Creating an AGSStopGraphic,Routing ios - iphone

Trying to do routing with ARCGIS SDK for ios.I have a AGSPoint with me as
AGSSpatialReference *sr = [AGSSpatialReference spatialReferenceWithWKID:102100];
AGSPoint *myMarkerPoint =[AGSPoint pointWithX:-13626235.170442
y:4549170.396625 spatialReference:sr];
I have to make AGSStopGraphic with respect to this point ,How it can be done?This is something basic ,But don't know how to do it.
And how to do routing with this?Is there a better approch

You need to create an AGStopGraphic using the AGSPoint. Your myMarkerPoint is a geometry that defines the location. Something like this:
AGSPictureMarkerSymbol* destSymbol = [AGSPictureMarkerSymbol pictureMarkerSymbolWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"RedPin.png"]];
AGSStopGraphic* stop = [AGSStopGraphic graphicWithGeometry:myMarkerPoint
attributes:{#"Destination" : #"Name"}];
To do the routing request, you need to start with an AGSRouteTaskParameters object and add the stops to it (along with all the other parameters) using the setStopsWithFeatures: method. Then using your AGSRouteTask object, call the method solveWithParameters: and pass it the route task parameters.
According to the AGSRouteTask documentation there is a Routing sample app that you can look at.


Extbase Hooks - execute code upon record creation

I want to create a standard typo3 extension but when I create a record (or modify it) I want to calculate something (in my case I want to call the Google Map API to get coordinates from a given address).
SO I search for a hook or something. Any idea?
One of my project example, may helps you for hook in backend when record has been changed.
In your extension file ext_localconf.php
// Hook for cancellation
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php']['processDatamapClass'][] = 'EXT:femanager/class.tx_femanager_tcemainprocdm.php:tx_femanager_tcemainprocdm';
hook file class.tx_femanager_tcemainprocdm.php where you can execute
your script
class tx_femanager_tcemainprocdm{
function processDatamap_postProcessFieldArray ($status, $table, $id, &$fieldArray, &$reference){
// $status also called action like delete
// $table - table name of excute backend action
// $id - record UID
// $fieldArray - fields of your table
if($table = 'your_extension_table_name'){
// your script
Maybe this answer is useful to you.
Register your class as a data handling hook in your extension. This one "is called AFTER all commands of the commandmap" were executed. Maybe you need to look for a more appropriate one.
Then in your registered Hook i.e. 'typo3conf/ext/your_ext/Classes/Hooks/AfterCreate.php' do your calculation. Hope this sets you on the right track.
In my special case there was no need to calculate the coordinates when the record got saved. So I just used the listAction in the controller, check if coordinates are there and if not call the Google API (and send an email if the Google API does not give a coordinate back).
In another case where the new record comes from a frontend plugin and I had to do something with this data I used the createAction in the Controller. (I am not sure if the createAction is also called when the record is created from the backend.)

CQ5.5: getting Style of a target page

I've been working on this for sometime now, and I keep running into a wall. I think I'm close, but I figured someone out here in the land of SO might have some deeper insight if not a better way of doing what I'm trying to do.
Basically lets look at this scenario. I have a logo w/ some text that can be set from a few different places. If we look at the setup here is what it looks like.
Homepage [has designPath]
- Child Microsite Page [has designPath]
- Logo Component
Logic Flow (in logo component):
if properties.get("logoText") {
use this
} else if currentStyle.get("logoTextFromStyle") {
use this
} else if parentStyle.get("logoTextFromGlobal") {
use this
} else {
be blank
My query is with how to get the "parentStyle" of this page. Looking at the docs here:
I've been able to come up with the fact that I can get a Style object from the "designer" object made available via defineObjects. This is defined with the other utility objects like "pageManager, resourceUtil, resource, currentPage, etc".
With that being said this doesn't seem to work.
//assuming we have getting homePage earlier and it is a valid cq Page resource
Resource homePageResource.slingRequest.getResourceResolver().getResource(homePage.getPath());
Style homePageStyle = designer.getStyle(homePageResource);
at this point homePageStyle is null. To do some more testing I i tried passing currentPage.getPath() instead of homePage.getPath(). I assumed this would give me the currentPage resource and would in end yield the currentStyle object. This also resulted in a null Style object. From this I think I can safely conclude I'm passing the incorrect resource type.
I attempted to load the the cq:designPath into the resource hoping to get a Designer resourceType but to no avail.
I am curious if anyone has run into this problem before. I apologize if I've gone into too much detail, but I wanted to lay out the "why" to my question as well, just in case there was a better way overall of accomplishing this.
I've figured out how to return the style. Here is the rundown of what I did.
//get your page object
Page targetPage = pageManager.getPage("/path/to/target");
//get the Design object of the target page
Design homePageDesign = designer.getDesign(homePage);
//extract the style from the design using the design path
Style homePageStyle = homePageDesign.getStyle(homePageDesign.getPath());
it's very interesting the definition of "getStyle" is a little different from the designer.getStyle vs a Design.getStyle. designer.getStyle asks for a resource whereas Design.getStyle will take the path to a Design "cell" and return the appropriate Style.
I did some testing and it looks like it does work with inherited Styles/Designs. So if my cq:designPath is set at level 1 and I look up a page on at level 2 they will return the Design/Style at the cq:designPath set at level 1.
I hope this helps someone else down the way.
I tried this approach but was not getting the Styles in the Style object.
When we do this:
Design homePageDesign = designer.getDesign(homePage);
In this Design object we get the path till the project node i.e etc/design/myproject
After this if we try to extract the Style from the design path we do not get it.
However I implemented it in a different way.
In the design object, we also get the complete JSON of designs for(etc/design/myproject).
Get the sling:resourceType of the target page and get the value after last index of "/".
Check if this JSON contains the last value. If it contains, you can get your styles, i.e. image, etc.

Magnolia HierarchyManager and Content are depreciated. How do I replicate functionality using Session and jcrNode?

I'm trying to do some logic in my Spring controller where I route to a website node based on the template used in another website node.
I can use LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil.getHierarchyManager("website").getContent("mynodepath").getTemplate() to do this, but I see that the HierarchyManager and Content classes are depreciated.
I looked at the Session class, but I have thus far been unable to figure out how to get the Template id based on the jcrNode.
You can use instead:
javax.jcr.Session jcrSession = LifeTimeJCRSessionUtil.getSession("website");
Node mynode = jcrSession.getNode("/my/node/path");
info.magnolia.cms.core.MetaData metaData = info.magnolia.jcr.util.MetaDataUtil.getMetaData(mynode);
String template = metaData.getTemplate();
Basically, instead of getHierarchyManager("website").getContent("mynodepath") you should use

How to obtain wicket URL from PageClass and PageParameters without running Wicket application (i.e. without RequestCycle)?

In my project, there are additional (non-wicket) applications, which need to know the URL representation of some domain objects (e.g. in order to write a link like into a notification email).
Now I'd like to create a spring bean in my wicket module, exposing the URLs I need without having a running wicket context, in order to make the other application depend on the wicket module, e.g. offering a method public String getUrlForUser(User u) returning "/user/someUserName/".
I've been stalking around the web and through the wicket source for a complete workday now, and did not find a way to retrieve the URL for a given PageClass and PageParameters without a current RequestCycle.
Any ideas how I could achieve this? Actually, all the information I need is somehow stored by my WebApplication, in which I define mount points and page classes.
Update: Because the code below caused problems under certain circumstances (in our case, being executed subsequently by a quarz scheduled job), I dived a bit deeper and finally found a more light-weight solution.
No need to construct and run an instance of the WebApplication
No need to mock a ServletContext
Works completely independent of web application container
Contra (or not, depends on how you look at it):
Need to extract the actual mounting from your WebApplication class and encapsulate it in another class, which can then be used by standalone processes. You can no longer use WebApplication's convenient mountPage() method then, but you can easily build your own convenience implementation, just have a look at the wicket sources.
(Personally, I have never been happy with all the mount configuration making up 95% of my WebApplication class, so it felt good to finally extract it somewhere else.)
I cannot post the actual code, but having a look at this piece of code will give you an idea how you should mount your pages and how to get hold of the URL afterwards:
CompoundRequestMapper rm = new CompoundRequestMapper();
// mounting the pages
rm.add(new MountedMapper("mypage",MyPage.class));
// ... mount other pages ...
// create URL from page class and parameters
Class<? extends IRequestablePage> pageClass = MyPage.class;
PageParameters pp = new PageParameters();
IRequestHandler handler = new BookmarkablePageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(MyPage.class, pp));
Url url = rm.mapHandler(handler);
Original solution below:
After deep-diving into the intestines of the wicket sources, I was able to glue together this piece of code
IRequestMapper rm = MyWebApplication.get().getRootRequestMapper();
IRequestHandler handler = new BookmarkablePageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(pageClass, parameters));
Url url = rm.mapHandler(handler);
It works without a current RequestCycle, but still needs to have MyWebApplication running.
However, from Wicket's internal test classes, I have put the following together to construct a dummy instance of MyWebApplication:
MyWebApplication dummy = new MyWebApplication();
dummy.setServletContext(new MockServletContext(dummy, ""));

Rewrite Route to map to default route

Because of the problems I experienced here: Zend_ Controller_ Router_Exception: “xyz” is not specified
I want to have this route:
and map it onto this:
Is there any possibility to do this with Zend Framework? I do not want to forward the browser to that URL. I just want to tell Zend Framework how to handle this route.
As for reasons why I would like to do this, you can find them in that linked SO question.
Yes it is possible. In my application.ini I specify my routes using regex this way:
resources.router.routes.something.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex"
resources.router.routes.something.route = "mymodule/mycontroller/([0-9]+)"
resources.router.routes.something.defaults.module = "mymodule"
resources.router.routes.something.defaults.controller = "mycontroller"
resources.router.routes.something.defaults.action = "myaction" = "id"
I am not familiar with the ":variable" way of defining routes, but you can take from my example the ability to set default controllers, modules, and actions, without the need to explicitly define them in the url.