Perl running cmd with backspace - perl

When I run an application (wget.exe) using cmd, the output contains backspace characters that make the output display nicely. But when I run it in perl using open or backstick with 2>&1, it prints out the output in a different way that doesn't use backspace. How can I still keep the backspace display?


How to hide "PS C:\>" in powershell?

So you know how in powershell if you enter a command infront of it there will always be "PS (directory)>".
I know its possible in cmd with a simple command but how do you do this in powershell?
Hide the text(PS C:>) thats infront of commands
If possible through a command
If any of you know the fix please let me know.
If i find it first i will self anwser.
(I later found this dup):Windows PowerShell: changing the command prompt
Just like Calculuswhiz mentioned, the following should work:
Function Prompt {" "}
Simply change it by adding anything else inside the double quotes.
Abraham Zinala's helpful answer shows that it is the prompt function - described in the about_Prompts conceptual help topic - that determines the string that PowerShell prints in interactive sessions when prompting the user for commands.
As Calculuswhiz notes, outputting the empty string ('') is not an option for not printing a prompt string at all, because PowerShell then defaults to PS>.
Printing a single space is one way to work around the problem, but that space does print. To prevent that, Dabombber proposes workarounds in a comment on Abraham's question, but the simplest solution as of Windows 10 is:
function prompt { "`0" } # Fully HIDES the prompt string.
"`0" outputs a NUL (null character), which effectively hides the prompt string, without side effects, including in Windows Terminal and ConEmu.[1]
On Windows 7, the NUL prints as a space, in which case Dabombber's alternative helps:
# A space followed by a backspace char. in effect amounts to the empty string.
function prompt { " `b" }
Add this function to your $PROFILE file to hide the prompt string in all future sessions.
[1] Verified on version v20.11.24.0. Dabombber mentions that ConEmu prints NUL characters as a space, but, given that ConEmu is conhost.exe-based, just like regular console windows, that applies only up to Windows 7.

How do you do multiple line entry in the command line REPL of SuperCollider?

Just as the title says, How do you do multiple line entry in the command line REPL of SuperCollider? For example, in Haskell, you use :{ and :} to open and close multiple line entry in ghci.
If you're using sclang with the -i flag (meaning e.g. sclang -i something), the keycode to execute previously entered text is esc, followed by a newline. For example:
~a = {
outputs: test
This works file if you're driving sclang from an IDE or another scripting context (this is used for sclang's unit tests). If you're using the repl, it appears that there ISN'T a way to do multiline entries - the repl uses readline which doesn't have multiline support out of the box. This should probably be filed as a bug.

How to insert new lines when editing some script with fish's built-in editor?

When inputing multiline script in fish shell, e.g. I have input these script
$ for file in *.txt
echo $file
and my caret is after the word end. Now I want to insert a line before it, make it like:
$ for file in *.txt
echo $file
echo "hello" // I want to insert this line
But I found if I move my caret up and after echo $file, and press enter(or cmd/option/ctrl+enter), it just run the entire script without inserting a new line. I have to copy them to another editor and copy back after editing.
Is there any way to do it?
I just uploaded a screen recording In the recording, I moved my caret up to after echo and pressed option + enter, but it executed the script instead of inserting a new line
fish binds escape + newline to unconditionally insert a newline. On a Mac, you would typically press option + return. However Mac terminal emulators do not send an escape-newline by default. With iTerm2 you can request that option acts as escape, under Preferences->Profiles->Keys:
Now the binding will be active and option-return will unconditionally insert a newline.
(You could instead add a key mapping for just this case if you prefer.)
You can confirm what the terminal receives from the emulator with fish_key_reader which is installed alongside fish.
In the default bindings, Alt-Enter will always insert a new line:
> bind|fgrep \\n
bind \e\n commandline\ -i\ \\n
bind \e\r commandline\ -i\ \\n
Depending on your system configuration, the Enter/Return key may send either a newline character (\n) or a carriage-return character (\r), so that's why there's two entries.

How to delete characters as they are typed into MATLAB command line

I am using my keyboard to run an application in MATLAB, where each keypress is handled differently depending on the number or letter pressed. To recognize keypresses I'm using the HebiRobotics library discussed here:
Detect Keyboard Input Matlab
While running the program, hundreds of keypresses are required, each of which types a character in the command line, after the >>. Is there any way to delete these characters as they are typed so the command line remains clear? I've tried fprintf('%c',8) to backspace, but this applies to the previous executed command, not the characters on the current line.
To be honest, this isn't terribly important, but having the characters appear is ugly, takes a few extra clicks to delete, and is one of those little things that is driving me crazy.
This answer by 'Oleg Komarov' seems to be relevant -Clearing text typed with input() from command history

What are these things on my command line?

Can someone please tell me why do I get these weird characters as I type in my command line? If I press down a key I get ^[ and things like it.
Also, how can I quit vim mode? I can't click anywhere or make changes to the text.
This happens because you are in insert mode and it is expecting characters, so it converts the up and down buttons to those characters.
To quit vim:
Hit the Esc key; that goes into command mode. Then you can type
:q to quit (short for :quit)
You can find more info here.