Matlab code to .mex using code package - matlab

I would like to optimize a function written in Matlab by converting the code to C\C++. The result should be callable from within matlab, as it is a small part of a larger matlab code.
For example, converting my function to C code wrapped in a .mex file would work.
I heard matlab coder package can help with that.
As I am unfamiliar with this package, what is the quickest way to achieve this?

If you have a license for MATLAB Coder, then, yes, that is the correct package to use. The function you're looking for is codegen. There are restrictions on what can be used in code generation: to see if your function meets those restrictions, add the tag %#codegen to the beginning of your function as shown below
function foo(bar) %#codegen
<your code here>
and open the function file in the MATLAB editor. The tag tells the editor to check that the code complies with the rules for code generation. Once the editor shows that your code complies with those rules, generating the mex file may be as easy as
>> codegen foo
which would generate a mex-file, foo_mex in the current folder. For your particular function you may need to use some of the optional arguments for codegen to generate the mex-file properly.


How to locate where a built-in function is defined?

In MATLAB, there are roughly 3 ways to define functions: non-comment-only .m files, .p files, and compiled code (e.g. DLL, MEX).
Knowing where a function is defined could be helpful in several cases, such as when a breaking change was introduced to some function outside our control, and we'd like to try to revert to an old version in the hopes of getting our code working again; or when trying to reverse-engineering some undisclosed algorithm.
The which function is usually very good at identifying function definitions and their locations (which works for .m, .p and MEX), but isn't very useful when it comes to shared library functions, where (at best) it points to a comment-only documentation file:
>> which _mcheck
built-in (undocumented)
>> which svd
built-in (D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2019a\toolbox\matlab\matfun\svd)
If so, assuming a function found within a shared library is called during the execution of my code, how can I locate the specific file (DLL) that contains it?
It turns out that dbstop can be used for this. For example:
>> which svd
built-in (D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2019a\toolbox\matlab\matfun\svd)
>> dbstop svd
Warning: Entering debug mode is only supported within running MATLAB code files.
Warning: MATLAB debugger can only stop in MATLAB code files, and "libmwmathlinalg>svd" is not a MATLAB code file.
Instead, the debugger will stop at the point right before "libmwmathlinalg>svd" is called.
From there's it's just a matter of finding a file called libmwmathlinalg (with the relevant extension) - which isn't a difficult task if your drive is indexed.

GNU Octave: .csl file not recgnized

I have never used Octave before this (I have used Matlab), but I installed GNU Octave because I wanted to use one of the repository/package that was written in GNU Octave. That repository has files with extension .csl, which are called within the .m files (main scripts) without their extension. For example, a file named foo.csl is called like a function foo() within the main script. However, when I run the main script (.m file that calls the .csl file as a function) it throws an error saying that the function foo() is undefined. The file foo.csl begins as following:
class foo
% Definition about the class foo
public x
public y
public z
I searched for .csl file extensions associated with GNU Octave, but I could not find anything helpful. I am using the latest version of GNU Octave on Windows 10.
I've had a look at your files.
The bad news is, as I've said in the comments, the .csl file is not valid matlab / octave code. This leads me to believe that one of the following might be happening:
The .csl file is "processed" elsewhere to produce an actual matlab / octave compatible class
The .csl file is simply a pseudo-code "specification", and the actual matlab / octave class is provided elsewhere, and you're supposed to 'load' it somehow.
This was part of an assignment, where whoever gave you this code was expected to convert the .csl file into appropriate matlab / octave code.
Whoever wrote this doesn't know matlab and this is just plain wrong code.
The good news is that this is very easy to translate into working code. Since your desired RecDomain "class" is essentially a simple class with exclusively public fields and no methods, it can be straightforwardly replaced by a simple struct. Meaning you can replace the entire RecDomain.csl file with the following:
%%% in file RecDomain.m
function Out = RecDomain (varargin)
%RecDomain() creates a domain with given parameters.
%RecDomain(d) creates a domain copy.
switch nargin
case 1 % a struct was given as input
Out = varargin{1};
case 3 % individual Dx, Dy, Dz arguments were given as input
Out.Dx = varargin{1};
Out.Dy = varargin{2};
Out.Dz = varargin{3};
error('Wrong RecDomain constructor.\n');
and then your model1.m script will work as is.
PS. (obviously the above is oversimplified and has no input checking / assertions etc, but you get the picture).
If this was a contrived simple example and your actual .csl files are more complex, then you'll have to convert them into proper octave classes yourself based on that .csl "specification", which is beyond the scope of this answer. Octave provides some limited support for the new matlab object-oriented style using the classdef keyword if you'd like to try that, but for the most part octave implements object-orientation using matlab's old (pre-2008) style. See here for the respective official documentation entries: [matlab (new syntax)] / [octave (old syntax)]

Use of %# notation for declaring dependencies

In MATLAB, you can declare a function dependency with:
%#function myExtraFunctionName
Doing so tells MATLAB that myExtraFunctionName is required by the script or function to operate, even if it's called by an eval statement or some other method that the various dependency checkers or compilers can't figure out.
I have several files that load in .mat or other data files that are required for the script to run, and I would like to include them in a similar manner so that when I run a dependency check with, say fList = matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts, it will find these data files as well. Ultimately what I would like to be able to do is generate the list of files and pass it to zip to archive every file required to run a given script or function, including data files.
Trying to find any documentation on this feature is challenging because the MATLAB help won't let you just type in %# and searching for %#function just searches for function. Google does the same thing: "hash percent function" returns lots of information on hash tables, "%#function matlab" strips out the important characters, and "declare matlab function" "declare matlab function dependency" turns up nothing useful. I don't remember where I encountered this syntax, so I don't even know if this is a documented feature or not.
I have two questions:
Can someone point me to documentation on this syntax along with some clues as to what keywords I should be using to search?
Can this be used to declare dependencies other than m-files and, if not, how can I go about doing that?
%#function is a pragma directive that informs MATLAB Compiler that the specified function will be called indirectly using feval, eval, or the like.
This is important because the static code analyzer will not be able to detect such dependencies on its own. For instance the name of the function could be stored in a string as in:
fcn = 'myFunction';
As far as I know, this is only used by the MATLAB Compiler, nothing else.
There are other similar pragmas. For example MATLAB Coder has %#codegen compiler directive.
I don't have any answer, but maybe you can use this website:
It let you do search using symbols.

How to include excluded toolbox m-files in MATLAB compiler

I want to use Fuzzy Logic Toolbox in C#. To do this, I created a NET-library using deploytool, but it does not include the file fuzzy.m, which I need to work. And in the log mccExcludedFiles.log the following information:
This file contains the list of various toolbox functions that are not
included in the CTF file. An error will be thrown if any of these functions
are called at run-time. Some of these functions may be from toolboxes
that you are not using in your application. The reason for this is that
these toolboxes have overloaded some methods that are called by your code.
If you know which toolboxes are being used by your code, you can use the -p
flag with the -N flag to list these toolboxes explicitly. This will
cause MATLAB Compiler to only look for functions in the specified toolbox
directories in addition to the MATLAB directories. Refer to the MCC
documentation for more information on this.
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\toolbox\fuzzy\fuzzy\fuzzy.m
called by D:\MyFolder\VNTU\bakal\matlabAndCs\ShowFuzzyDesigner.m
(because of toolbox compilability rules)
How do I include this excluded fuzzy.m file in the compilation?
The command fuzzy launches the Fuzzy Inference Systems editor, a GUI supplied with Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. Compilation of Toolbox GUIs with MATLAB Compiler is typically not supported, and as detailed in the documentation for MATLAB Compiler, this is true of the GUIs within Fuzzy Logic Toolbox.
I must say, I think the message you're getting in the mccExcludedFiles.log file is mostly misleading - all of those things could cause a file to have been excluded, but in this case the only relevant bit is at the end, "(because of toolbox compilability rules)".
You might want to look into how to build a fuzzy system using the line code functions supplied with the fuzzy toolbox, and not the GUI. This walkthrough gives you a pretty good handle on building a Mamdani inference system using the line code tools. I am not positive how these translate into C# code, but I think there should be equivalent libraries therein.
If you cannot find a natural way to implement the MATLAB routines in C#, then you could look at this discussion which links some free fuzzy libraries for C#. I think one of the links is broken, but the other three load just fine.

using dll in matlab

i have a problem to using a dll fortran in matlab.
i couldn't use a dll ,that is built by fortran, in matlab. i use "loadlibrary" instruction in matlab but the error is related to header files.
what is header files??
please give me more information to load a dll fortran in matlab and call it.
Rather than try to use a dll file directly I suggest you re-build it using Matlab's MEX functionality. Yes, a mex file is a dll and you can build dlls outside Matlab and use them successfully, it's a lot easier, for a beginner such as I guess you to be, to use MEX. One way in which it is easier is that, if you build a mex file, the system won't ask you for a header file which is, as you know, a rather foreign concept to a Fortran programmer. Another way in which MEX will make your life easier is that you can then call the function exposed by the dll directly from Matlab's command line, without loadlibrary.
Study the Matlab documentation on MEX files, pay particular attention to how to integrate Fortran this way.
Without seeing your header file and the command line you're using in MATLAB, it's hard to help you too much here. You might reference the documentation in MATLAB which request that you pass two arguments to loadlibrary, the second being the header file with function signatures. I am guessing you are not providing this second argument.
You need to provide a header file that defines each of the named functions in the Fortran DLL that you'll be calling. For instance, if your DLL contains a function named sum that sums two double precision variables, like:
function sum(a,b) result(sum)
real(kind=2), intent(in) :: a, b
real(kind=2) :: sum
sum = a + b
end function
Then your header will need to contain something like:
double sum(double*a, double*b);
But don't forget to decorate this with the name mangling specific to your Fortran compiler. For instance, if sum was in a module named foo, and you compiled with gfortran, then you will need something like:
double __foo_MOD_sum(double*a, double*b);
There are a lot of other cases, but that's the gist of it.