How to hide "PS C:\>" in powershell? - powershell

So you know how in powershell if you enter a command infront of it there will always be "PS (directory)>".
I know its possible in cmd with a simple command but how do you do this in powershell?
Hide the text(PS C:>) thats infront of commands
If possible through a command
If any of you know the fix please let me know.
If i find it first i will self anwser.
(I later found this dup):Windows PowerShell: changing the command prompt

Just like Calculuswhiz mentioned, the following should work:
Function Prompt {" "}
Simply change it by adding anything else inside the double quotes.

Abraham Zinala's helpful answer shows that it is the prompt function - described in the about_Prompts conceptual help topic - that determines the string that PowerShell prints in interactive sessions when prompting the user for commands.
As Calculuswhiz notes, outputting the empty string ('') is not an option for not printing a prompt string at all, because PowerShell then defaults to PS>.
Printing a single space is one way to work around the problem, but that space does print. To prevent that, Dabombber proposes workarounds in a comment on Abraham's question, but the simplest solution as of Windows 10 is:
function prompt { "`0" } # Fully HIDES the prompt string.
"`0" outputs a NUL (null character), which effectively hides the prompt string, without side effects, including in Windows Terminal and ConEmu.[1]
On Windows 7, the NUL prints as a space, in which case Dabombber's alternative helps:
# A space followed by a backspace char. in effect amounts to the empty string.
function prompt { " `b" }
Add this function to your $PROFILE file to hide the prompt string in all future sessions.
[1] Verified on version v20.11.24.0. Dabombber mentions that ConEmu prints NUL characters as a space, but, given that ConEmu is conhost.exe-based, just like regular console windows, that applies only up to Windows 7.


Double angle bracket mode

I'm using PowerShell 7.1.3 and have noticed a strange behavior when entering a single quote to my prompt:
PS: '
The prompt is styled with >> and no matter what I type, nothing gets executed (or that's how it looks). I was wondering:
Is this activated by entering ' on the shell, or is this a side effect?
Is this mode called somehow?
Is this mode useful for a specific case?
Is this activated by entering ' on the shell, or is this a side effect?
It's an intentional side-effect of entering an unmatched ' as a command, yes.
It's technically not PowerShell itself, but rather the PSReadLine module (which ships with PowerShell 7 and is enabled by default).
PSReadLine provides a number of command line editing improvements - including syntax highlighting, customizable tab- and menu-completion, and multi-line editing - and it works by continously feeding your (partial) input to PowerShell's parser, and then uses the results returned by the parser to provide the correct syntax highlighting etc.
So when you press [Enter] after having typed a single ', PSReadLine sends your input to the parser like this:
# Parse the input script the same way PSReadLine would
$ParserErrors = #()
$AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput("'", [ref]$null, [ref]$ParserErrors)
# Let's inspect any parser errors
If you run this in PowerShell 7.1.3, you'll see the following errors were reported:
Extent ErrorId Message IncompleteInput
------ ------- ------- ---------------
' TerminatorExpectedAtEndOfString The string is missing the terminator: '. True
Notice the last property of the error, IsInputIncomplete - PSReadLine sees that what you've typed in the prompt is incomplete - and it therefore assumes you're not done writing your command and continues the prompt on the next line for you.
[...] no matter what I type, nothing gets executed
That's not quite true - if you enter something that completes the input (eg. makes it valid PowerShell again), it'll let you submit it - in your case that would be by typing a closing ':
Is this mode called somehow?
No idea, I tend to think of >> as a "prompt continuation indicator", but it's not really a distinct mode per se.
Is this mode useful for a specific case?
Well, as shown above it prevents you from trying to execute syntactically invalid or incomplete code, that's pretty useful in itself I think.
The overall ability to do multi-line editing at the prompt is, in my personal opinion, one of the biggest strengths of PowerShell - you can start prototyping small functions and compose quite complex pipelines without having to switch back and forth between an editor.
As beatcracker mentions, you can also get prompt continuation (at least in the default Windows Console Host) by pressing Shift+Enter - this works regardless of whether the existing input is incomplete or not.
You can basically write and edit a whole script at the prompt if you wanted to.

How achieve a two line Prompt?

In the batch language of Microsoft's CMD.EXE console window, I never liked having my command start at the far right, after a long display of the directory path. So in my Control Panel → System → Advanced System Settings → Environment Variables I saved the following assignment, where $_ is like a Soft Return:
The displayed prompt was two lines like this:
(The $+ tracks pushd and popd, the fancier than chdir commands. $S is space. By the way, the ^ character a line wrap/continuation character in batch, just as backtick ` is in PowerShell.)
Now I want the same-ish two line prompt in PowerShell. There is good news and bad news.
The good news is I can achieve that in my open PowerShell window by typing at the > prompt:
function prompt {'[' + $(get-location) + '\] SHIFTENTER > '
(By SHIFTENTER I mean press Shift+Enter, what I think might be called a "soft return"?)
....... BAD NEWS, PROBLEM ......
I want to put the above function prompt ... line into my profile PowerShell script, namely Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 (at path $Profile). But how?
Notepad.exe has no support for Shift+Enter.
MS Word understands Shift+Enter, but when I SaveAs .txt, and then examine with Notepad++, I see a plain CR-LF (meaning \r\n, 0x0d 0x0a).
Notepad++ menu Edit → Character Panel enables me to insert special ASCII characters into my .txt / .ps1 file, such as 0x0b called VT (for "vertical tab"). But despite some claims on websites, VT is not behaving like a Soft Return when I use it in my function prompt ... profile .ps1 file (I also run the profile .ps1 script to retest).
Can the prompt I want be established by a profile .ps1 script?
The PowerShell equivalent of your batch-prompt is:
function prompt { "[$(Get-Location)\]`r`n$("+"*(Get-Location -Stack).Count)>" }
#`r`n is just a shorter way of writing [System.Environment]::NewLine
Add it to the profile to suits your needs:

Emacs: How to read command help just as one would read Man pages?

It's nice to run M-x man foo for command foo within Emacs. It's then possible to navigate easily within the man page and to find details quickly.
When the help of a command (such as git) produces limited output, one can just use a terminal instead of emacs.
But occasionally, a command (such as aws help—run in a terminal) produces extensive output. Yet the output is not compatible with the emacs Man mode. An option is to use M-x shell within emacs, but that will not display the page at once. It will report "WARNING: terminal is not fully functional" and require pressing a key endlessly until the complete help appears, or, for Emacs 25, "Could not find executable named 'groff'".
What is a good way to read long manual pages produced by commands within emacs?
I just ran into this exact problem a few days ago.
Type escape + ! then type (for example) “aws ec2 help”. This brings the help text into a new buffer called Shell Command Output, with all of the control-h characters, etc.
Switch to the new buffer with control-x then lowercase ‘o’ (for other buffer)
Type escape + lowercase ‘x’ to run an emacs function, then type ‘man’ and hit Enter. It will prompt for man page entry and default to EC2, just hit Enter. In my case, it displays an error in the status line, “error in process sentinel: Can’t find the EC2 manpage”.
However, the “man page” functions are now available, so now (in that buffer)you can type escape + x and run the function Man-fontify-manpage. The page should now look like a nice man page with bold, etc.
You can then rename the buffer (escape + x then something like ec2) so the buffer isn’t replaced if you run another shell command.
I you just want the output in a buffer, you can simply use:
M-! aws help RET
If you want the output in a shell buffer, you can do git help commit | cat (so no more "terminal is not fully functional").
Probably you can do M-! aws help | cat RET also. I do not have aws, but hopefully the piping will remove the escape characters if aws output formatting is done right. You should try also TERM=dumb aws help. Any command should know better than using fancy output when TERM is set to dumb. If aws is dumb that way itself, you could pipe its output to something that filters out control characters -- try this
For forcing man mode in an arbitrary buffer, M-x Man-mode (yes, uppercase). I am not sure if that will play nice with aws's output.
By the way, for git I suppose you know you can do man git-commit (or man git-any_git_command, in general), so you have a nice alternative to git help when using emacs (output of help and man page is the same).

How to type a tab (indent) in comments in PowerShell ISE?

This is weird.
I know tab is for command completion in the PowerShell ISE and fine so. But, it also messes up the editing pane.
Do this:
File > New (Untitled1.ps1 opens)
Press tab (all fine, you get an indent)
type enter, # (comment) and press tab after it
expected: one would get indentation after the hash
actual: one gets the hash replaced by $PSVersionTable or whatever the command prompt has in its history! (tab and Shift-tab circle through those)
Does this mean no-one uses tabs within comments in PowerShell scripts, or that no-one uses comments in PowerShell scripts?
Can I turn off this behavior anywhere?
Also, the behavior seems to be inconsistent. If I e.g. type ##, sometimes tab does not do the completion (it does not enter a tab either).
Can others reproduce this?
Windows 8.1 Pro
PowerShell ISE
To answer the main question, you can enter Alt+09 (using numeric keypad) to enter <Tab>.
For the behavior described, I see this as expected behavior. You can get history completion by typing # and part of a previous command then pressing Tab repeatedly will cycle backwards through matching history. Typing # alone will match all history starting with the last command.
Does this mean no-one uses tabs within comments in PowerShell scripts?
Anecdotal, but I've never used tabs in a single line comment, but I do often use tabs within multiline comments which are bracketed by <# and #>. E.g.
Function Get-Foo { ...
With multiline comments, the auto-completion will not be an issue.
, or that no-one uses comments in PowerShell scripts?
I don't know why this would be implied by the behavior; I always use a single space to start a line comment.
I find this helpful when developing a script as I often try expressions in the command pane if I'm unsure of the behavior, then add the expression to the script if it works.
So, my workflow would be:
Ctrl-D to go to the Command Pane
Type a command
If the command did what I wanted, Ctrl-I to go to the Script Pane
Type #<Tab>, and the line is added to the script.

prompt in window for vbscript

I have a vbscript that runs on the command line in xp. It accepts one argument for the path to a directory. Is there a simple way to prompt the user in the command line box for this?
If not, I can just echo what was passed in to show the user what they actually typed in case of typos.
Here is the code I ended up with:
On Error Resume Next
strDirectory = InputBox(Message, Title, "For example - P:\Windows\")
If strDirectory = "" Then
'Wscript.Echo cancelledText
'Wscript.Echo enteredText & strDirectory
I found some snippets and it turned out to be really simple to work with the inputBox.
You can use the WScript.StdIn property to read from the the standard input. If you want to supply the path when invoking the script, you can pass the path as a parameter. You'll find it in the WScript.Arguments property.
you can use the choice command, choice
it sets errorlevel to the value selected. I think it comes with DOS, Windows 95,98, then MS dropped it and then came back again in Windows 7 and probably Vista
P.D. oh never mind, I read again and you're in XP. There are other options, like set /p name= What is your name? would create a variable %name% you can use