Change color of UIAlertView in UILocalNotification - uialertview

I have implemented UILocalNotification in my application it is working fine but i want to customize the alert view shown ie change the color of UIAlertview is there any way to implement it.Please help..

Maybe you could use the GRAlertView, which you find here: GRAlertView github page


send UIAlert from background mode

I'm currently using local notification to indicate incoming call from background mode. That's works fine, but this is what i see, when skype got a call in background mode:
So looks like it possible to show UIAlert from background and anybody can answer me how?
No you can not display an UIAlertView from the background, but you can scheudule a UILocalNotification.
Just set the fireDate property of the UILocalNotification to the current date and it will be displayed directly.

uibarbutton and popoverview on iPhone

I am looking for a great tutorial to implement a popoverview on iPhone all I found so far is talking about the ipad or is crashing
You cannot implement the UIPopover in iPhone.
Please refer UIElementGuidelines
For a nice popover tutorial check this site.
For popover in iPhone use the following Open source controls:
ModalView in iPhone
For more check this site
you cannot implement the standard popoverview in iphone. Have to make a custom view that replicate the popoverview.
Check these :
This May help you great sample code you can find

iOS 6 - How can I get the "release to refresh" animation thing? like in mail?

In mail app, we can now drag the view down and release to refresh, like shown in the picture below.
Is this a standard thing I can get from SDK?
Use the new iOS6 UIRefreshControl class to do that.
yourUITableViewController.refreshControl = [[[UIRefreshControl alloc] init] autorelease];
[yourUITableViewController.refreshControl addTarget:yourTableView action:#selector(reloadData) forControlEvent:UIControlEventValueChanged];
If u need customized refresh control,
Naveen Shan

TTLauncher View of Three20 not working

I have followed a tutorial to make a simple launcher view like in facebook app. But nothing is displayed on screen when program runs and it shows only a white screen. I dont know why this is happening plz help.
The tutorial i followed is at [I have followed a tutorial to make a simple launcher view like in facebook app. But nothing is displayed on screen when program runs and it shows only a white screen. I dont know why this is happening plz help.
The tutorial i followed is at .]1 .
I encountered the same problem. The solution that worked for me was to set the background of my "MainWindow.xib" to "Clear Color" (default is "White Color").
If you have no xib, you can still set the color in your AppDelegate: [self.window setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
if u need only launcher effect , better try this , light weight library
Hope this Helps!
It seems to me that the method:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
is lacking at the end:
[navigator.window makeKeyAndVisible];
If you need more help, please, post your code...

UIAlertView raised from background

I'm developing an Alarm App.
When the alarm starts sounding I pop up an UIAlertView in order to offer the user the option to stop it. But when the app is in background the UIAlertView doesn't appears.
How can I do a UIAlert similar to the alert that uses the iOS Alarm?
You could start reading about this: Apple documentation about notifications. You are probably most likely interested in local notification.