's taken me ages to work out what you are really asking but I think it boils down to this comment.
I want the WindowState behaviour of the MDI children to be different in a parent. So first MDI Child is wsMax'd and the second is wsNormal.
That's not possible in MDI. When an MDI child is maximized, that is the only child window that is visible.
Remy and David are both correct in that it's an MDI limitation.
My solution in end, which does work, has been to maintain a ChildWindowState (which is just a WindowState) on each child form, then handling resizing/positioning of child windows when ChildWindowState changes... It's not a pretty answer but it does provide the functionality I needed in my application.
Thanks for all the answers :)
I have created my project to fir in a portion of the form. I disabled the buttons on the top right hand side of the form(I apologize as I don't know its technical name). I would like to also disable the user from adjust the from size via the cursor. Is that possible through code in delphi?
Set the form's BorderStyle property to bsSingle; if it isn't a dynamically generated form, you can do this using the Object Inspector. Also, I understand that you have already removed biMaximize from BorderIcons (hence, you have removed the Maximize title bar button).
I assume now that this is the main form of your application. If, on the other hand, it is a dialog box displayed when you invoke a menu item (for instance), you should instead set BorderStyle to bsDialog. Such forms are also not resizable, and they have no maximize or minimize title bar buttons).
Do the following:
Set the form's BorderIcons.biMinimize = false and BorderIcons.biMaximize = false. (As I think you already have)
Assign an event handler for the form's event OnCanResize, and code it as follows:
procedure TForm1.FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth,
NewHeight: Integer; var Resize: Boolean);
Resize := False;
This prevents the user from resizing the form with the mouse, while the form still has the appearance of a normal form.
I'm working on Firemonkey application with a main form that contains a lot of controls on it. I want to create some more controls and send them to back using SendToBack. For some reason this does not work as expected. Controls are not being sent to full back, they stop short of 1 control.
Here's a sample setup:
Create a new TForm.
Place 3 Buttons on it, overlapping each other (Button1, Button2, Button3).
In the runtime, call Button3.SendToBack - button goes back, but only by 1 position. Button1 still remains the backmost.
Inspecting TForm source code reveals that SendToBack calls SendChildToBack, which determines backmost location as:
function TCommonCustomForm.GetBackIndex: Integer;
Result := 1;
should not it be 0?
Why does SendToBack send controls to "last but one" position instead of backmost? Is there a special reason for GetBackIndex returning 1?
How do I send controls to back? Given that my form has a lot of controls and sending everything but needed controls to front with BringToFront would be undesireable.
Since I'm creating own controls,
ctrl := TSomeControl.Create(aForm);
ctrl.Parent := aForm;
can be replaced with:
ctrl := TSomeControl.Create(aForm);
aForm.InsertObject(0 {desired index}, ctrl);
On my MDI Form (Parent Form), whenever I trigger a command to create a new MDI Child Form, I do these stuff (but it doesn't work):
procedure TfrmMDI.CreateChildForm(const childName: string);
var Child: TfrmChild;
Child := TfrmChild.Create(Application);
Child.Caption := childName;
Child.BorderStyle := bsNone;
I tried to set the Border Style of the MDI Child Form to bsNone through object inspector but it doesn't work as well.
I finally tried to set the MDI Child's Form BorderStyle through run-time however, it doesn't seemed to work too.
procedure TfrmChild.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
BorderStyle := bsNone;
For additional information, my current MDI Child Form looks like this:
We may want to set our MDI Child's BS like this MDI Parent's BS:
What you are attempting to do is not how MDI is meant to be used. The GUI you want to have would likely be better served by using client-aligned TFrame objects instead of MDI child forms.
Upon waiting for some answers, I have read a documentation from Embarcadero that states:
"Changing the border style of an MDI child form to bsDialog or bsNone has no effect"
I tried to change the Application Appearance of my program to some pre-installed styles created by Embarcadero and It helped.
I just override the default style setting of my project.
Finally, it looks like this. Any border style changes will be applied to your MDI Child Form if you override the default form style:
I have a Form that stay always on top with FormStyle -> fsStayOnTop, and I did another Form with this same settings. But when I show this other Form, it is showed always behind, and not in front of first Form. So, how I do to the second Form be displayed in front of the first Form?
An owned top level window always appears above its owner. So, make the fsStayOnTop form be the owner of the other form. In VCL terms, that means setting the PopupMode property to pmExplicit, and assigning the PopupParent property.
OtherForm.PopupMode := pmExplicit;
OtherForm.PopupParent := AlwaysOnTopForm;
I'm creating a new instance of a form and trying to show it as a child from on a PANEL. But The form doesn't seem to be usable. I mean I cannot edit any textbox. But there are other controls like the tree and button that seem clickable.
Here is the code:
procedure TForm1.ProcfrmSetupItemCategories;
NewForm: TfrmSetupItemCategories;
NewForm.Parent := BodyPanel;
But if I remove the line NewForm.Parent := BodyPanel; the form is editable but it goes out of the parent form/Panel.
Also when the parent is set, the child form is not active (looking at the title bar)
Am I missing something? Please advice.
A Form needs to be a child of other forms or TApplication. The TPanel does not know how to manage forms so your form will not get activated and its components will not receive focus.
Instead you could use normal forms and write a procedure to align your forms. Now add a timer to your main form and call the alignment procedure from the ontimer event. As the user moves or resizes the main form, the other forms re-align.
Dave Peters
DP Software