How to create Certificate Request for CVC certificate as like X.509 (PKCS#10) in Java? - csr

How to create Certificate Request for CVC certificate as like X.509 (PKCS#10) in Java to send as a certificates signing request to EJBCA Certificate Authority?
Thanks in advance

You can use the cert-cvc library, also open source. This is part of EJBCA and comes with sample code. You can find more information and download at the site.


iOS Alamofire SSL Pinning with both certificate about to expire and a new certificate

My application implements SSLPining with leaf certificate. And it's about to expire.
I researched and got the answer:
Some time before the certificate expires, release a new version of your app with a replacement cert in the pin list, as well as the original cert
How can i add both replacement cert and original cert to my project?
I just need to add a new certificate with any name and Will Alamofire go through all the certificate files I declare and if any match will it allow the connection?
Yes, that will work. Alamofire's PinnedCertificatesTrustEvaluator gathers all certificates from the main bundle by default and checks to see whether the certificate received is within that set. So as long as both certificates are within that set, either of them should work.

Create X.509 key in java

I have followed the instruction for creating x509 cert, however, after uploading the cert, i get
Your x.509 certificate is invalid. Please upload a new certificate
Anyone seeing the same?
Can you please provide more details about your certificate:
1) Was it a valid X.509 certificate, base64 encoded ( PEM ) format with 1024 bytes key size ?
Also the link you posted is incorrect for the documentation. It is here :
Create X509 Certificate
2) Is the error occuring at the time of uploading CERT or at the time of registering ( clicking on the submit button ) ?
You can always just export the public key only from the PEM and upload that.
You would need to submit a support ticket for us to investigate your cert as we would need to take a look at it.
I have followed the .Net self sign instructions with no issues. However others have had issues with PEM. Follow them to the letter, or like I said export the pub cert as text. that should work.

Certificates confusion in MDM

I was able to develop a mdm solution.
I started facing problem when I moved my agent from Developer account's provisioning profile to Enterprise account's in-house distribution profile.
Now I am totally confused which certificate is used where?
Please guide me his is the certificate used in the below places:
Certificate in credentials section of enrollment profile (is it having BI as ? or can be any like ? or it's the one received by customer)
Certificate .pem file used to wake up device?
You need to use your iOS Enterprise developer account use the Agent account's credentials.
Follow this page and then verify few things as remove the passphrase from customerPrivateKey.pem using this command
openssl rsa -in customerPrivateKey.pem -out PlainKey.pem
Verify the .pem certificate downloaded from
You can install this .pem in you Mac's Keychain and then see the Get Info and the certificate should have, which you can use as push topic while generating enroll mobileconfig .
Then merge your APNS certificate (for example CustomerCompanyName.pem) downloaded from the portal using this command
cat CustomerCompanyName.pem PlainKey.pem > PlainCert.pem
Now the PlainCert.pem you can use as APNS/MDM certificate.
Please see this for Identity.p12 and respective password, which you have to use in Credential section.
1) it HAS to be however this does not come from the provisioning portal - all you can set up here is your vendor certificate. See here
2) the certificate is used to make the connection to the APNS service, but you should get this from the the Apple Push Certificates Portal

MDM - Over-the-Air Profile Delivery and Configuration

We are following the below article for over the air enrollment and profile delivery feature
We could able to complete steps in Phase 1 and Phase 2. Once the device acquires the certificate from SCEP server(as part of phase 2), it sends the response back to the MDM server. This response is signed by the new certificate.The response consists of signature, plist content and certificate in binary format. Ideally, we need to extract the public key from this certificate and use that to sign the configuration profile (.mobileconfig). However we have difficulty extracting the certificate from the response. Looks like the certificate is corrupted somehow. We tried different encodings. But it didn't help :(
Has anyone successfully extracted the certificate in Phase #3.
Really appreciate any help in this regard.
The response from the device is a DER-encoded SMIME string. You can use openssl smime to extract the public key.
if you are using C#, this can be accessed as part of the Pkcs library.
using System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs
//get the data as a byte[]
var signer = new SignedCms();
//signer.Certificates[0] contains the cert
To extract the certificates you can use openssl cli :
openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in requestFromDevice.p7s -inform DER
You can then easily parse the output using stdout.split('-----END CERTIFICATE-----') & stdout.split("\n") (in javascript).

Generating X.509 Certificates

I am new to Google API and I an trying to import a users Google contacts to my web-application. In between, there is an error which says :
Consumer does not have a cert:
It looks like I need something called a X.509 certificate for my server. Any ideas where to get it from?
Okkay....I figured it out myself. I used the cPanel to generate a .crt certificate. I just did it by trial and error and it works now.