TYPO3 post news on facebook - facebook

I'm using TYPO3 7.6 and the extension news from Georg Ringer.
I'm looking for a way to post news records on facebook.
My idea was to create a category like "for facebook" and when i save the news record, that's related to the facebook category, then it should be posted on facebook.
Is there any way or any kind of tool or extension to achieve this?
Thanks, Markus

Maybe this is the correct EXT . to you?
You can use Facebook, Twitter or the german business network XING.

Perhaps you can create a RSS-Feed of your news entries:
Than you can import this rss feed in your facebook page, there are services which you can use for this, like this one:
https://zapier.com/zapbook/zaps/39/share-new-blog-posts-to-your-facebook-page/ (be careful - most of them want money)
This could work too (not tested yet):


graph api - retrieve list of likes of a page

I've been searching & found it's probably not possible.. but I thought I'd ask anyway:
I have this facebook page & I'd like to display the user-images(=avatars) of everyone who liked my page. I think it's really strange this isn't possible using the facebook API!
So basically I need to retrieve a list of users who liked my page. Something like this: (yet likes doesn't exist).
If I'd use the simple facebook plugin - it does display user images of people who liked my page.; so how come the plugin can retrieve these images but API can not ?
Any help is much appreciated!
thanks in advance,
There isn't an API call or FQL query you can call to get the list of users who like the page. Facebook has prevented this type of call for privacy reasons. You should stick with using the plugin instead.

How to setup Facebook Timeline Cover Photo website . is it easy for a basic web developer?

I have seen many website build with wordpress and they have facebook timeline cover photos auto upload.
anyone please help me?
sorry for my bad english
it isn't difficult at all... you can get the cover url for a page/user using the facebook graph api.
ie: querying http://graph.facebook.com/cocacola?fields=cover will return the cover image properties for the cocacola fan page, simply use the 'source' field as your image src. (this is a 720px wide cover image)
as your using wordpress you could make a widget out of it, or hard code it in the template (eww..).
(on another note - you may want to additionally implement some form of caching for the facebook grapi api result so you don't continuously query facebook on every page load for the cover url.)
Majid Khan,
try this, facebook image uploader (for timeline and more.....)
work fine on wordpress and more....but it is not free
Timeline is the New Facebook Timeline covers profile. Tell your life story through photos, friendships and personal milestones like graduating or traveling to new places.

Creating a Facebook App

I am building a website for a client. He has a Facebook page for his business. On the homepage of his site, he wants a feed that will pull in all the updates from his business' Facebook page.
Now, I felt this would be very easy to implement (maybe it is) but I have scoured the Facebook API for any simple way to do this. I am having a lot of trouble understanding which way I should do this. I've settled on using JS to access it, but have no idea where to go from there.
Do I need to create an app? If so, which options do I select so I can access the clients facebook page?
How do I get my app that I've created to show up so a user can authorize it? I have so many questions, and Facebook isn't very good at giving me answers.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I would suggest you just use the facebook page's RSS feed.
Take his page URL e.g.
Take the number at the end of the url off, and plug it into the facebook feeds URL e.g.
Voila, you now have an RSS feed you can integrate into the website you are building.
URL Breakdown
The URL is broken down the following way:
Vaid feed formats are:
RSS - rss20
Atom - atom10
JSON - json
Other Examples
Take a look at the facebook API, right here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/
You can give it a try here:
The like box: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/ also has the latest posts available
The simplest way is to add a Like Button to the page and make sure "show Stream" is checked on as this will show all recent posts. You can customise the appearance also (e.g. width, height etc).
No App or messy API calls needed!
Try it out here and simply paste the resulting code into your webpage:
Not an app, but the Facebook Social Plugins over here at Facebook For Pages

Facebook - syncing comments social plugin with comments on object's?

Currently i am adding the social plugins to my site. Specifically to my photo albums. To generate the albums i am using fql to grab all the albums from a certain page. So it then occurred to me that people will be commenting inside of facebook but the social plugin will only show comments for the url not for the photo's object inside facebook. I know i can get the object_id from the fql. Is there a way to link the two together so if a user comments on either my site or facebook it will be all included.
So i am a little stumped i looked around the graph api for quite some time with no luck so anybody have any ideas? :\
cheers guys
So there isn't currently a plugin that lets you put an Object_id into and it will grab all of the comments out for that object.
You will need to use the graph api and if the album is public then you will not need a oauth code to access the comments. Once you have this object just convert it to a a stand-object array and do what you will with it ;)

Crawling a Facebook fanpage

I want to cral a facebook fanpage to get the details of all the members who are fans of that page. I there any function in the face book API which will help me. Or is ther any other way I can do this???
You might try DineJS, a programmable crawler:
Scrapy is also a nice framework for writing custom crawlers.