unable to add Facebook SDK in iphone application - iphone

I am working on an iphone application where i am uploading video to youtube i have successfuly worked around that.
Now when i try to integarte the facebook in app it is creating a problem due to SBJason.h file in both the sdk. as both the sdk have SBJason file in their SDK kit.
So i need to have any workaround you can suggest.
Thankx in advance.

You have to remove one of the SDK's SBJson.
First see which is the updated one
If you see any updated one, keep it and remove the older one.
If Both are same, so you can remove any of them, it will not effect the project (hopefully)


how to upload video using Facebook sdk 7.3 in unity?

I've tried building apps with Xcode and it has been a struggle, i then discovered unity and an entire world opened up to me. and then i released 3 games this year on the iOS apple store made in unity.
now I'm trying to build a game and this games main feature is to upload and view videos. let me call it what it is making an app with unity. why? because i know how to use unity, this is my tool.
so i headed to Facebook and download the latest SDK for unity and boy did it take me time to figure how it works. after weeks of struggle i found out that the Facebook SDK can not upload video, well at least not yet (i hope i can ask them if they could make it that the Facebook unity SDK can do everything that all the other sdk's can do, like their iOS sdk and android sdk).
the way i found out was when i submitted a bug report and asked a Facebook team member and they told me that it is not supported. i then went to check the references of the Facebook iOS sdk and compared it to the reference of the Facebook unity SDK and to my wonder the calls are not there.
so my question is how can i use Facebook sdk in unity the way that i want it to?
is there a method of using the Facebook iOS SDK in unity and not the Facebook unity SDK?
At the end of the day i would really like to push the app out on android as well hence why i added the android tag. so I'm sure if i can achieve it with either platform i can just do it for the other one as well.
please if anyone can share assistance it would be appreciated, I'm extremely serious to get this project completed i can't wait to share my idea with the world.
seems like I've confused myself. apparently one can do exactly what i want to do. The Facebook team member responded to my question I've included his exact reply for your convenience.

Facebook API not working perfectly for IOS5

I ve Downloaded Facebook API fro IOS 5....But its showing some errors regrading the memory release...Since apple has introduced autorelease in IOS 5....
I referred this and tried blocking ARC for certain files ,bt it doesn't work for me...
Is there any other methods to stop ARC in IOS 5?
How to overcome this?
Any one plz provide me the link for downloading the Facebook API for IOS 5...
If you use official SDK, you should compile it as a static library, not with your code, and then link your app with that library. You could see how it is done in SDK examples, and also here is some information about building process. Hope it will help.
Here is the link with working Source Code:
Download complete source code from "Source Code/Downloads"

Trouble integrating Facebook into iPhone app

I've been following this guide on integrating Facebook into my app. Everything is going well except for when I add in the Facebook SDK to my project.
I have added in all the code to enable SSO, however when I build and run my project I get loads of errors caused by the Facebook SDK:
I think it may be due to the sdk being out of date but I got it from the git page so I would have thought it should be compatible with iOS 5.
Maybe I need to carry out some extra steps when adding it into my project? All I did was literally drag and drop the src folder in (not the .pch and .xcodeproj files).
Please can someone help me out - I've tried searching for help online but couldn't find anything of use.
The SDK is outdated for the ARC yes. You have to turn off ARC for the SDK, check this answer out: How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?
go to project navigator->Build Settings
set Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting to NO.

Phonegap app not opening camera

I have an app that I hired a company to build using Phonegap. The company is no longer able to support me with launching the app onto iTunes.
I have loaded the app and can compile it in Xcode. However the camera function is not working. I have tested the app before from a file they sent me and the camera function worked.
Is there special settings that you have to set in xcode 4 besides what is typical in order to use the camera?
You may be compiling for a different SDK. Make sure you are using the same one as before.
It shouldn't matter about the SDK you are working with.. the whole point of phonegap is to expose the native API's to javascript. So it's not the SDK, its the javascript. I am actually working on this now.. I will get back to you with my findings.

facebook integration problem in iPhone app

i want to implement facebook in my iphone game .. i want when game is over there is a facebook connect button .. using which a player can share his score on his wall in facebook .. i have follow the way which is describe in this video { http://vimeo.com/3616452
but i am getting session not declare error ..
so please help out
This video is rather old. They use old facebook-iphone-sdk that is still working but Facebook recommend using new iOS SDK https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk
It's a lot easier now. You can find sample project there and adopt it to you app.
I think you getting "session not declare" error because you didn't include facebook sdk header files in your project or Xcode couldn't find it if you SDK placed in another directory.
If you show us some code and better describe your problem it will be much easier to help you.