getPreviewFormat and setPreviewFormat on Android api level 7 - android-camera

The methods of Camera.Parameters setPreviewFormat() and getPreviewFormat() accept and return an int respectively. The int should correspond to one of those specified by ImageFormat class, but this class was introduced only with api level 8, while the two methods above are there since api level 1. How to know the image format (rgb888? yuv? other?) of the camera preview when using api level 7?

Here are all the existing ImageFormats on Android:
But as you said, this class is available since API Level 8....
Probably those parametres were inside of the Camera class before the API 7.

Before API level 8 they had this:


Get CallerId (Username) from incoming call Linphone - Swift

I've just found a simple way to get the some CallLogs (CallerID, Username, To, From, Call duration, Date, Status, ...) from the new Linphone library for swift (SDK 5.0).
I just want to share it with you
Referring to Linphone's documentation, and some testings, I found at least 2 simple ways to retrieve the CallLog and read it:
1. Using CoreDelegateStub
CoreDelegateStub( onCallStateChanged: { (core: Core, call: Call, state: Call.State, message: String) in
So, you can use the call attribute to get the CallerID(Username) for example, like that:
Remember, the callLog object contains a ton of parameters that you can find in the documentation
2. Using Core from Linphone wrapper
var mCore: Core!
In that way, you can retrieve all your call logs in an array, so you will need to choose an item and get the attributes from it like I've shown above.

How do I get Swashbuckle to have Swagger UI to group by Version?

I am playing with the new Azure API Apps (template in Visual Studio 2013 w/ the new SDK bits from 3/24/15) and I'd like have my Swagger UI group my calls by Version #. In my case, I'm currently versioning by URI (I realize REST purists will tell me not to do this - please don't try to "correct my error" here). For instance, I may have these calls: <-- "latest"{id} <-- "latest"{id}{id}
Functionally, this works great! (Yes, I know some of you will cringe. Sorry this hurts your feelings.) However, my problem is w/ Swagger UI organization. By default, Swagger UI groups these by the Controller Name (Contacts in this case). I see in the SwaggerConfig.cs file that I can change this:
// Each operation be assigned one or more tags which are then used by consumers for various reasons.
// For example, the swagger-ui groups operations according to the first tag of each operation.
// By default, this will be controller name but you can use the "GroupActionsBy" option to
// override with any value.
//c.GroupActionsBy(apiDesc => apiDesc.HttpMethod.ToString());
What I don't understand is how I can tweak this to group all of the "latest" together and then all of v1 together and then all of v2 together, etc.
How can I do this? If it absolutely must require that I add the word "latest" (or equiv) into the path in place of the version number, then I can do that but I'd prefer not have to do that.
I believe what you're looking to do is to uncomment a line a few lines below that one in SwaggerConfig.cs
c.OrderActionGroupsBy(new DescendingAlphabeticComparer());
except you'd change the name of the class to something like ApiVersionComparer() and then implement it as a new class:
public class ApiVersionComparer : IComparer<string>
public int Compare(string x, string y)
// Write whatever comparer you'd like to here.
// Yours would likely involve parsing the strings and having
// more complex logic than this....
return -(string.Compare(x, y));
If you've gotten far enough to ask this question, I'm sure I can leave the sort implementation for you. :-)

HATEOAS link to method with optional requestparams

I want to link to a method that has the following signature:
public SomeResponse getSomeObjects(#RequestParam(value = "foo", defaultValue = "bar") Foo fooValue)
Now I want the link to look like this:
I tried using methodOn from Spring HATEOAS's ControllerLinkBuilder as seen below:
But it doesn't lead to the desired link because a ?foo is added at its end. How can I achieve the above objective?
Since backward compatibility is such an issue for you, you could always manually construct your Link objects like so:
discoverResponse.add(new Link(baseUri() + "/someobjects", "someobjects"));
The other option would be to fork Spring HATEOAS on GitHub, build the project yourself, and change the way defaults are handled in ControllerLinkBuilder. I don't really know how you'd expect an out-of-context Link builder to be able to differentiate between whether it should advertise an optional parameter. In the HATEOAS world, if the parameter isn't included, the client doesn't know about it. So why even have the optional parameter?
I know there are 7 years gone now, but I had a similar problem today which lead me here. In spring hateoas 1.1.0 the behavior is slightly different, instead it will generate URI-Templates by default for non-required #RequestParams:
If you don't want them in your link, you can just expand it
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put("foo", null);
link = link.expand(parameters);
It will result in the desired URL

Creating an AGSStopGraphic,Routing ios

Trying to do routing with ARCGIS SDK for ios.I have a AGSPoint with me as
AGSSpatialReference *sr = [AGSSpatialReference spatialReferenceWithWKID:102100];
AGSPoint *myMarkerPoint =[AGSPoint pointWithX:-13626235.170442
y:4549170.396625 spatialReference:sr];
I have to make AGSStopGraphic with respect to this point ,How it can be done?This is something basic ,But don't know how to do it.
And how to do routing with this?Is there a better approch
You need to create an AGStopGraphic using the AGSPoint. Your myMarkerPoint is a geometry that defines the location. Something like this:
AGSPictureMarkerSymbol* destSymbol = [AGSPictureMarkerSymbol pictureMarkerSymbolWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"RedPin.png"]];
AGSStopGraphic* stop = [AGSStopGraphic graphicWithGeometry:myMarkerPoint
attributes:{#"Destination" : #"Name"}];
To do the routing request, you need to start with an AGSRouteTaskParameters object and add the stops to it (along with all the other parameters) using the setStopsWithFeatures: method. Then using your AGSRouteTask object, call the method solveWithParameters: and pass it the route task parameters.
According to the AGSRouteTask documentation there is a Routing sample app that you can look at.

Customizing Surf Platform Root-Scoped API

I want to customize Surf Platform Root-Scoped API specifically user object. That means add new property or method to user object to check the user is in certain group in [in share] like `<#if user.isAdmin>
How can I implement this?
Is Alfresco Root Scoped Objects can be used as Surf Platform Root-Scoped object?
I have no idea of customizing surf platform root object. Can anyone help me???
Not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish, but the role security model is hardcoded in spring-surf/spring webscripts. There is guest, user and admin. If what you want is another analogous role you'll have to hack the spring-surf libaries, namely:
This is what I had to do to implement user.isEmployee. This approach allows you to literally treat your new role just as the others.
you can use
in page descriptors or
<item type="link" permission="employee" id="people">/people-finder</item>
on the navigation.
Just checking whether the user is in a certain group in a certain webscript is a whole diffrent story and does not provide the same functionality.
If what you want is the latter, you should make a call to
and works through the response.
Update: The item permission attribute requires a little more tweaking.
In header.get.js, propagate the new role to it gets processed properly in
model.permissions =
guest: user.isGuest,
admin: user.isAdmin,
employee : user.isEmployee
you could try (in JavaScript I managed something like) this:
user = Application.getCurrentUser(context);
String userName = user.getUserName();
user.isAdmin() >>> result return true if user logining is admin
or in JSP:
#{NavigationBean.currentUser.admin == true}
Sorry, i noticed now you was talking about Surf Platform root objects, but the link you put there, is deprecated for Alfresco versions above 3.3. You still use something so old?
If you manage to use JavaScript API's you could use "person" root object, with boolean isAdmin().