Quick Fix of Texlipse spell checker is not working - eclipse

The mis-spelt word are highlighted by the editor. However, when I try to correct the mis-spelt word using Quick-fix, the pop-up window is black
Eclipse SDK 4.2.2 with Texlipse Plugin

I realized that there are two spell-checkers. One belongs to the eclipse and the other one belongs to texlipse. The two spell-checkers conflicts a bit.
First I tell the spell checker of eclipse to ignore all .tex files (by adding .tex to the excluded file types):
preferences -> spelling -> excluded file types: ... + .tex
Then I enable the spell checker of texlipse:
preferences -> texlipse -> spell checker -> use build-in spell checker
Then I restarted eclipse and everything seems fine.


Autocomplete not working with Eclipse Oxygen Javascript project

I'm using Eclipse Oxygen (4.7) with the Eclipse Web Tools Platform installed on Ubuntu 16.04.3. Auto-completion of variables and functions only works provided that the variable or function is local to the file that I'm currently working on. Auto-completion attempts using Ctrl-Space for variables and functions that are located outside the current file result in the dialog with No Default Proposals. Also, auto-completion for var/funcs within the current file are case sensitive, otherwise no proposals are displayed (a problem that I didn't have with previous versions of eclipse).
My project is a JS project and I am using the JS perspective. Under the Source files and folder in the global scope section of the Include Path of my project, the source tab shows Included: (All). Is there something else I need to do?
As a side note, I can't correctly configure the syntax highlighting for Javascript source files successfully. Certain things work fine, but others (like local variables) refuse to use the color that I've selected. Are these all bugs?
NOTE: I'm using the Darkest Dark eclipse theme. I don't know if that has any impact on auto-completion (but seems likely it would for syntax high-lighting).
I had the same problem in Eclipse Oxygen using Ubuntu 18.03, and I fixed it doing next:
Go to Window -> Preference -> Javascript -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced and put the configuration like this one
After that I was able to autocomplete Javascript code.

How to activate syntax highlighting for CoffeeScript in Eclipse?

I'm running an Eclipse Luna. Additionally I installed Nodeclipse.17.plus via the marketplace and checked all provied tools. This also includes the Nodeclipse Coffee-Script viewer:
CoffeeScript Editor let's you edit *.coffee files with some advanced features.
Highlights include
- syntax highlighting
- variable autocompletion in the current namespace
- correct autoindent
Additionally I activated XText Nature for that project.
But there is still no syntax highlighting for *.coffee-files.
Have I done anything wrong? (By the way, the Nodeclipse EditBox is working, but it is not sufficient to make CoffeeScript readable for me)
The Nodeclipse CoffeeScript Viewer seems to be installed:
But it does not appear in the List of internal editors:
I'm afraid that there is no satisfactory answer to your question.
On http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/nodeclipse-coffeescript-viewer-editor-eclipse-431 it says:
There is problem since Eclipse 4.3.1 release https://github.com/Nodeclipse/coffeescript-eclipse/issues/19
Get 4.3.0, e.g. as Enide Studio 0.5.x http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/enide-studio
Help us if you know Eclipse XTEXT.
We were looking for new owner familiar with XText technology.
To me it seems, that there are profound problems with this plugin.
I also had the problems with a missing entry in the list of internal editors after installing nodeclipse. I simply removed the plugin and reinstalled it. But than I ran into those XText-problems
and finally gave up,...
This plugin for Coffeescript in Eclipse is a little buggy but maybe you could try it - https://github.com/adamschmideg/coffeescript-eclipse/
Installation steps are given in the README.
Try this
1.Open "Window" -> "Preferences" -> Expand "General" and "Editors" -> Click on "File Associations" -> "File types:". Add ".coffee" to the list if it does not appear.
2.Look for "Associated editors:" in your "File Associations" dialog then click "Add"
3.Select "Internal editors"
4.Select "Coffee-Script Viewer". Click "OK" then "OK"
Eclipse Pluging For Coffee Script

How can I check the spelling in plain text files in eclipse c/c++ edition?

I'm using the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers, Luna Release (4.4.0).
I enabled the spell checking (Preferences: General->Editors->Text Editors->Spelling: Enable Spell Checking) and I'm using a user defined dictionary.
The spell checking works perfect in C/C++ source files but I am puzzled how to do the spell checking of texts in plain text files.
There is no automatical spell check or options like "Do spell check" in the context menu or in the main menu.
What am I missing?
Since this is still open, a workaround:
I am having a similar problem with getting the Eclipse Luna CDT C/C+ spell-checking engine to handle standalone *.dox files (no problem with inline Doxygen comments within source files).
The only workaround I could find (http://thomasplagwitz.com/2015/03/02/getting-eclipse-cdt-to-spell-check-non-source-files/) was renaming my *.dox files to something that the spell checker seems to consider relevant, like *.dox.cpp.

How to enable syntax highlighting for *.handlebars files within Netbeans 8

Perhaps this question might be silly, but I need some help. I did the upgrade from Netbeans 7.1 to Netbeans 8, in order to get more functionality and I'm involved in a project that uses handlebars. The problem is I can not find a way to highlight this file. I've tried to go to tools-> options-> Miscellaneous->file and change the file extension and file type associated with no results.
Can you help me with this issue or give me other alternatives that support web editor handlebars?
thank you
I followed this link and applied the HTML mime type and worked fine.
This are the instructions from the webpage:
Go to Netbeans -> Preferences -> Miscellaneous -> Files on a Mac
or Tools -> Options -> Miscellaneous -> Files on Windows
Leave "File Extensions" as "< Choose the extension >" and click the "New" button.
Type in the extension without the dot.
Select the appropriate file type from the "Associated file type (MIME)" drop down box.

Highlight .tpl syntax in Eclipse

I've been googling and can't find a solution for this. I'm trying to setup .tpl files to use either HTML syntax highlighting or PHP syntax highlighting. Has anyone does this, or do you know how?
Go to Window -> Preferences-
Then General -> Editors -> File Associations-
Add the PHP Editor to the *.tpl file type. You may have to create the *.tpl type if it doesn't already exist.
You may also have to set the content type for your tpl files in Content Types also under the General settings. Scroll down to PHP Source File and make sure *.tpl exists there as well.
Then you need to restart eclipse to make it work.
Go to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Content Types
Select Text -> CSS, click Add, write *.tpl and save.
Do the step two for Text -> HTML, Javascript and PHP.
I took that from this link. You can get that form there or I give their content below if the anyhow that link doesn't work. It works for me nicely.
steps how to install SmartyPDT 0.9.1
Be sure that the .TPL files are not associated with any content type (file type). In Eclipse,
Be sure that the .TPL files are not associated with any content type (file type). In Eclipse,
Go to Help-> Install New Software
At the Work With section click on the Add... button. Give the new "Site" a name and set the location with http://smartypdt.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/org.eclipse.php.smarty.updatesite/ , then click OK. Go back to the Install New Software window and select the newly added "site". If the "Group items by category" check-box is checked, uncheck it. Now you should be able to see 1 item in the software list named "Smarty Feature"
Select the Smarty Feature, click Next> and from here afterwards it shouldn't be a problem.
If you are prompted that this is an unsigned package, just ignore the warning and install it anyway.
After the installation completes, restart Eclipse and it should be working.
Define a default PHP executable of type 'Zend Debugger' (only if you install vanilla Eclipse PDT):
In Eclipse go to Window->Preferences->PHP->PHP Executables Click on the Add button. Enter a name for that executable definition, for example "PHP localhost", complete the 2 fields which ask you for the PHP executable path (the PHP binary CLI executable) and php.ini path. Be sure that the PHP debugger is the Zend Debugger.
Installing smarty on eclipse kepler fails
(see Install SmartyPDT in Eclipse Kepler).
The recommendation there is to use the PHP Development Tools (PDT) from former eclipse juno version. But in contrary to the recommendation I did not DELETE the mentioned features folder but I just uninstalled the plugins from eclipse itself (Help/About/InstallationDetails):
Uninstall all PDT packages
Restart eclipse
Then follow the instructions in above answer to install the PDT packages from Juno version and then the smarty package.
All these Installations worked without error.
But unfortunatly the *.tpl files are still not syntax highlighted. What to do more?
Our *.tpl file extension is not associated with the HTML editor in Eclipse by default.
Open Eclipse’s preferences.
Expand General from the tree on the left and select Content Types.
Expand Text on the right and select HTML. Click the Add... button below, enter *.tpl and click the OK button.
General -> Editors -> File Associations
Click Add..., enter *.tpl, and click OK.
Select HTML Editor from the Associated editors: section below and click the Default button to the right.