Tumblr post categories? - categories

Is it possible to use post categories on a tumblr blog? And then have archive pages for those categories?

No, but this could be achieved with tags instead.


TYPO3 post news on facebook

I'm using TYPO3 7.6 and the extension news from Georg Ringer.
I'm looking for a way to post news records on facebook.
My idea was to create a category like "for facebook" and when i save the news record, that's related to the facebook category, then it should be posted on facebook.
Is there any way or any kind of tool or extension to achieve this?
Thanks, Markus
Maybe this is the correct EXT . to you?
You can use Facebook, Twitter or the german business network XING.
Perhaps you can create a RSS-Feed of your news entries:
Than you can import this rss feed in your facebook page, there are services which you can use for this, like this one:
https://zapier.com/zapbook/zaps/39/share-new-blog-posts-to-your-facebook-page/ (be careful - most of them want money)
This could work too (not tested yet):

Search posts in a Fan Page with Facebook API

It's simple how can I search a post in Facebook with the API Facebook:
This query retrieve all public posts which contain the word "logo". But, how could I search a post in a specific Fan page? Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
Alternative Solution:
I have thought of a hybrid solution: I can get all the posts with that query:
and through php to restrict only those belonging to specific Fan Page. Although I have a question, over what period of time the search is done?
What do you think?
To search in posts in page, use this:
Alternative Solution:
I have thought of a solution hybrid: I can get all the posts with that query:
and through php to restrict only those belonging to specific Fan Page. Although I have a question, over what period of time the search is done?
What do you think?

Facebook comments box with comments from multiple urls

I am looking at replacing the comments on my news site with a facebook comments box. This would mean that every time someone posts a news article people can comment on it. This would require many comment boxes for many urls.
On the front page of my site however, I have a feed to all the comments that are posted all over the page. This makes is useful for people to see the discussion happening around the site.
Is there a way to show all the comments that are being posted on my site in one location if I move to facebook comments?
Essentially it would be a feed of all the comments from the different urls.
For each url you have, you would need to occasionaly pull the comments down using the Facebook Graph Comments API with a URL like: https://graph.facebook.com/comments/?ids=http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments. You would then need to build something to display this. There are no social plugins built for this.

Facebook staticFBML detect fan

How do I detect if a visitor to my staticFBML page is a fan or not?
You can use the tag fb:visible-to-connection http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Fb:visible-to-connection.
This tag will allow you to display content on the page to only people that are fans.
Good luck!
I have found the answer to detect a fan here http://www.webdigi.co.uk/blog/2010/tracking-user-engagement-on-facebook-fan-pages/

Crawling a Facebook fanpage

I want to cral a facebook fanpage to get the details of all the members who are fans of that page. I there any function in the face book API which will help me. Or is ther any other way I can do this???
You might try DineJS, a programmable crawler:
Scrapy is also a nice framework for writing custom crawlers.