How to fix my Fibonacci stream in Scala - scala

I defined a function to return Fibonacci stream as follows:
def fib:Stream[Int] = {
(fib zip fib.tail) map {case (x, y) => println("%s + %s".format(x, y)); x + y}))
The functions work ok but it looks inefficient (see the output below)
scala> fib take 5 foreach println
1 + 2
1 + 2
2 + 3
1 + 2
1 + 2
2 + 3
3 + 5
So, it looks like the function calculates the n-th fibonacci number from the very beginning. Is it correct? How would you fix it?

That is because you have used a def. Try using a val:
lazy val fib: Stream[Int]
= 1 #:: 2 #:: (fib zip fib.tail map { case (x, y) => x + y })
Basically a def is a method; in your example you are calling the method each time and each time the method call constructs a new stream. The distinction between def and val has been covered on SO before, so I won't go into detail here. If you are from a Java background, it should be pretty clear.
This is another nice thing about scala; in Java, methods may be recursive but types and values may not be. In scala both values and types can be recursive.

You can do it the other way:
lazy val fibs = {
def f(a: Int, b: Int): Stream[Int] = a #:: f(b, a + b)
f(0, 1)


Scala function call without "." (dot) vs using "." (dot)

Can someone help me understand what is going on here. I have this definition for generating primes:
def primes: Stream[Long] = {
2 #:: 3 #:: 5 #:: 7 #::Stream.iterate(11L)(_ + 2).filter {
n => primes takeWhile (p => p*p <= n) forall (n % _ != 0)
def primes: Stream[Long] = {
2 #:: 3 #:: 5 #:: 7 #::Stream.iterate(11L)(_ + 2) filter {
n => primes takeWhile (p => p*p <= n) forall (n % _ != 0)
As you can see, both definitions are exactly similar except for the fact that the second one does not have a . before filter, whereas the first one does.
The problem is that running the first one, runs as expected and gives us primes, but the second one produces a java.lang.StackOverflowError.
Can someone shed some light on this? What is being passed to filter in either case?
Scala version: 2.11.6
Java version: 1.8.0_121
This is the full program I used to test each one:
object Main {
def primes: Stream[Long] = {
2 #:: 3 #:: 5 #:: 7 #::Stream.iterate(11L)(_ + 2) filter {
n => primes takeWhile (_ <= sqrt(n)) forall (n % _ != 0)
def primes2: Stream[Long] = {
2 #:: 3 #:: 5 #:: 7 #::Stream.iterate(11L)(_ + 2).filter {
n => primes2 takeWhile (p => p*p <= n) forall (n % _ != 0)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
The notation without . has the same precedence as that of any custom infix. So the first one applies filter only to Stream.iterate(11L)(_ + 2) - the second one applies it to 2 #:: 3 #:: 5 #:: 7 #::Stream.iterate(11L)(_ + 2).
The reason why the first one works is that the elements 2, 3, 5 and 7 are already in primes when the filter runs, so when the filter tries to use primes, those elements are already in it.
In the second code that's not the case because the filter is applied to those elements as well, meaning they wouldn't appear in primes until the filter returned true for them. But the filter needs to get elements from prime before it can return anything, so it loses itself in infinite recursion while trying to get at an element.
You need parenthesis:
def primes: Stream[Long] = {
2 #:: 3 #:: 5 #:: 7 #::(Stream.iterate(11L)(_ + 2) filter {
n => primes takeWhile (p => p*p <= n) forall (n % _ != 0)
As a rule of thumb, I usually use dots everywhere. It's easier to read and makes these sort of bugs harder to appear.

Scala: folding on Stream of fibonacci numbers

I am trying to make a function in Scala that takes an Integer argument and returns the addition of the fibonacci numbers up to the given fib. number. I'm using a Stream to get the fib. numbers, then folding right to add them. Why does this produce a stack overflow, and how can I fix it?
def fibonacci(n: Int): Long = {
lazy val f: Stream[Int] = 0 #:: 1 #:: ({t=>t._1 + t._2}.filter(_<=n)
For example, entering 5, I would expect 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 12
The stackoverflow is caused by .filter(_<=n), filter need to iterate all fibonaci numbers list generated by 0 #:: 1 #:: ({t=>t._1 + t._2}.
Maybe you want:
0 #:: 1 #:: ({t=>t._1 + t._2}.takeWhile(_ <= n)
takeWhile will return matched predicate numbers directly and abort to iterate the other numbers.

How to create sequence?

I'm trying to come up with an endless Fibonacci sequence of numbers function, that passes two parameters. The parameters will set the first 2 elements in the sequence.
def fib(i: Int, j: Int): Stream[Int] = {
case 0 | 1 => current
case _ => Fib( current-1 ) + Fib( current -2 )
This is very easy to do, however, you have to recurs in the other direction. You do not define the current element based on previous elements but your function receives the current arguments and calls itself with the arguments of the next value:
def fib(i: Int, j: Int): Stream[Int] = i #:: fib(j, i + j)
In contrast to the typical recursive definition, this is not quaratic but just linear, so it is quite efficient. (Streams are of course more complex than a simple while loop).
For efficiency, this kind of thing is usually done with a Stream to avoid recalculating the same values over and over. The straightforward way to create a Stream of Fibonacci numbers is
val fibs: Stream[BigInt] = 0 #:: 1 #:: ( fibs zip fibs.tail map ( n => n._1 + n._2 ) )
But you can make a more efficient version of this kind of Stream by avoiding the zip, like so:
val fibs: Stream[BigInt] = {
def loop( h:BigInt, n:BigInt ): Stream[BigInt] = h #:: loop(n, h+n)
Notice that these use val; you generally DO NOT want to use def to define a stream!

Tracing execution of calculation of Fibonacci using Scala Streams

I'm a functional programming/scala newbie. I have been trying to get my head wrapped around the following code snippet and output produced.
def fib:Stream[Int] = {
(fib zip fib.tail) map {case (x, y) => println("%s + %s".format(x, y)); x + y}))
Output Trace:
scala> fib take 4 foreach println
1 + 2
1 + 2 <-- Why this ?????
2 + 3
I do not understand how 1 + 2 is evaluated for the calculation of result 5.
In theory, I do understand that def should force re calculation of fib but I'm not able to locate where in the execution trace this could happen.
I would like to step u guys through my understanding
Output( My understanding):
This is the head, trivial
This is the tail of the first Cons in Cons( 1, Cons( 2, fn ) ). Trivial.
1 + 2
(fib zip fib.tail) map {case (x, y) => println("%s + %s".format(x, y)); x + y}))
first element of fib is 1
first element of fib.tail is 2
Hence 1 + 2 is printed.
The zip operation on the Stream does the following
Cons( ( this.head, that.head), this.tail zip that.tail ) # this is fib and that is fib.tail. Also remember that this.tail starts from 2 and that.tail would start from 3. This new Stream forms an input to the map operation.
The map operation does the following
cons(f(head), tail map f ) # In this case tail is a stream defined in the previous step and it's not evaluated.
So, in the next iteration when tail map f is evaluated shouldn't just 2 + 3 be printed ? I don't understand why 1 + 2 is first printed
:( :( :(
Is there something obvious I'm missing ?
A coding for Fibonacci proposed in with verbosity added here for tracing execution,
val fibs: Stream[Int] = 0 #:: fibs.scanLeft(1)((a,b) => {
println(s"$a + $b = ${a+b}")
Then, for instance,
scala> fibs(7)
1 + 0 = 1
1 + 1 = 2
2 + 1 = 3
3 + 2 = 5
5 + 3 = 8
8 + 5 = 13
res38: Int = 13

Difference between fold and foldLeft or foldRight?

NOTE: I am on Scala 2.8—can that be a problem?
Why can't I use the fold function the same way as foldLeft or foldRight?
In the Set scaladoc it says that:
The result of folding may only be a supertype of this parallel collection's type parameter T.
But I see no type parameter T in the function signature:
def fold [A1 >: A] (z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) ⇒ A1): A1
What is the difference between the foldLeft-Right and fold, and how do I use the latter?
EDIT: For example how would I write a fold to add all elements in a list? With foldLeft it would be:
val foo = List(1, 2, 3)
foo.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
// now try fold:
foo.fold(0)(_ + _)
>:7: error: value fold is not a member of List[Int]
foo.fold(0)(_ + _)
Short answer:
foldRight associates to the right. I.e. elements will be accumulated in right-to-left order:
List(a,b,c).foldRight(z)(f) = f(a, f(b, f(c, z)))
foldLeft associates to the left. I.e. an accumulator will be initialized and elements will be added to the accumulator in left-to-right order:
List(a,b,c).foldLeft(z)(f) = f(f(f(z, a), b), c)
fold is associative in that the order in which the elements are added together is not defined. I.e. the arguments to fold form a monoid.
fold, contrary to foldRight and foldLeft, does not offer any guarantee about the order in which the elements of the collection will be processed. You'll probably want to use fold, with its more constrained signature, with parallel collections, where the lack of guaranteed processing order helps the parallel collection implements folding in a parallel way. The reason for changing the signature is similar: with the additional constraints, it's easier to make a parallel fold.
You're right about the old version of Scala being a problem. If you look at the scaladoc page for Scala 2.8.1, you'll see no fold defined there (which is consistent with your error message). Apparently, fold was introduced in Scala 2.9.
For your particular example you would code it the same way you would with foldLeft.
val ns = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
val s0 = ns.foldLeft (0) (_+_) //10
val s1 = ns.fold (0) (_+_) //10
assert(s0 == s1)
Agree with other answers. thought of giving a simple illustrative example:
object MyClass {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val numbers = List(5, 4, 8, 6, 2)
val a = numbers.fold(0) { (z, i) =>
println("fold val1 " + z +" val2 " + i)
z + i
val b = numbers.foldLeft(0) { (z, i) =>
println("foldleft val1 " + z +" val2 " + i)
z + i
val c = numbers.foldRight(0) { (z, i) =>
println("fold right val1 " + z +" val2 " + i)
z + i
Result is self explanatory :
fold val1 0 val2 5
fold val1 5 val2 4
fold val1 9 val2 8
fold val1 17 val2 6
fold val1 23 val2 2
foldleft val1 0 val2 5
foldleft val1 5 val2 4
foldleft val1 9 val2 8
foldleft val1 17 val2 6
foldleft val1 23 val2 2
fold right val1 2 val2 0
fold right val1 6 val2 2
fold right val1 8 val2 8
fold right val1 4 val2 16
fold right val1 5 val2 20
There is two way to solve problems, iterative and recursive. Let's understand by a simple example.let's write a function to sum till the given number.
For example if I give input as 5, I should get 15 as output, as mentioned below.
Input: 5
Output: (1+2+3+4+5) = 15
Iterative Solution.
iterate through 1 to 5 and sum each element.
def sumNumber(num: Int): Long = {
var sum=0
for(i <- 1 to num){
Recursive Solution
break down the bigger problem into smaller problems and solve them.
def sumNumberRec(num:Int, sum:Int=0): Long = {
if(num == 0){
val newNum = num - 1
val newSum = sum + num
sumNumberRec(newNum, newSum)
FoldLeft: is a iterative solution
FoldRight: is a recursive solution
I am not sure if they have memoization to improve the complexity.
And so, if you run the foldRight and FoldLeft on the small list, both will give you a result with similar performance.
However, if you will try to run a FoldRight on Long List it might throw a StackOverFlow error (depends on your memory)
Check the following screenshot, where foldLeft ran without error, however foldRight on same list gave OutofMemmory Error.
fold() does parallel processing so does not guarantee the processing order.
where as foldLeft and foldRight process the items in sequentially for left to right (in case of foldLeft) or right to left (in case of foldRight)
Examples of sum the list -
val numList = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val r1 = numList.par.fold(0)((acc, value) => {
println("adding accumulator=" + acc + ", value=" + value + " => " + (acc + value))
acc + value
println("fold(): " + r1)
* You can see from the output that,
* fold process the elements of parallel collection in parallel
* So it is parallel not linear operation.
* adding accumulator=0, value=4 => 4
* adding accumulator=0, value=3 => 3
* adding accumulator=0, value=1 => 1
* adding accumulator=0, value=5 => 5
* adding accumulator=4, value=5 => 9
* adding accumulator=0, value=2 => 2
* adding accumulator=3, value=9 => 12
* adding accumulator=1, value=2 => 3
* adding accumulator=3, value=12 => 15
* fold(): 15
val r2 = numList.par.foldLeft(0)((acc, value) => {
println("adding accumulator=" + acc + ", value=" + value + " => " + (acc + value))
acc + value
println("foldLeft(): " + r2)
* You can see that foldLeft
* picks elements from left to right.
* It means foldLeft does sequence operation
* adding accumulator=0, value=1 => 1
* adding accumulator=1, value=2 => 3
* adding accumulator=3, value=3 => 6
* adding accumulator=6, value=4 => 10
* adding accumulator=10, value=5 => 15
* foldLeft(): 15
* #######################
// --> Note in foldRight second arguments is accumulated one.
val r3 = numList.par.foldRight(0)((value, acc) => {
println("adding value=" + value + ", acc=" + acc + " => " + (value + acc))
acc + value
println("foldRight(): " + r3)
* You can see that foldRight
* picks elements from right to left.
* It means foldRight does sequence operation.
* adding value=5, acc=0 => 5
* adding value=4, acc=5 => 9
* adding value=3, acc=9 => 12
* adding value=2, acc=12 => 14
* adding value=1, acc=14 => 15
* foldRight(): 15
* #######################