IPhone app builds successfully but will not deploy to device - iphone

XCode decided to mess around with my statically linked library (Three20) so I stripped it out and added using the python script. Now my app builds without any errors but will not actually deploy to the device. It builds and immediately returns "Finished running application name on device name". When I try to build on the simulator the outcome is similar except the simulator screen is just completely black.
The device is a iPhone 4 running 5.1 so the 3GS armv6 issue I've found on here is not the answer. Any ideas how I can rectify this?


Some builds crash deployed with testflight

We've developed an AR app using Unity 2018.1.8f1 and AR Kit, we deploy on testflight to two iPads to test it.
One [0] iPad 2017 running iOS 12 beta 4, the other [1] iPad 2017 Pro iOS 11.
Both of them could run the testflight build that was deployed until after build number 50 where the iPad [1] would have problems, launching it you would see the unity splashscreen but immediately afterwards it crashes. This crash happens at the same time that AR Kit initializes, on non ar supported devices it crashes here as well.
Future builds would also fail on iPad[1]
Both iPads can downgrade to an older build and can run those versions fine. It can also take the same build and be installed via XCode and have it work there without crashing.
Does anyone know what could cause this issue and how to resolve it if it's related to the iPad used or something in the build process.
The problem occured when the model used was replaced with a new one (identical but with new textures)
The solution was to in Xcode under Build settings disable Compress PNG files & Remove Text metadata from PNG files.

Jailcoder how to

I just tried to get my own app on my iPhone without a developer account. The following are steps I did:
I patched Xcode and my project (Currency.xcodeproj) with JailCoder
I want to build the project with "iOS device" in Xcode. But I got a error message like "no device found". So I ran it in the emulator and I got the currency.app-file in /Users/Dogan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Currency-gjxrulouxbmjslbzslsplyehgfgm/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
SSH to iPhone in /var/mobile/Applications
Creating a new folder named FADE9826-4878-4458-B5BE-90AD4EB60FDF (I have to take a valid UDID. Have I use to specific tools to create a UDID? I have the UDID from an other example). I also created a directory in this folder with the name "Documents".
chown -R mobile FADE9826-4878-4458-B5BE-90AD4EB60FDF
scp -r Currency.app root#IP-ADRESS-OF-IPHONE:/var/mobile/Applications/FADE9826-4878-4458-B5BE-90AD4EB60FDF/
Restarting Springboard in SSH with "killall SpringBoard"
I got the app, but it doesn't work. Every time on click, it crashes and kicks me to the home screen. Had I missed something?
You missed that simulator builds don't work on iPhones, because they are built for the wrong CPU type. Simulator builds are Intel x86 apps, and the iPhone has an ARM CPU.
There might be other problems (I don't know how jailcoder works) but there's no way you're getting the simulator build running on the phone.
After downloading Jailcoder and going through the guided patch of Xcode and then patching your project, if your device is plugged into your computer, select the target type (where you can select simulator, iOS Device, etc.) and there should be a listing of your device's name.

iPhone app builds to simulator, won't build to device

Update 2
One of my other targets builds fine to device... looking at the difference in dependencies now.
I have now installed new Xcode on a different computer, and I get the same result.
I have an app that builds OK to the simulator, but when I build to any device, it fails, and gives no errors.
When I look at the Log Navigator, I see this message:
Build operation failed without specifying any errors. Individual build tasks may have failed for unknown reasons. Some of these (up to 12) may be listed below.
That is the only error I see. I just installed XCode on this new computer, and it is XCode 4.5, including the iOS6 SDK. My partner is able to build the app just fine to the same devices, but she is on an older version of XCode, without iOS6.
You need to have iOS6 installed on your device to put apps in it. Do you have iOS6 GM on your device?
Make sure your device is on the latest version of iOS i.e iOS6.
I needed to update multiple frameworks I depended on.
I was still on Xcode 4.5.2 when I got this error. Two computer restarts fixed my problem.

iPhone: iOS 4.3 SDK Simulators stuck up and crashing:

I have updated my Mac to 10.6.7 with Xcode 4. I am trying to build and run some projects which has downloaded from Internet. I set the deployment target as 4.1/4.2/4.3 and device family as 'iPhone' and trying to build and run the application in Simulator. For ex: i downloaded a project from the following link from GitHub:
I set the deployment target as 4.1 or 4.2 or 4.3 and device family as 'iPhone' and trying to build and run the application in Simulator. But Simulator launches and stuck up infinitely. I had to do force quit of simulator, i checked so many times, but the same result. But at the same time, i'm able to build and run some other my projects without any issues. This is happening only for few projects when i run.
What could be the reason here? Is there any settings that i need to make-up?
Please advise me.
Thank you in Advance!
Trash your /Users/{Your name}/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/ directory and rebuild the projects you are having trouble with.
#Kirby Todd Answer perfectly correct with a small change
notifications doesn't show/ doesn't scheduled in Simulator but works in device Problm on Simulator 4.3?
Make Sure we put a copy of "User's" folder existed in iPhone Simulator folder
Thank U #Kirby Todd

iPhone OS Deployment Target after update to iPhone SDK 4

I just updated to iPhone SDK 4 and am trying to debug on my device with 3.1.3 installed. Before the update, I compiled with Base and Active SDK set to 3.1.3 and all was well. After the update, I'm limited to SDKs 4.0 and 3.2--setting the base to 4.0 and iPhone OS Deployment Target to iPhone OS 3.1.3, I'm able to build and install on my 3.1.3 device, but receive the following error:
Error from Debugger: mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack
I'm not using anything specific to the newer SDK, as I haven't touched a bit of code, just updated the SDK/XCode. So what am I doing incorrectly? The application runs as expected on an iOS4-installed device. Are there changes to pre-existing API's that need to be weakly linked perhaps? Thanks for all help.
Have you tried removing the app completely from your dev device, doing a build -> clean all targets, and then build again to your device?
I found this answer on macforums. If it's correct, then you probably have a memory corruption problem in your app that is confusing the debugger. Perhaps over-releasing something somewhere.
This probably isn't related to the SDK you are compiling with. It's possible you had this problem in your app all along but it just didn't show up until things moved around with the new Xcode, SDK, etc.
EDIT - I just ran into this problem myself trying to update an older app of mine to 4.0. It would run fine in the simulator and would install and run on the device except it wouldn't run in the debugger on the device. Anyway, I finally decided it was the .xcodeproj file that was corrupt or bad in some way and created a new project, copied over my source files to the new project and now it all works again. It's a pain but it only took about 20 mins to duplicate all my settings and I spent a couple hours trying to get the debugger to work.
Myself (and probably many others) are concerned about "will I still be able to compile/install apps for v3.1.3 of the iPhone OS?"
And what version of xCode does it become IMPOSSIBLE to ever write v3.1.3 apps again?
(Without installing a second copy of an older version of xCode.)
I've read the mile-long document that Apple wrote on the subject... but it sure would be simpler to understand if they just LISTED the various versions of each... instead of writing long paragraphs.
If you have:
Mac OS version 10.x.x x
xCode version x.x.x
SDK version(s) x.x.x
you can produce apps for iPhone OS x.x.x through x.x.x?