p12 certificate installed issue - iphone

I am trying to insalled p12 certificate but gives below error:
"Unable to import an item"
"The content of this item cannot be retrieved".
Password are correct. But the certificate is not displayed under "Keychain -> My Certificate" section.
Can anyone let me know what can be an issue?
One more thing, certificate is there under "Keychain -> Certificates" section. But there is not expand button.
When I get info of that certificate, it's give some extra information as below:
Extension: Certificate Authority Information Access
Critical: NO
Method #1: Online Certificate Status Protocol
URL: ocsp.apple.com/ocsp-wwdr01
Can anyone help me on this?

In response to your comments...
...leave the settings default. I encounter this issue before. I end up revoking all related certificates & private keys and re-requesting certificate with new key & certificate signing request (CSR).


restore a missing Certificate Enrollment Requet

A csr was created through certreq and is not showing in the Certificate Enrollment Request store causing inability to complete the certificate. I have tried importing the CSR into the Certificate Enrollment Request Store and get the file type is not recognizable. Any suggestion on how to get the CSR into that folder would be appreciated

How to create Certificate Request for CVC certificate as like X.509 (PKCS#10) in Java?

How to create Certificate Request for CVC certificate as like X.509 (PKCS#10) in Java to send as a certificates signing request to EJBCA Certificate Authority?
Thanks in advance
You can use the cert-cvc library, also open source. This is part of EJBCA and comes with sample code. You can find more information and download at the ejbca.org site.

Invalid Code Signing Identity because of an expired certificate that doesn't exist

I'm stuck with my app. I can't upload it to iTunes because, after the "Archive" step when I have to choose an application record and a Code Signing Identity it says:
"My Name" is a valid identity. However, the associated package identity "My Name" has expired.
Looking in the popup menu of Code Sign Identity I notice that the problem comes from the "MyProgram_production" certificate, and in fact in the provisioning portal, when I go to create the developer certificate profile for Production I get this error:
You must have a valid Mac Application Certificate to create a Provisioning Profile.
But I already created a valid provisioning profile, as you can see in the image it is there, but the expired one is also there.
My problem is that in the certificates page of the Apple site, the old expired one is not there. There are some old certificates but I have no chance to delete them:
What can I do about this?
After 2 days of total desperation... (I should be used being an Apple Dev for some years now...) I finally resolved my problem...
For who is having the same difficulty the problem was I could not see the expired certificates in my Keychain Access and that is because there was the (strange) option "Hide Expired Certificates" in my comp... I changed Mac and had no idea there was this option...
Why someone should want to hide an expired certificate and not just delete it???
Anyway deleting the expired certs and doing all the certificates again on Apple site did the trick!
You have to revoke and have to create new certificate. It clearly says "You must have a valid Mac Application Certificate to create a Provisioning Profile. So you have to generate valid certificate starting from keychain.

Create X.509 key in java

I have followed the instruction for creating x509 cert, however, after uploading the cert, i get
Your x.509 certificate is invalid. Please upload a new certificate
Anyone seeing the same?
Can you please provide more details about your certificate:
1) Was it a valid X.509 certificate, base64 encoded ( PEM ) format with 1024 bytes key size ?
Also the link you posted is incorrect for the documentation. It is here :
Create X509 Certificate
2) Is the error occuring at the time of uploading CERT or at the time of registering ( clicking on the submit button ) ?
You can always just export the public key only from the PEM and upload that.
You would need to submit a support ticket for us to investigate your cert as we would need to take a look at it.
I have followed the .Net self sign instructions with no issues. However others have had issues with PEM. Follow them to the letter, or like I said export the pub cert as text. that should work.

Unable to create Apple Developer certificate request using keychain access tool

I'm creating a new CSR (Certificate Signing Request) using the Keychain Access tool:
Certificate Assistant -> Request a certificate from a certificate authority...
In the certificate information I fill in my email address and name,
selecting the "Save to disk" option.
I save the CSR to the desktop
The wizard completes successfully, but no file is saved to disk!
I've done this before, but this time it just isn't working. I tried restarting the
Keychain tool, restarting the computer, no luck.
Any ideas?
You have an existing private key selected in the main window of Keychain Access. That is also why it says "Request a certificate from a certificate authority using {some id}" in the menu. Deselect the private key by selecting something else, and then it will work. Apple if you're reading this, you need an error message at the end of the sequence described above.
I had the same problem. I noticed (after reading the first answer above), that I had the Keys category selected. I then selected the Certificates category, ensured I did not have any of the available Certificates selected, and I started my request and this time it worked like a charm.
Had the same problem. Here's the solution (for me at least).
You can have only one developer certificate installed on one machine - delete your old certificate from the keychain and you will be able to create the new one normally.