How do I enable spell checking in Eclipse? - eclipse

Is there any way to enable code spell checking in Eclipse? I misspell words fairly often.
For example:
void spllmstake() => void spellmistake()

Eclipse has a built-in Spell Checker. Go to Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Spelling to enable it.

I have found a spell checker and proved it (with your example), and it seems to work. Do the following steps:
Download espell checker as zip file
Call Help > Install New Software > Add... > Archive...
Insert the path and file name of the zip file.
Do the normal installation with restart
Go to Window > Preferences > Spelling > AspectJ, Java, ...
Ensure that Check Names is selected.
In your example, the word spllmstake is marked as wrong, as is spellmistake. spellMistake (like two words) works well.

I have founded spell checker from eclipse marketplace. It is JDT spell checker and here is the description
The aim is to provide spelling support for words contained in the
names of Java artifacts: Interfaces, Classes, Methods, ... Splitting
out the names using regular naming patters for Java names.
Eclipse marketplace -
Git hub -


Eclipse CDT spell-check in XML (non-C++) files

In Eclipse Oxygen with CDT I can configure spell checking for most file types under
Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Spelling
However for XML files, which are apparently opened in the "Structured Text Editor", I can not find such an option.
Is this hidden somewhere or covered by a good plug-in?
The user guide mentions spell-checking for "Structured Text Editor", but that does not match the actual UI; neither "Window > Preferences > Spell Check" exists as described nor "Edit > Spell Check":
Seems to be a known bug / feature request:
Possibly installing Java tooling on top would fix.
The eclipse help has an article on this:
Also Eclipse should have an "Open With" context menu entry by which you could open as a text file, and have spell check.

How can I check the spelling in plain text files in eclipse c/c++ edition?

I'm using the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, Luna Release (4.4.0).
I enabled the spell checking (Preferences: General->Editors->Text Editors->Spelling: Enable Spell Checking) and I'm using a user defined dictionary.
The spell checking works perfect in C/C++ source files but I am puzzled how to do the spell checking of texts in plain text files.
There is no automatical spell check or options like "Do spell check" in the context menu or in the main menu.
What am I missing?
Since this is still open, a workaround:
I am having a similar problem with getting the Eclipse Luna CDT C/C+ spell-checking engine to handle standalone *.dox files (no problem with inline Doxygen comments within source files).
The only workaround I could find ( was renaming my *.dox files to something that the spell checker seems to consider relevant, like *.dox.cpp.

Quick Fix of Texlipse spell checker is not working

The mis-spelt word are highlighted by the editor. However, when I try to correct the mis-spelt word using Quick-fix, the pop-up window is black
Eclipse SDK 4.2.2 with Texlipse Plugin
I realized that there are two spell-checkers. One belongs to the eclipse and the other one belongs to texlipse. The two spell-checkers conflicts a bit.
First I tell the spell checker of eclipse to ignore all .tex files (by adding .tex to the excluded file types):
preferences -> spelling -> excluded file types: ... + .tex
Then I enable the spell checker of texlipse:
preferences -> texlipse -> spell checker -> use build-in spell checker
Then I restarted eclipse and everything seems fine.

moved my mingw installation - now eclipse cdt can't resolve the includes

I went to Project->Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols and indeed the paths are the ones of my old mingwin install. My question is : is there an easy way to tell eclipse to reset the toolchain - for the workspace not per project ? Of course when I installed the CDT having already mingwin in my PATH I did not configure anything manually and I'd like to avoid it now
Found an answer here. Go to Project > properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols > GNU C++ - you will notice the paths point to old installation. Clear them in Project > properties > C/C++ Build > Discovery Options > GCC C++ Compiler and press the Clear button in the Automated discovery of paths and symbols box by the Clear discovered entries now label.
Rebuild your project.
Valid for Eclipse Juno.
If someone could explain how to do this not on a per project basis but for the whole workspace (the clean up of the settings) it would be much appreciated (and accepted). The paths are hardcoded in ${workspace_loc}\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.cdt.make.core\<project_name>.sc files - the usual total epic mess with eclipse prefs being scattered all over the place - grr. Would the answer to my original question be to search and replace the paths there (and only there ?) ?
EDIT : Of note are the items in Project > Index menu - maybe a more appropriate way to do the same thing ?
The settings changed in release 8.1 (Eclipse Juno) and can be set globally for all projects. At least that's what they advertised.
In Window > Preferences > C/C++ > Build > Settings, select CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings MinGW then Clear Entries and Reset. In my version (CDT 8.2, Eclipse Kepler), the project specific settings Discovery Options does not exist anymore.
Some links about this:
In my specific case, it did work but no for everything, and not for the most important the Path and Symbols settings. I had to manually edit the <project_name>.sc file in the workspace.
Hope this helps someone else.

how can I make the internal editor the default editor in eclipse

I want the default edior to be the internal editor and not the system editor.
I have it configured in window->preferences->file associations to use default internal xml editor for *.xml yet eclipse always tries to open files with OS system editor. How can I prevent this?
The editor type is mapped to file type; you can do this on a per-workspace (global) or per-project basis.
It should be pretty much as simple as this:
Go into "Help, Install Software, What is already installed?" and make sure you have "Eclipse XML Editors and Tools" installed. You you don't, then get it.
Finally, create a new, "clean" project, add an XML file, and verify it works correctly
I found this question but the answers didn't help me, so I continued searching and found the answer here
Basically, in the Preferences, General > Editors > File Associations, then define your file types (if not already there), and select an editor.
Right Click on File from Project,
Select Open with ....
Select your editor