Required plug-in 'org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime' could not be found - eclipse

I'm working with Eclipse Indigo and need to use Junit PDE to test my plugin functionality. I installed Junit, and these two plugins:
But when I tried to run my test case (Run->Run Configurations->JUnit Plug-in Test) I keep obstaining the following error: Required plug-in 'org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime' could not be found.
If someone could telle what else do I need, or what I'm doing wrong I'll be grateful.

You can check if you have the org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime installed by going to Help->About Eclipse, Installation Details, then finding the plugin in the Plug-ins tab (column Plug-In Id). If it's not there, you can install it from the Eclipse update site. If it is there, then you have a correupted installation, and it's probably a good idea to restart from scratch with a new installation of the Indigo PDE.

Does it look a bit like Right target platform for running JUnit plugin tests in Eclipse Indigo?
Could you share your .launch-config with us? Does "Validate before launch" give any error? Did you setup the correct JUnit-dependencies in the build-path? As far as I know, junit.runtime refers to JUnit 3.
What surprises me a bit is that you had to install JUnit---if you're using the standard Eclipse JDT, JUnit is included. What did you do exactly?


STS 3.6.4 Gradle tooling not available?

I've just downloaded Spring Tool Suite 3.6.4 (201503100339, Eclipse Luna SR1 (4.4.2)) on Windows 8. I'm attempting to import an existing Gradle project, but this option is not available within the import menu.
Playing a hunch that Gradle support may have been removed, I sought to install it from the Eclipse Marketplace. But when I found "Gradle Integration for Eclipse (4.4) 3.6.4.RELEASE" the only option available was "uninstall", implying that it was already installed.
Is there something I need to do to "Activate" the Gradle tooling?
The Gradle tooling is not installed by default if you download an STS distribution. You should be able to install it from the Eclipse marketplace or the dashboard.
If you are not sure whether this is installed or not, you can check that in the about dialog. There is an option to inspect the installation details.
#Martin - I repeated my last steps, and this time "Gradle Support" installed without incident. I have no clue what is different now, but the error about "connector not available" went away. I now have Gradle support. Thanks for your help! - k
I checked the issue with the Marketplace again and it looks like a limitation of the Eclipse Marketplace client at the moment.
More details:
The Gradle IDE contains three features that should be installed. One of these features is the dashboard - which comes with STS by default. It looks like the marketplace client checks the already installed features and whenever it finds one of the features of the item to be installed in the existing installation, it enables the "uninstall" button. This seems to be the reason why the Gradle IDE entry from the Marketplace is listed as "uninstall".
I filed a bug for this against the Eclipse Marketplace. Lets see that happens. As a workaround, you should be able to install the Gradle tooling from the dashboard or the STS update site directly.

How to use spring tool suite plugin in existing Eclipse Kepler

I've downloaded the '' from STS website. After extracting I could see 'sts-3.2.0.RELEASE' folder. I want to use this plugin in my existing Eclipse Kepler. After putting it in Eclispe Kepler's dropins/plugins folder I could not see the STS anywhere in Eclispe. Let me know what to do for this.
There are two ways to get the Spring Tool Suite running on your machine. The first one is to download the full distribution for your platform, extract it, and run it as it is. It comes as a ready to use distribution that already includes Eclipse and a lot of additional plugins installed. That seems to be the bit that you downloaded. Although I would recommend to use the latest version (STS 3.6.1 on Eclipse 4.4) in that case.
The second way is to install the STS components into an existing Eclipse installation. You can do that by using the Eclipse Marketplace menu in your existing Eclipse installation. Browse for the matching STS version in there (the one that matches your Eclipse version) and install it from there.
Please keep in mind that installing the STS components into an existing Eclipse installation doesn't automatically gives you all the third-party plugins that we bundle with the STS distribution, like the latest Maven integration for Eclipse, the m2e-wtp add-on, the AJDT m2e connector, etc. In case you would like to use them, you would have to install them yourself - or use the STS distribution itself.
I would not recommend to manually install plugins into directories yourself. It usually causes trouble.
Here I would like to add some points in Martin answer that after installing STS how can you begin with it in eclipse. For that click on Window -->Perspective --> Open Perspective -->Other
Now you will find option of Spring in the list. Select it.
Finally you can use STS in your eclipse to make a spring project.

CDT installation in Eclipse

I have installed (link) to my Eclipse by extracting it to the Eclipse installation dir. I'm using Eclipse 3.5 in Windows 7 x86 machine. But the plugin doesn't show up when I start Eclipse (I can't create a new cpp project). Yet cdt shows up in Help > About Eclipse SDK > About Eclipse SDK Features. What am I missing here?
To install plug-ins into Eclipse you should always prefer using the user interface through Help > Install new software menu.
Anyway if you really want to install plug-ins manually into your Eclipse installation, you have to place them into the dropins folder.
BUT this way you will have to resolve plug-in dependencies by yourself. If all dependencies are not satifsied, the concerned plug-ins will fail to start silently. This is why you should REALLY prefer to use the standard plug-in installation method to avoid any problem.

Problem installing Maven plugin (m2eclipse) in Eclipse (Galileo)

I have Eclipse Galileo (for Java EE Developers) installed, and I'm now trying to get the m2eclipse Maven plugin installed as well.
I follow the basic steps described at, and it seems to be installing just fine. However, after restarting Eclipse after the install it doesn't seem to be anywhere. I should for instance have the ability to create a new maven project, but when the new-project wizard opens, there is no folder for Maven (I also cannot find any reference to it in the context menus of the existing projects I have).
When I click at Help > About Eclipse > Installation Details, I find "Maven Integration for Eclipse (Required)" in the tab "Installed Software", yet another thing pointing towards a successful installation (but I can't find it under the "Plug-ins" tab, should it be there too?)...
I feel like I'm just missing something very obvious, but right now I just don't see it...
I managed to find the answer to this myself:
I had put the Eclipse installation folder under c:\Program Files\, but when I moved it directly under c:\ instead, the plug-in installation worked just as it should. I assume that is because Eclipse wasn't allowed to write to its own installation folder (but I didn't get the usual question from Windows that something was trying to access Program Files either...).
In one way I feel like I should be a bit ashamed that I didn't think of this before. On the other hand though, there could have been some reasonable error message stating that something failed during the plug-in installation...
Well, I hope this at least helps somebody else as well :)
Did you check the m2eclipse installation requirements?
In particular, you need WTP.
"Maven integration for Eclipse" (core feature) and optional "Maven POM Editor" feature depend on the "Eclipse XML Editors and Tools" feature from WST
"Maven integration for WTP" feature provides Maven project configuration for WTP
Did you have a previous version of m2eclipse installed? Did you uninstall it before to install the latest version? Just in case, does the following note applies to you?
Note about 0.9.8 Workspace Incompatibility: If you are using
m2eclipse 0.10.0 with a workspace that
contains projects created under
m2eclipse 0.9.8, you must remove the
workspaceState.ser file. The
workspaceState.ser file is located
within the workspace directory in
If you remove this file, m2eclipse
0.10.0 will regenerate it as needed.
In my case, uninstalling the previous m2eclipse version didn't work and I had to start with a fresh Eclipse install (maybe try this also).
Regarding the plugin tab, this is what I have (to confirm that you should definitely find something):
alt text
Note that I also installed some extras from m2eclipse Extras Update Site:
I was able to solve this problem by going into Program Files, right click on the eclipse.exe file and select "Run as administrator". When I restarted Eclipse it said I had no plugins installs so I reinstalled and my problems were solved.
I had this same problem and I used the following software site:
["M2Eclipse -] (without square brackets) to download the M2Eclipse plugin in Eclipse 3.7.0 (Indigo). For more information refer this.
To solve the problem of 'not getting Maven plugin running in eclipse' , it can be solved by altering admin rights to the .m2 folder . Right click on .m2 folder and go to network sharing. give all rights to all users. Restart eclipse and maven options will start to appear in Eclipse.

Installing eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) - update site does not work?

I'm trying to install the WTP (web platform tools) to my Eclipse installation so I can get the XSL transformations working. The base Eclipse they installed for me here was the plain Java IDE (the splash screen says "Ganymede" if that means anything). Looking at this site, the URL to get the download should be here: ...But when I give that URL to the Eclipse update manager, I get an error telling me: "No repository found at"
Anyone else had this problem? Anyone know what might be up? Anyone know how to get the xsl-transform plugin installed?
I should have mentioned before that I want to find a way to do this without installing any new instances of Eclipse. This process will eventually be sent to several other developers who already have Eclipse (same version that I'm testing with) and I'd rather just do an in-place upgrade rather than have everyone go and install a new product.
I found another plugin, Xcarecrows 4 XML which can also do XSL transforms. The interface is ugly and seems more than a little quirky, but it's also a small download, and at least it runs and transforms. Unless I can find an easy way to get WTP working, I'll probably just stick with this.
You can try and install WTP through the main Ganymede update site:
Or you can download the latest Java EE bundle and use that instead of your current Eclipse
(do NOT unpack it on top of your current Eclipse, but unpack it elsewhere, to test that second installation: it will come with WTP inside)
Note: check then "How do I start Eclipse" to point to your existing workspace in order to see all your previous project in your new Eclipse installation.
As mentioned in your link, XSL Tools is now part of WTP (for Eclipse 3.5 Galileo), and that may explain why your Eclipse Ganymede (3.4) might not interpret correctly the P2 update site for WTP (P2 being the new Eclipse provisioning mechanism introduced late in the 3.4 release cycle)
For Eclipse 3.5, you have an XSL Tools installation illustrated here:
But Eclipse3.4 is more likely to be compatible with XSLT0.5 and you will need a separate installation, because "XSL Tools" wasn't yet part of WTP.
I am not sure, however, where to find such an installation package within the Eclipse projects.
Use the following update site :
For Juno :
For Indigo :
I'm assuming you don't have any firewall exceptions for Eclipse right?
The site for the WTP update is indeed the one you've listed. Maybe post a screenshot? You've added it specifically to your remote update site list?
Either way try a manual update which should be more reliable and get you up and running for now.
All-In-One Update (Eclipse IDE included):
Go to the Eclipse Download site.
Grab the all-in-one package: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Install, have a coffee and enjoy. (WTP is included)
Manual Update your existing installation of Eclipse:
Download the applicable WTP source package to your desktop
Shutdown Eclipse
Extract the package to your Eclipse installation directory
Startup Eclipse. (WTP is now available)
Follow the steps in the FAQ at .
Are you behind a proxy? If so, you need to make sure you configure your proxy settings in Eclipse.
Window > Preferences
General > Network Connections
Ok, I can probably get it working if I do a clean install of Eclipse. I can do that on my machine, but not the other team members' machines (at least not without going through many emails and paper work) so I'm going to say that XCarecrows 4 XML is the solution. It is able to do XSL transformations in Eclipse 3.4 and doesn't require anything else to be installed. Since XSLT is all I need, the plugin will do.
you can use the marketplace:
like the site says:
Drag to Install!Drag to your running Eclipse Workspace.